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This mod will add a couple of epic mounts into the game. This mod is actually a new version of my outdated and not supported mod sabrecat mount:

Mounts included:

- Armored sabrecat mount
- armored wolf
- armored deer
- lizard mount
- armored bear


You will find a new chest in whiterun stables, under the Stable shield.

In the chest you will find flute, as soon as you used it, you will receive a new "summon mount" spell.
Use this spell any time you want to summon or dismiss your pet.
Have fun and PLEEEAAASE give me your feedback with your positive comments!


This mod requires
Fores New Idles in Skyrim � FNIS :

Installation instructions:

1) Download and install with nexus mod manager
2) Install FNIS mod and execute �GenerateFNISforUsers.exe� (see FNIS installation instructions)

Known issues and possible solutions:

1) The chest doesnt appear in whiterrun stabbles:

- Dactivate the mod
- Make a clean save outside of whiterun
- activate the mod
- Start game again and go to whiterun stables.

2) When i go in to the water while mounted, the player starts swimming on the top of the mount.

This issue cannot be solved by me

3) I am unable to cast this spell. It simply won't work. Equipping it in either hand simply results in an unequipped hand.

Use shout button.=)


Special Thanks to Tytanis Team for creating great skeleton for sabre cat!
Thanks to DarkenDe for helping me with scripting and giving me permissions to use his Horse flute mod.

Thx to fLokii for giving me permission to use his wolf skeleton.

If you are not happy with vanilla idle animations I recommend you to download this mod. The author fixed the animations: