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  1. Mechwarrior94
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    2013 the last version, looks like this mod is dead. I thought about this very same thing yesterday and written it down as idea. When I saw this mod just now, I right away thought it would be stupid to do the same thing again. But I noticed differences in your mod and my general idea I downloaded your mod to see how you did things, perhaps it gives some ideas of how I could do things for my own mod or where things could perhaps improve a little.
  2. MisterBarca
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Does this still work?
  3. LocusOFocus
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Invaluable mod that helps with obtaining metal for the Hearthfire homes and speed training smithing. I use it on all my characters. Thanks for a great mod.

    I have been thinking this mod would have a great utility in the Dwemer cities if someone can place a smelter in them to assist in carrying back all the heavy scrap metal pieces.
  4. Zerozil
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Loving this mod.. I'm trying to get Advanced smithing, so I'm quickly leveling my smithing only at the cost of leather strips. And I have a crossbow, getting leather isn't a problem for me.
  5. WilmRoget
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Just a question - what is to stop someone from crafting something, then rendering back in to raw material, and then crafting it again, over and over?

    See, I suspect that is why the vanilla game doesn't have a recycle function - to prevent players from spamming the forging skill.

    Not complaining about your mod, by the way, just pondering why the vanilla game didn't have what seems like a very obvious option.
    1. darkizzle
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      These games are generally missing a whole lot of "very obvious options"...which is why we have mods to fix them.

      Granted, I think it would be better (and more realistic) to end up with less materials than what would have been required to craft the weapons. Like get back 1 ingot when we would have needed 2.
    2. elite403
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      An alternative idea is that if it takes 2 ingots 1 leather 2 leather strips to make this item, upon breaking down, there's ONLY A CHANCE (50%, 30% etc) of getting back just ONE type of the 3 types materials required to make it.

      Or if it only needed ingots, for example, the 50% or 30% chance is only to get back HALF of what you used.

      Or can be a combination - a chance to get back half of the materials.

      That way, you can still "spam" the smithing skill but you will still "use up" materials.
    3. Valridagan
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      There are already two mods that do that, and they've both been out for about a year, maybe more. JK Crafting Breakdown is one; I use it and I like it a lot.
    4. Mistle24
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      indeed losing items in the revert process would be a great idea to keep people from abusing the mod and crafting more then it can be now and being uber right off the bat.
    5. 3PSQWERTY
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      nothing, clearly you didn't read the FAQ or the intro text where I talked about why I haven't nerfed this system. I suggest you read the FAQ, then we can talk.
    6. mutt82
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Nice useful mod, thx. Not going to comment on the spamming issue. In the end that's the PLAYERS choice, and NOT the responsibility of the modder. So again, well done, and keep it up. (By the way, it seems that Dwarven Daggers & Ebony Greatswords aren't on the smelt list)
    7. 3PSQWERTY
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      ... If you were to have read the article I wrote, you would know that I have addressed this issue and asked people not to do precisely this. I don't mean to sound rube but you are the 50th or so person to do this. It gets old fast.
  6. moonbeam87
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Seeing armors in there would be nice. Leather armor could be made into leather strips in my opinion but not full leather, it just wouldn't maintain it's integrity.
  7. Tomzo711
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    You could add Daedric weapons. Just have the player be given ebony ingots. Since the making of daedric requires ebony and the heart/soul of a daedra, it could be said that smelting the daedric metal releases the daedra's soul and reverts the metal back to ebony.

    Also are you planning on adding armors?
  8. Valridagan
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    There are already at least two mods that do exactly this, and they've both been out for about a year, maybe more. And they do it better. JK Crafting Breakdown is one; I use it and I like it a lot.
    1. Mistle24
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      perhaps instead of being rude you could maybe give the mod author ideas on how they could improve there Mod?..
  9. Magickingdom
    • supporter
    • 57 kudos
    Smelting those junk weapons is a great idea, should have been in vanilla skyrim.

    To me, in a single player game, this abuse thing issue amounts to some one telling me how to play MY game. Now that is abusive.To that I say, learn to mind your own business and keep your nose out of mine!! The idea is ridiculous at the very best. What you call abuse is your opinion at best. I don't tell people how to play their game, and I will not have how I play my game dictated to me. After 3RD or 4Th play through, relearning those skills is boring as hell. Leave people alone, play your game you way, and I will play mine my way.
  10. yzerman19
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    I hope you can improve this so it is more realistic...see emmietie's post below...