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  1. xylliann
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    bro thats it im fed up *un-aggro's karstaag*
  2. Aethuviel
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I don't know why, but I can't get it to work. My character is level 100 in Illusion, level 57 overall, and casting Harmony on a Falmer Shadowmaster says it's "too powerful".
  3. Cyrion001
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Can't you already double the maximum level by simply...double casting it? Yes, even though master spells are dual equipped at the beginning, you can still push BOTH buttons to double the effect, at least as far as I know.
    you can also use Fortify Illusion Potions or enchant your gear with it, that increases the maximum level as well - Aaaand there are several perks you can choose to increase the level limit (hypnotic gaze, aspect of terror and so on).
    So, basically, you would be able to get the vanilla spells up to...let's say ~ level 60-70 WITHOUT fortify illusion gear/potions. You can easily reach 100 with said potions.
    What you did is making the whole process too easy - the school of illusion is based around the mind of your victim ; Stronger opponents have a stronger mind, therefore some illusion spells might not work how you intended it. you need to get better or work around it somehow in order to affect the mind of strong willed people. That is, in essence, what it's about.

    Rant over - gonna tag it, if it isn't already, and move on. Have a nice day.
    1. Bozzz123
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      Well first of all I made this mod from a mod request and secondly you cant duel cast a master two handed spell. As for fortifying it the only fortifying of illusion in the game is reducing the cost of the spells. And like I said in the description I didn't touch the cost at all. From perks the perks the highest level npc you will ever be able to cast an illusion master spell on is 55 and there are gonna be enemies much higher than that once you are past that level. Because you can duel cast non master illusion spells they seem to be more powerful because they will affect more than double that of the original spell which surpases the power of the master spell with the correct perks. So essentially the expert spells are stronger than the master spells. This mod simply makes it so the master spells are as strong as they should've been in the first place.
    2. Kozoi
      • BANNED
      • 6 kudos
      The vast majority of enemies you'll encounter even at the higher levels will still be affected by Illusion Spells. Making Illusion Magic affect every opponent in the game is reprehensible laziness and this mod should be listed as a "Cheat / God Mode" mod. There are countless better solutions. It's possible to make Illusion Spells scale in magnitude with the player's Illusion Skill or simply increase the Master Magnitude to ~45, which will be further increased by perks. It's also possible to reduce the magnitude of Expert Spells. This mod doesn't make Master Spells as strong as they should have been, it just undermines the central point of having a magnitude set in place to begin with.
    3. Bozzz123
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      I think you miss the point of the mod. This mod affects three different spells. All of which can only be obtained after mastering the school of illusion. Up until the point of becoming a master you still need those vital perks and spells. After all that hard work and hours of training to becoming a master you should be able to cast a spell on someone as powerful as yourself. Once you reach about level 65 (overall) npcs start to become too strong for your spells. But why? I'm the master of Illusion! I have surpased the teachers at the college of winterhold! My powers should be unmatched! This mod makes it so all that training and hard work pays off and you can truly become a master. I don't want to alter the rest of the illusion school. I want to make the master spells to actually work at higher levels. Yes I could raise the magnitude level to 45 and have it raised by perks, but with an illusion skill of 100 you should have those perks already anyway. Anyone who was playing illusion enough would have goten those perks long before they reached level 100 illusion. So level 45 magnitude would be essentially the same as level 100 magnitude as they would both affect all npcs. I know 100 is really high, but I just wanted to ensure that all npcs will be affected by those three spells. This mod is for players who primarily use illusion and anyone who does should've gotten the magnitude increasing perks long before they obtain the master spells.
    4. Pardalmadgod
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      ignore the trolls anything thats not "me smash big weaponz on u" is considered op to these "play to win" types.

      Just because ilusion allows ppl to calm enemies and walk unchallenged IF you master it its not unfair, because to master it you are not training other skills has much, i for one welcome this mod.

      Illusion was useless you could only affect enemies who are to weak to hurt you anyway, i agree with you if your a master illusionist no "normal" humanoids should resist your spells.

      funny how ppl consider this a cheat mod when there are so many other ways they seem ok with to cheat some ppl should learn what skyrim is about it was never ment to be hard so op cheat etc is for the player who uses it bashing it for that reason shows how ignorant and selfish they are.

      I dont like the hardcore difficulty mods out there but i dont bash them thinking "im better than u cus i play hardcore" in a role playing game where combat is actually secondary, skyrim is a game to be immersed in for many ppl, this isnt dark souls so diff is not very important leave roleplayers alone to enjoy they're game.

      End rant. sry but this type of ppl gets on my nerves
    5. injusticedsamurai
      • BANNED
      • 0 kudos
      i have all perks in ilussion and still the enemyes resisted soo is not cheat at all
    6. Aethuviel
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      My character is level 99 Illusion, he has most of the perks, is level 54 himself, and him dual-casting Pacify doesn't work on anything above low-mid level enemies. An Illusion master dual-casting powerful spells should affect more than a level 20 individual. Perhaps 100 is a bit OP, but more realistic than vanilla.
  4. ChesireCLAM
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    bless you for this mod i didn't spam muffle and calm at everything so i could calm only level 35 people (which is the max level when you max out the tree)
  5. 600lbsGorilla
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    FYI - I did a manual install and tested this mod in SSE and it appears to work just like I remember in LE.
  6. DemonSamael
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    I am an Illusionist and thought it was stupid how Expert spells outshadowed Master spells.
    I noticed Mayhem has instant cast time now... Was that intentional?
  7. GuardianofLight137
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I think this bugged out, making it to where NO illusion spell works. Although it could also be another mod I have.
  8. mattscarface
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Well done
  9. jononojonojo
    • BANNED
    • 1 kudos
    Since you are probably not planning on removing caps for other spells, could you teach me or someone on how to do it?
  10. Kathartic
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    I mastered Illusion on my first play through and have never bothered since as at 100 percent the spells were a waste of time. Thanks to this I might well make another master of Illusion - thank you so much for doing this, and thank you to RetroGameGuy for requesting this