Just thought of a better prize than the already planned one of recieving 2 cabbages in a bucket. The first person to find the hidden one gets to pick where to hide the next.
Okay... Cabbage in a Pot was hilarious and funny but this is just sad. It's like a second comedian getting on stage and trying to tell the same exact joke the comedian before him did.
Augh you dont like my response to haters hating simple mods so become a haters yourself. Good Job!! Lucky you I have a sense of humor unlike moderators and the 0 tolerance policy for mod comment sections.
I...I don't know man. I think you went too far this time.
I mean, one cabbage is okay, I have no problem with that. A lot of my friends are cabbages, I have absolutely no problem with them. Cabbages are people, just like us.
But TWO cabbages, living togheter, like any other vegetable, I can't accept that. It's this kind of promiscuity that led modern society to the point where we are now. Nothing is sacred anymore, there are no moral values.
Just think if there was bees in there!! It's sinful enough that they are living in together without being married, but if there were *bees* they would be having sex too! OH THE HORROR!!
Because it would become the most downloaded thing on Nexus and then break the site from all the traffic. This is why there is a secret tracker only admins can see for mods involving 'cheese' or 'kettles'
Should someone take this to the mod request forum, or is anyone here able to make it happen? I'm willing to provide screnshots, playtesting, and ample financial backing. I will also prepare multiple skillets of cheesy bacon for reference photography, if needed.
"Should someone take this to the mod request forum, or is anyone here able to make it happen? I'm willing to provide screnshots, playtesting, and ample financial backing."
I'm no good at modding but I will accept your ample financial backing.
But for an easier challenge in Fallout 3 if you have it try: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20543/?
For Skyrim there is always this mod from my good friend: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16831/?
Stop it. -_-
I think you went too far this time.
I mean, one cabbage is okay, I have no problem with that. A lot of my friends are cabbages, I have absolutely no problem with them. Cabbages are people, just like us.
But TWO cabbages, living togheter, like any other vegetable, I can't accept that. It's this kind of promiscuity that led modern society to the point where we are now. Nothing is sacred anymore, there are no moral values.
I hope God forgive you for your sins.
Think about it.
Cant believe none got the reference :<
Should someone take this to the mod request forum, or is anyone here able to make it happen? I'm willing to provide screnshots, playtesting, and ample financial backing. I will also prepare multiple skillets of cheesy bacon for reference photography, if needed.
I'm no good at modding but I will accept your ample financial backing.