LockedStickyFor those having the "Headless/Faceless" issue while wearing the masks with the Archmage Robes, I would like to confirm that it is not an issue with my mod but a bug in the Archmage robes' mesh. You will still get the same problem even if you use vanilla Dragon Priest Masks.
The solution is to use this hoodless fix for the Archmage Robes by ReaverOfSouls. -
An all-in-one complete NMM package installer for both version 2.0 Texture Replacers and version 2.1 Stand-alone Edition is now released. This features an easy-to-use interface for customization including all optional mask variants and a choice for unique or vanilla hoods. (Credit goes to EbrithilUmaroth for the installer script)
Version 2.1 Stand-Alone Edition is now released (Thanks to MaidenUSA). In this edition, the Unique Dragon Priest Masks are now craftable in the blacksmith forge under the "Misc" section. The crafted masks are enchantable as well. They are also compatible with the replacer version of the Unique Dragon Priest Masks (version 2.0).
Version 2.0 is now out now featuring individually unique hoods and enhanced normal maps for a better 3D look!
See more screenshots in the Images section
Special thanks to those who gave ideas and constructive comments for the improvement of this project.
Don't forget to endorse. Enjoy!
I created this mod mainly for the bad-ass looks and not much for lore - I want my masks to have another flavor other than VANILLA. I want them to look evil as Dragon Priests are supposed to be on the top of the food-chain in Skyrim. The design was intended to completely divert away from the vanilla style. Each would be totally unique - I avoided using the same pattern or recycling the same look with just different colors (unlike other existing Dragon Priest Masks mods). I also diversified the styles by using different materials from organic flesh to bone, fur, metal, implants, etc. - applied in a non-symmetrical way (with flaws and imperfections) to further enhance their individuality and uniqueness.
For those who want to manually use and select their preferred mask only, here is the list of the dds texture files corresponding to each mask. You can choose to delete the ones that you don't like, or the ones that you deem "not-so-lore-friendly" while keeping the others. Or you can simply avoid extracting them from the archive in the first place.
helmet_bronze.dds - Krosis
helmet_corundrum.dds - Volsung
helmet_ebony.dds - Nahkriin
helmet_greenstone.dds - Rahgot
helmet_iron.dds - Hevnoraak
helmet_marble.dds - Otar
helmet_moonstone.dds - Mororkei
helmet_steel.dds - Vokun
helmet_wood.dds - Wooden Mask
If you want to apply some "lore" on these masks to make them more "fit" to the personality of the Dragon Priest, you may interchange the mask textures by simply renaming the files appropriately (except Konahrik).
UPDATE PLANS for future versions:
- Normal map enhancement *DONE in version 2.0
- Unique Hoods for each mask *DONE in version 2.0
- Stand-alone version (non-replacer) *DONE in version 2.1
- Dragonborn DLC masks retexture
- Possible re-texure of some of the masks
- Possible hoodless version-
he he in the top ! congrats ! ^^
The unique hoods sound nice. Can't wait to see what you come up with next for this mod. Also, you should try making some mod armor and weapons when you have finished with this mod project. I believe if the textures for those mods are as good, if not, better as this mod, the armor and weapon mods you make will go a LONG way.
Also, big congrats on making it to the hot files. This mod deserves it 100% and is the best dragon priest mask mod on the Nexus.
Thank you for this truly magical mod.
I normally only use lore friendly mods but these look f*#@ing amazing. Seriously very good job
i know this has been asked a 1000 times over
but do you have plan for dragon priest masks from dragonborn DLC? -
@droolingsky Pro tip: you may want to actually read the sticky before just commenting. Reading descriptions is helpful too, by the way.
Awesome work man!
I like your masks very much. I appreciate your work. Thank you.
will you make an update for the dragonborn dlc masks?
So say i want to use the wooden mask texture on krosis how would i do it because when i try to rename helmet_bronze.dds to helmet_wood.dds it say helmet_wood.dds already exists
make a backup of the helmet_wood.dds and helmet_bronze.dds , copy it in your desktop (for exempl) , delete the helmet_wood.dds of the skyrim folder and rename the helmet_bronze.dds (make an copy for keep the helmet_bronze always textured, name it helmet_bronze01.dds, then after your change, rename it helmet_bronze.dds) into helmet_wood.dds and voila ^^ (you can make same for replace any other mask except konahrik)
if you have problem you always can reinstall the backup files ^^ -
Insane, man. Love it, keep it up! -
Hell Yeah! -
Wow, good job on these. I'm gonna re-install Skyrim just to play with these, that's how good they look.
I think he is saying that this mod is bringing him back to skyrim..
Great work! Can't wait for the Stand-Alone Version.
Wow, only problem with this will be to find robes good enough to match the awesomeness of these O.o
nicely done, though they clip when wearing a hood, hat or cowl and what about the DLC masks?
Now Krosis really looks cool!
I dounloaded it manually and installed, but aparently theres no ESP files incluided at the download...
Looking forward to your Dragonborn DLC masks
Holy hell. I was runnin through lookin for the Cloaks of Tamriel mod when I stumbled across this. Oh god. Just...holy tits is this frikkin amazing. Its like something out of a survival horror game. It's like Hellraiser made a death metal band. It gives me the good kind of nightmare fuel.
Can't wait for them Dragonborn masks. These things are works of art. I don't even have ENB and whenever I wear them I feel the overwhelming urge to start taking screen shots. I don't know why people are complaining about them not being Lore friendly. There's nothing being changed but the appearance and appearance really matches the back story. Otar the Mad? Your idea for him was perfect. Hevnoraak? (I just found him), he wanted to be a Lich and his mask perfectly suits that. Vokun didn't have much of a story to him but his mask still looks tight. Good work I say. Can't wait to collect Krosis' mask tonight.
The Standalone version didn't work for me, not in the NMM package, nor in the manual version of the Standalone.
It just won't show up in the misc section of smithing. In the misc I also have :
- A few armors from "TERA Armor Collection - CBBE - standalone - TERA Armors CBBE" by frigus
- The "Dread Hunter and Huntress Armor - Dawnguard Edition" by Echo 1162
Otherwise I'm also using Immersive Armor and some other smaller mods, but they aren't in the Misc section.
Quite sad, this ain't working ! The replacement version will have to do :'( !
Thanks anyway
same problem here!
Same here
Thanks for telling how to make certain masks look like vanilla! I like all of the masks except Nahkriin,and now I can have the best of both worlds! Thanks!
Can u make a hoodless 1
Can you please help me how do i fix the bald problem?
your mask messes with the textures of mask of corvo
thanks to the morokei mask i can't stop thinking about a enclave mage running around the map
Can someone please port this to xbox?
I want this on ps4!!!!
Not gonna lie some of these masks remind me of owls, while others are stright up badass and/or creepy as hell! I'm still waiting for a barbed tongue to come lashing out at me from the Krosis v 2.0 mask. As a fan of Resident Evil myself, nicely done!
skyrim SE port pleeeasseeee
I stumbled across this this week; well done - very well done! This is now in my must-have-to-play list -Thank You! :)
The hoods look great on my character, however they appear as strangely on my followers. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
Can we have retextures for miraak and the other dragonborn dlc masks? thx (these look awesome btw)
This mod needs a Special Edition port.
They look like friccin JoJo stands lmao.