
General Discussion (1657 comments)

  1. Anduniel
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    4.1 is the last update to this file. Going forward ONLY SSE will be updated.
    AnnaNPCs SSE
    Thanks to Gentester, Bari9060, ThyInnerFire, MinionMaster, Arshesney, FF7Legend, WhiteFlameZero for the testing, tips, and insight for the porting, it was very helpful!

    ANNA NPCS NOW INTERACT WITH LUCIEN FOLLOWER! Banter is fully contained within the Lucien esp., no patch required. For banter to fire you just need to be outdoors and the character sort of near each other. It fires randomly.

    MODCAST Ep. 20 -- a podcast about modding -- featuring... ME!!
  2. Anduniel
    • premium
    • 737 kudos

    Remember to check and follow the Anna NPCs Blog for updates, quest information, character profiles, actor bits, pictures, open roles, and much more! Loads of information there, saves me from repeatedly answering tons of questions.
    I recommend Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice for seeing dialogue of unvoiced characters, should you come across any, in ANY mod, not just mine.
    THANK YOU everyone for your support, endorsements, and donations! I'm so glad you like it!
    Your positive comments are the fuel that makes modders want to keep developing our mods and continue to share them. :)
    Do you like my work, writing and/or voice acting?
    - Consider a donation for making your game a little more fun. I am a professional voice actress and AUDIOBOOK narrator!
    Facebook: Anna In Character :)
    Twitter: AnnaCastleVoice
    Home Voice site:
    I am also on Patreon here, creating voiceover, books, and sometimes music.
    I have a modding book on Amazon, "Newbies Guide to Modding Skyrim: Tips and Tricks for the Creation Kit." Available in print, Kindle, and audiobook (Audible, Amazon, iTunes)!
    Check out this Blog Post for a gist of what is in it :)
    Party Banter with Anduniel:
  3. Anduniel
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    • 737 kudos
    Anna NPCs is now on Facebook! Figured I ought to branch out into other social media, not just have the Wordpress Blog :)
    Anna NPCs Facebook
  4. dmac93065
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    Nadina Fireheart as she was called back in ‘Oldrim’ was my favorite companion mod. She was funny, attractive, and she actually joined me in areas other companions couldn’t follow like endgame quests with Alduin and Miraak. Sadly, she’s stuck in apocrypha on one of my ‘Oldrim’ saves and I just discovered her availability in SSE. I definitely have to download this mod for the Anniversary Edition as I love Nadina. Great work!!!
    1. Anduniel
      • premium
      • 737 kudos
      Thanks very much! They all do that, btw, come with you in places regular followers can't. We made a few exceptions for practicality, but that's it. For instance, they won't accompany you being lifted up into the sky by Meridia, or riding Ohdaving, but I think anywhere else.
  5. deathtogeth
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    on the off chance the author or someone else reads this I need help. I'm going to make a long story short and say I had my computer wiped and I used to use the NMM now since its gone and installing through vortex is not an option i need help manually downloading I tried dragging the files to the data folder like normal but when I load skyrim doesn't load the files. Please help this was one of my favorite mods.
    1. deathtogeth
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      so for poops and giggles I tried the "mod manager download" and it opened vortex and started to install I'm an idiot. I just assumed it meant the nexus mod manager.
  6. Rhuunamum
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    How do I prevent the red werewolf ghost being summoned by Nadina in every battle?
    1. Anduniel
      • premium
      • 737 kudos
      First of all, that is NOT part of this mod. That sounds like what someone else commented about Anduniel "summoning" an Ash Guardian in battle, due to using Reliquary or some such mod. Neither of them does any such thing by my design. Nadina has no summon powers whatsoever, she's a warrior and does not use magic at all. The only "spells" she has are just game effects for playing, like the outfit change and some other things. I have no idea what is causing what you're saying, but again it is NOT this mod itself. Anduniel did it b/c that other mod somehow altered the vanilla effect of Kynes, which her Talisman uses, and furthermore, that user said the other modder claimed it was my responsibility to "fix" it, but I strongly disagree b/c they were the one who altered a vanilla spell effect, as I understood.
      Also to reiterate, this Oldrim version is outdated and not longer supported, the SSE version is the latest update.
    2. Rhuunamum
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      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for your quick response.
      You're right, through tesedit I saw that said "red werewolf ghost" was related to FLP after the player receives Hyrcine's blessing.
      Since the creature was named "Nadina's Pack Member" I assumed it was your mod.

