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MadNuttah and Virakotxa

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  1. macmam69
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    this mod shood come to remastered with a few additions like cigarettes rolling.
    And maybe a buff like less stamina and more warm (using with frostfall).
    1. CameronM123
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Then you should get on making that lol
  2. adammo1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So does simply using the NMM to download and install the mods not work? I downloaded the behavior file for FNIS and installed using NMM, then downloaded and installed this mod with NMM, and the plugin load order was correct (FNIS before Pipe Smoking). Is there a step that I'm missing that NMM doesn't take care of? Because when I try to use the pipe my character just freezes in place, and when I try to use the spell, the only thing that happens is a puff of smoke briefly appears in front of my follower's face. Any help would be appreciated
  3. magie183
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can we change the time of the animation? If yes, how?
  4. Ink2546
    • member
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    so dragonborn is now a drug lord?
    • member
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    Will this mod be ported to the special edition?
    1. shaggoth
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      only by one of it's fan, i guess.. there's some tutorials for converting animations.. and afair, scripts will work as they are
  6. luvadea
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Guys if anyone knows how to replace the 30 sec animation with an infinite one in CK so it runs until the player moves??Would love that.
  7. anon7431
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason, the Bone longpipe and the wooden one worth 50g don't work.
  8. sophiextime
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Hey all.

    Ok wanted to add something important to this MOD so that anyone interested can see that it works well and its a fun immersive mod.

    I installed this moments ago, ran my FNIS which is the uptodate version ( 1.63).

    I say the pipesmoking anims listed as the FNIS was generating so all good.

    Game loaded and i chopped some firewood, took it to the blacksmiths and made a longpipe.

    then i used got some Elves Ear ( Now this is important but bit of a cheat. i used the following console command to get as much Elves ear as i wanted. just type :

    " player.additem 00034D31 #" Thats everything inbetween but not including the speechmarks ( "). Also where i show a # you need to put a value of how many Elves ears you want...example of my complete command line : "player.additem 00034D31 40" The 40 being 40 of them.

    Then i just went to the longpipe in my inventory ( in miscellaneous) and then cliekd the pipe. that then sent it to my Potions menu and in there its called Filled Longpipe. Then just click that again and your player will automatically sit on the floor and smoke the pipe!

    If you do want to cam around yourself, just press the numpad 3 on your keyboard and then use the arrow keys to pan around. But i would suggest pressing the 3 again before the anim finishes so your back in the follow camera again.

    Please please endorse Madnuttahs mod as it is cool.

    One request i would like to as for if Madnuttah is still live in Nexus, could a small satchel be also made for this mod to hold the Elves ear? i did love the satchel in the cannabis version and it would be awesome to have one for this version too that i can put on my belt.

    Also if your not still doing anything on this mod, can anyone else have permission to develop it?
  9. MagicAccent
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Unfortunately, this does not appear work with the latest FNIS..
  10. Ruhadre
    • premium
    • 313 kudos
    I love the work that went into the Cannabis Skyrim mod. That took alot of effort, and it was work well done. I became interested in this mod as a means to increase immersion and be lore-friendly.

    While I appreciate the control over the animations that you get with this mod, I just wish there were idle markers for this animation in taverns. Nothing too crazy, just one or two idle markers per tavern would be enough. Only possible mod that could conflict with that is the "more tavern idles" mod, so placing the markers with that mod in mind would greatly compliment the overall tavern experience. If there is no interest in doing so, would you give permission to another modder to do it?