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  1. Ookamyh
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I dont know why but for some reason i cant marry him
    im sad now
  2. DovahArkhan
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Veezara wont stop starting his dialogue for some reason
  3. miaaasma
    • member
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    i know this mod is years old and this may not get a reply, but Veezara won't dual wield for me no matter what weapons i give him. the only way he'll dual wield is if i give him a pickaxe, which i think is what happens for all followers. is there something i need to do in order for him to dual wield properly?

    other than that i'm loving the mod, thanks so much!
  4. zombieryder
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey can you Port this mod for Skyrim xbox one pleas ^^
    1. Korzai
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This! Please
    2. kitcatkim3
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Dude same pls
    3. MoneyObscura
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Same too plzz??
  5. Powerless001
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    When I install this mod, my game wont even get to the main menu fully. It just crashes before the buttons show up. Anyone now why/how to fix this?
  6. mariohead1
    • member
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    I've come to hold a deep hatred for Skyrim over the years, for many reasons. As a long-time Argonian player, seeing Veezara die so suddenly broke my spirit to continue, as most Argonians exist to manifest the horrendous stereotypes the world sets upon them. The few who are genuinely good characters end up harassed by you or major characters, or killed off like nothing. After trying tirelessly to force Veezara back to life, finding this mod really helped me. Thank you.
  7. AlphaAceSilvers
    • member
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    So Veezara is in my game but every time I try to make him my follower he says "you have someone already friend" even though I don't have another follower enabled did I need something to change this?

    EDIT: found out all the followers were doing it when I asked them to follow ignore my comment

    Edit 2: found out I hadn't talked to Serena after killing Horkan (idk how to spell his name or what his name is) so she was still in the castle
  8. DefiningPurpose
    • member
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    He isn't in the new Sanctuary?
  9. Dranaugh
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Do I need to complete the questline at first to downlaod this mod?
  10. creativecorpse
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    This mod seems to work fine for me, i waited to install till I was as far as everyone moved to the dawnstar sanctuary.
    HOWEVER, I think this is not the real in game veezara as a mod I installed to change his look did nothing for this mod which makes me believe this is just an add on follower mod kinda a clone?!

    i'd love for this to come with some cooler looking veezaara options.
    the one I really love is from 'The Men Of Winter' http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74376/?
    They did a really good job changing his look...its a shame it doesn't carry over.