      About getting a new version for SSE, I am really not interested, so I will not bother again with questions as this mod is no longer supported for Oldrim.

      That said, and not leaving without at least some feedback:
      This mod is enjoyable, despite my "anti-girlish/unrealistic/high fantasy" tastes, and the huge amount of work put in it is obvious, so thank ya for sharing.
      All the best.
    3. Anduniel
      • premium
      • 737 kudos
      Thanks very much, enjoy
  7. TaeMalaki
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    dang such a good mod, sucks the updates are going to continue for se only. It's nice though goodluck to your future works.
    1. Anduniel
      • premium
      • 737 kudos
      Thank you.
  8. thundermaze
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    This is an awesome mod. It's obvious a lot of work went into it. Being a sucker for deep characters, I thoroughly enjoyed it. The companions reminded me Bioware characters. Amazing :3

    Though, what's with the aggression in the FAQ section? It almost caused me not download the mod. I am glad I did in the end but still it almost caught me off-guard.  I understand that sometimes mod creators can receive stupid questions and idiotic criticism but slightly kinder tone would look a lot better on you, in my opinion. 

    Well regardless, thank you. Also, I love your voice.
    1. Anduniel
      • premium
      • 737 kudos
      Thanks for the compliments and for trying the mod. Yes I had much inspiration from Dragon Age by Bioware.
      Regarding the FAQ, as you recognize, I've had some really stupid, repeated and/or some very unkind comments in the past, so what I say was actually well prompted from REAL comments I received. I have Zero tolerance for disrespect and mindless b-i-t-c-h-ing, particularly when those who complain have uploaded no mods themselves, and I have banned people from ALL my content for making hugely rude and/or judgmental comments.
  9. RainbowTea
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    Alright I like this mod, it is cute and I love characters. They are well written and fleshed out however I would like to rant for a moment if you will. 
    I have been having such a hard time getting these followers to work right and I have looked all over for solutions and have found very little in my search.  
    Its small things such as, THe option to give gifts goes away after the first time, no one can sing even if I ask them to. Despite meeting all the requirements for one of the NPCs to propose or confess love they do not.  I have looked at all the walkthroughs and other people's problems to see if their solutions might fix mine. I understand Thay they are no longer supporting this version hence why I have not made a troubleshooting request. If any of you have similar problems and have found a solution I could love to hear it but until then I have decided to delete the mod. To many small things that make the mod less fun, I have spent more time searching for answers than enjoying the game. 
    I hope for those that do have the mod enjoy it and it works well, mine apparently does not. 
    1. Anduniel
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      • 737 kudos
      First, thanks for the compliments and trying the mod. Second, without more specific details there's little I can tell you. Which characters? I've said many times before, the gift options are on a 24 game hour timer, so even if you do have multiple things they'll take, you can only give them something once a day. I have tested each one many times and know their romances work start to finish, but I as the author also know all the steps so it's possible there's something I forgot to specify somewhere.
  10. Dahveed
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    • 160 kudos
    A bit of a "niche" question here, not sure if someone on this page can help me.  The interwebz haven't been much help so far.

    I'm using the "alternate face" on a couple NPCs, from idjoek.  Specifically I'm using it for Valyen and Anduniel, I dunno I've just always used those faces and I've grown "attached" to them now, for me THAT is what the characters now look like and it's weird using any other faces.  Anyways....

    This one persistent annoying issue I haven't been able to solve is from Valyen's hair after conversion to SE.  It has that old-school "transparent hair" issue that is driving me nuts.  On certain lighting conditions or certain angles her hair is see-thru.  I have tried to solve it from time to time but I always give up, but this time dammit I want to solve this problem, lol.

    I know this isn't Anduniel's fault at all, but I was hoping someone here might be able to help with the same problem.  I'm reaching at this point, I know.  I've tried messing around with enblocal.ini, messing with other ini settings, opening up the hair and facegen in nifskope (some have suggested tinkering with the Alpha values and such, to no avail), For the love of Talos this problem is driving me CRAZY.

    I've even tried equipping her with different wigs from other mods, but for some reason when I equip a hair (even with the console) she immediately unequips it, like she's trolling me or something.  She's the only character in my game who does this, it's legit insane. 

    Once again I know this is oldrim and no longer updated, and also of course this is a mod of a mod from LE which I converted so there is pretty much no support for this one quirky issue.  But I just thought I'd pick someone's brain who has managed to solve this problem with other hair meshes misbehaving it would be great.

    Thanks in advance!
    1. Anduniel
      • premium
      • 737 kudos
      So... are you playing with this, the LE version or on SE?? If you play SE then just go get the latest SE version, 4.3.1, everything's converted and optimized, no hair/facegen issues. This is how I, the author, really envision them looking. Incidentally, if she immediately unequips any hair/wig from other mods, then they probably have the keyword "helmet" on them for some reason, and she thinks they're helmets, just guessing.
    2. Dahveed
      • premium
      • 160 kudos
      I wasn't clear enough, I'm using the latest version of your SE mod from the SE page, but I first used this mod waaaaaaaay back in the day when the alternate faces version was available on LE and over the years I've grown attached to how Anduniel and Valyen look on that version.  It's nothing personal, it's just that for me that's how they "look" now and it seems weird using anything else I guess, not sure if I'm explaining myself well.

      BUT... even though I'm using your SE version of the main mod I'm using idjoek's .esp and facegen/hair mesh files etc for the alternate look.  I don't expect to get "official" support for this, I know it's kind of a backwards installation so I can understand that this would be unsupported.  I'm just wondering if any other users might have had this problem and were able to solve it somehow (not just with Valyen but with other converted hairs etc.)

      As for the second point the "helmet" keyword might be a clue, perhaps I could look into that.  Maybe I could mess around with her in-game dialogue and "convince" her to wear "helmets" I give her? 

      Anyways thanks for the response!  (Like I said I know this is a weird question and I wasn't expecting official support.)
    • premium
    • 93 kudos
    - deleted, wrong version -
  12. louisianahhh
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    • 16 kudos
    You are so awesome Anduniel! I'm so impressed that you made a patch for the Whitewater Inn. Thank you so much! Did I already say that you are awesome? ;)
    I'm curious tho... how did you put the inn exactly where BBS was? I apologize if this question has been asked already but it is so time consuming to dig through these forums. I can't wait to check out all of your characters. This is going to be so much fun!
    I love randomly crossing the path of a potential follower, so I haven't looked where any of yours will be located. Do you like to do this too? I'm sure you must have tried Interesting NPCs before. That's one of the things I liked about the Interesting NPCs mod, it was the surprise in meeting them all. Thank you so much for this mod Anduniel and Shrike.
    1. Anduniel
      • premium
      • 737 kudos
      Hi Louisianahhh! Shrike actually made the patch. I put my inn where I wanted it, completely unaware of BBS. I talk about this on the Blog:
      Yes I played (and voiced in) Interesting NPCs, and they inspired many parts of this mod. Thank you for your interest and compliments!
    2. louisianahhh
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      Thank you for your awesome mod Anduniel, and also for the handy link to the blog. I'm enjoying your mod so much. So far I have met Nadina and  Zorya and her sister. Nadina is a lot of fun. I enjoy her free spirit and her comments. Love the jokes! I have found Anduniel but have not interacted with her yet. I will today before I move on to Winterhold and she will be with me when I move on.
      A friend of mine told me that you voice acted for "Interesting NPCs". That is so cool! It's one of my favorite mods. I like mods that add life to my game and Interesting NPCs and Anna NPCs does. Your mod has depth! I can see that you put a lot of work into it. Thank you again.
      Well, I'm off to check out the blog now. ;)
  13. Wolzogen
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    • 3 kudos
    I looked at the companions and laughed. Identical unattractive faces. Nightmare
    1. Anduniel
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      • 737 kudos
      For that comment you are now blocked from ALL my content, and all communication with me. Geez, my gods that was rude. With ZERO mods uploaded yourself, you have absolutely NO room to criticize AT ALL.
    2. louisianahhh
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      I can barely resist the temptation to verbally slap Wolzogen's face! Lol... I had to change it to face...