thank you. Your mod is very good, great work, although I use the teen race and sometimes the amulets are not visible on the pj, the one in slot 35 is not visible on my character however on my followers they look great. I'll tell you what happens with the one in slot 45
those of slot 45 work great, much appreciated, thank you very much for having made a version that does not use the necklace slot. and for wolrd distribution -
is there anyway to enchant these? I have been trying to do it for a few hours but can't see to be able to get it. I might just be dumb (first time using mods and stuff) so if it is possible please inform me.-
you can try this
No Enchantment Restrictions - SKSE No Conflict
Right now I'm about to download this mod to test it, I wanted to see if there were any warnings in the posts, and there is, I just have no idea what it is with those USLEEP, USKP abbreviations, I still wonder if one day I'll go to civil war quest, only once have i defeated alduin, I always end up making a new game and deleting all the previous ones due to some mod that didn't work for me or things like that, haha
This mod is dead & is incompatible with USLEEP. If you use this mod, forsworn briarhearts will become naked. I've spend 5 hours of my life enabling & disabling my mod list just to bring you this information. If you wish to use this mod, you are willing to play the game with the forsworn briarhearts to become naked!
As far as I can recall, this mod still works with USKP so you can keep using that.
Anybody port this for SSE, yet? cleanz0r should have primacy, naturally, but if has given over rights . . . ?
A Version for the Arms would be really cool.
This, THIS! I have used this mod for a long time, however I try to keep the forearms and chest bare on my current warrior, and all the jewelry mods I've come across dont quite look right with a torc, if these could be shrunk and fitted to a forearm or wrist....My skyrim look would be complete and I would be unreasonably happy!
Amazing mod, downloaded and tried, i liked it alot!
TORCS ahh omg I'm such a Celtic art history nerd, I'm so happy you've made this! That glass dragon one is SUPER cool looking too!
Love the idea. Torcs was a status-symbol like said, but only a few was wearing them. Maybe very valuable warriors, jarls, or some very rich merchants.
Golden torcs on bandits, and dropping in preys, and each little dungeons isn't realistical at all.
Also just as suggestion, i would love more rustical jewellery, like teeth, claws, small bones, or simple wooden pearls, seeds. I imagine each person would like jewellery, but depending who, they may be handmade at home with simple tools and stuff found in the nature.
can i have your char preset, she's pretty :X