This is 11 years later but testing this mod with Eastside Whiterun and JKs Whiterun Outskirts, with only this mod and its ESP not the OG. It's working very well for me. I run a lot of mods as well.
Compatible with Cutting Room Floor? Or is it incompatible like the original?
I am 99% sure it's this mod that adds a warehouse outside whiterun, with guards, but the guards are invisible (only helmet gloves and feet are visible). Anyone know how to fix this? All whiterun guards etc vanilla guards are fine. It's just the warehouse guards that are screwed up.
I don't get any CTD, WROM works fine. Any point adding the patch?
Big kudos to Varakz for helping to edit and clean the mod!!
(this will be back up for download as soon as I include the facegen data in the edit as NPCs had neck seams)"
Not sure if this is done yet. -
Excellent mod. Thanks for this patch Varakz.
Is this mod compatible with REGS-Cities or has it been merged within ?
Is it possible to make a version with only the market area ?
I'd like to remove the tavern in the exterior because it makes conflict with another mod (REGS-Cities from STEP pack).
Or what are the steps in order to remove this. Thanks -
Thanks for the patch! Hopefully this fixes the CTDs I seem to get around the area when I normally run at about 50 fps everywhere else. Using Realvision enb and a bunch of other mods.
I tried this mod and the first time around and it did exactly the opposite of what it was supposed to do. Then i realized that this was because I loaded a save that was right next to the outskirt market. But when I reloaded a different save from another location I found a new bug where I could talk to all the shopkeepers but couldn't buy anything from them. The mod was working just fine before the patch (except for one CTD when i first loaded Outskirts Market a while back, which is why i installed this mod just in case)
I really like this mod. Especially the new inn. Unfortunately, it just caused to much lag on my system whenever I was looking toward the vendor area near the gates (the inn didn't seem to cause any issues.) It seemed like the game was having trouble rendering something in that area. As soon as I would get past it to the Whiterun gate, it was fine. Turn around, serious lag. Never CtD, but hung once when a random battle occurred nearby. I'm putting this on my watchlist. Hopefully somebody will have time to rebuild it from the ground up.
Alternatively, it would be a great addition to Expanded Towns and Cities.