How can I uninstall this? I thought it'd be a good idea, but I can't install some other mods I'd prefer(Darky Mehrunes Razor) because this one is too stubborn to leave, even after deleting the mehrunesrazor folder.
EDIT: I'm an idiot, I still had it in meshes. -
lol, i agree with reitema, it's just looks like a Deadric dagger.. not like you'r going to have some bad-ass 20 ton dagger, the size of alduin him self...
(incase of the "smart" guys.... you can choose wheter it's a dagger or not in the editor, so it can look like a a huge axe, but it's still a dagger.. ) -
Althrough I would generally agree with you, the author's note seems straightforward enough.
It's looks like a daedric dagger heh, nothing new there... -
no pics, no clicks....
You should add screenshots.