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Extended Fantasy Preset for RealVision ENB
This is my personal fantasy preset based on excellent RealVision option B by SkyrimTuner Preset will be soon available on Nexus Mods.
Skyrim Realvision for crossfire Max graphics 4k textures
This here is realvision maxed out with AMD crossfire enabled. With this configuration I was able to achieve 99% realvision visuals but while running crossfire and achieving 70+ fps at all times. Operating system Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro GIGABYTE G1.Sniper 3 LGA 1155 Intel Z77 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s ATX Motherboard Auc ZH Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 4.9GHz (architecture: x64; 3901) Sapphire Radeon Vapor-X HD 7970 GHZ OC 6GB Sapphire Radeon Vapor-X HD 7970 GHZ OC 6GB (Both in lethal boost) 16gb G.Skills Sniper Ram (4x4) Corsair Gold class 1350 watt power supply Corsair Force Series GT CSSD-F240GBGT-BK 2.5" 240GB SATA III Internal Solid Corsair Force Series GT CSSD-F240GBGT-BK 2.5" 240GB SATA III Internal Solid (Both in raid 0)
Skyrim HD modded plus RealVision ENB Gameplay
Table of Contents: 0:00:00 Intro 0:01:40 Kynesgrove - Alduin & Sahloknir 0:12:08 Ivarstead and 7000 steps 0:15:01 Goat Hunting and Troll Encounter 0:19:35 High Hrothgar 0:26:47 Whiterun (sooo pweeety!) 0:30:56 Dragonsreach 0:36:44 Dungeon: Geirmund's Hall 0:47:32 Sigdis Gauldurson : aka longest Boss fight ever (eating shouts like a baws). 0:53:46 Super extra secret loot place! 0:58:49 Dragonborn Wives? - Not a good idea. Mod List: Not Enough space to fit all here! Go to As usual youtube compression doesn't quite manage to capture the improvement in texture detail and lighting, nothing I can do since video quality is capped at a measly 8mbps PC Specs : CPU : Intel i7 4820k @ 4.4ghz RAM : 16GB QuadChannel Mushkin CL9 @ 2.4ghz MBoard : Gigabyte x79 SSD : Samsung 840pro 250GB GPU : Gigabyte Gtx 970 G1 Gaming PSU: EVGA Supernova 1000w
Beautiful Skyrim II
Beautiful Skyrim - Environmental
A collection of beautiful skyrim nature.
Seasons of Skyrim Summer vs Winter with RealVision ENB
Hello guys, I just made a video comparing the summer and winter version of SoSP. I used the RealVision ENB with this mod, as well as a few other texture mods, and I got to say, it looks freckin amazing. Leave a sub and enjoy :)
RealVision timelapse
Full LubaSkywings with Realvision enb graphics
This is a FULL demo of the Wings from the Skyrim Luba Skywings mod on the Nexus with RealVision Enb graphics. These are just some simple recordings of my character in active environments with the different wing sets. I kind of developed my character over time as I was doing some of these recordings so you will se some differences. I hope you all enjoy. All mods in this video are from the Nexus Luba Skywings mod Almost all of my environmental graphic mods come from this set up. Armors (in order) First two wing sets Vampire Dark Knight Armor 3rd wing set is with the actual Luba Outfit. It unfortunately caused some sort of graphical displacement with the unp skin I was using but I wanted to show the outfit so, it is the one from the Night Dragonfly set. The displacements are noticeable in the video. The rest of the armors all come from one of these two mods. Music First song is called Hydra Second is Eureka Both are from the Youtube audio library
RealVision ENB Performance version
This is a video I made using the performance version of RealVision ENB. This is what I use for gameplay so that I can get the improved shadows and sunrays that ENB offers. I'm not using the default saturation of 1.0 however, I have it set to 0.8 instead. It's just a personal preference :) I get 60 fps with this preset most of the time, I only get a fps drop in some cities but that happens even when I'm not using ENB.
Skyrim RealVision ENB graphics with Luba SkyWings Monarch wings
This is a little test video I have uploaded to show the Luba SkyWings Monarch piece. I also have my character in the Vampire Dark Knight Armor. It also display the Skyrim flora overhaul (alpha edition) with lush grass. UNP character body. All done with the realvision enb setup. All mods are from the Nexus. Most of my set up comes from this Video was recorded in full uncompressed AVI but had to compress for youtube which turned a 26 hour upload into a 7 minute upload. Quality is still decent. Like I said though this is just a little test video. If people like it I will do a full video and covor the entire LubaSkywings mod.
Alduin Dragon Combat Overhaul Master difficulty kill
Killing Alduin on Master difficulty in Skyrim
4K Fights Priestess Vs Dragon
My priestess Diana and Lydia fight a dragon on some snowy peak somewhere in Skyrim. It was made as a stress test for both Realvision ENB and Bandicam.
Skyrim Watch Realistic Boat Bobbing
Finally boat bobbing with no clipping. Realistic Boat Bobbing