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  1. PashaPashaPUS
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    After installation I received the error "skse/trampoline.h(187) failed to handle allocation request" Maybe someone knows how to fix it?
  2. deleted208038699
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    I replaced the files and the error SKSE / Trampoline.h(187. What to do?
  3. blesch
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    I checked the file sizes.

    dx9 whatever from this mod is 21kb

    dx9 in my default Skyrim is like 85kb

    This means that there is literally a LOT missing if I use the file from this mod, a lot of things not included that probably should be.

    Don't use this mod unless you want to destroy your game.
    1. Debatemaster1
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I'm seriously starting to think that this mod is what caused the LOD textures to stop unloading in my game. 
  4. James5677029520
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    just for a serious update for that,because no work
  5. HeyY0uu
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    can i use this with skse.ini?
  6. Epolbadare
    • supporter
    • 25 kudos
    in case you guys dont know, sheshon,the guy who make dyndolod and xlodgen,

    he prefer to use crashfixes than this mod
  7. Aryto
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    can SSME work with crashfixes?
    1. Epolbadare
      • supporter
      • 25 kudos
      only crashfixes will work and ssme is useless if you have it, same as skse.ini
  8. bigas13
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I download it before and it works, but now I have a new pc, and when I ad it to my skyrim folder, the game don"t start, so i'm stuck in perpetual loading screen for bruma...help ? 
  9. ShadowSkyre
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I tried adding it just like the tutorial said, the ssme.log file never got created and hence after uninstalling my Skyrim crash rate has gone up to 100%. I downloaded SKSE from steam which should be the official one since that's one of the links on the official SKSE page, yet ssme.log doesn't generate and I can't do anything.

    I can't even open up the game anymore which leads me to believe that I either have to try and install it again and hope it works, or reinstall every single one of my mods and Skyrim again, unless someone knows another way?
  10. Nowacky
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    big endorse