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This page was last updated on 13 July 2024, 10:37AM
- Changelogs
Version 2.98
- DynDOLOD.exe - updated rules for better compatibility
Version 2.97
- DynDOLOD.exe - update CRC32 list for vanilla tree full models for Skyrim Anniversary Edition 1.6.317
- DynDOLOD.exe - update CRC32 list for vanilla tree full models for Skyrim Anniversary Edition 1.6.323
- DynDOLOD.exe - create empty LST overwrite in case tree LOD can not be generated for a worldspace because of technical reasons
Version 2.96
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not using last TNAM override record
- DynDOLOD.exe - added rules for better compatibility
- LODGen.exe - default threadsplit to number of physical cores
Version 2.95
- TexGen.exe/DynDOLOD.exe - added Enderal SE Steam version support, start with -ENDERALSE command line argument
Version 2.94
- DynDOLOD.exe - never ignore neverfades in child worlds for upgrading to static or dynamic LOD
- DynDOLOD.exe - added rules for better compatibility
Version 2.93
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a case of not adding all required masters for injected records
Version 2.92
- DynDOLOD.exe - added rules for better compatibility
- LODGen.exe - improved parsing of txt files
- Texconv.exe - updated to latest version
Version 2.91
- DynDOLOD.exe - by default do not generate a DynDOLOD.esm for Enderal SE
- TexGen.exe/DynDOLOD.exe - fix a problem with sometimes not loading a BSA
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated explanations information for Enderal
Version 2.90
- TexGen.exe/DynDOLOD.exe - added Enderal SE support
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated explanations information for Enderal
Version 2.89
- DynDOLOD.exe - updated/added rules for better compatibility
- LODGen.exe - do not fail if optional billboard txt file is not present
- LODGen.exe - fixed sometimes not automatically setting passthru for glow shader
- LODGen.exe - fixed sometimes not applying replacement textures
Version 2.88
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a race condition processing NIF
- DynDOLOD.exe - added INI settings DoubleSidedTextureMask and DoubleSidedMeshMask to force double sided flag for specific meshes or textures
- DynDOLOD.exe - updated/added rules for better compatibility
- LODGen.exe - DoubleSidedTextureMask= and DoubleSidedMeshMask= added
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated meshes and texture for better compatibility
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated meshes and texture for better compatibility
Version 2.87
- DynDOLOD.exe - improved patch handling
- DynDOLOD.exe - updated/added rules for better compatibility
- LODGen.exe - ignore NIF if root node is of unexpected type
Version 2.86
- DynDOLOD.exe - improved detection of LotD v5
- DynDOLOD.exe - updated/added rules for better compatibility
- LODGen.exe - improve HD LOD support for SSE
Version 2.85
- DynDOLOD.exe - ignore meshes with uncommon root nodes for dynamic LOD
- DynDOLOD.exe - improved child/parent world copy detection
- DynDOLOD.exe - added/updated rules for better compatibility
- trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.html - updated mod lists that support 3D tree LOD out of the box
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated meshes and texture for better compatibility
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated meshes and texture for better compatibility
Version 2.84
- DynDOLOD.exe - added rules for better compatibility
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated patch file for better compatibility
Version 2.83
- DynDOLOD.exe - better error handling reading BTT files
- DynDOLOD.exe - fallback to "dumb" object LOD filename conventions for TREEs and STATics with Has Tree LOD flag
- DynDOLOD.exe - update command lines of newer Texconv.exe
- DynDOLOD.exe - added rules for better compatibility
- TexGen.exe - added generation for
- trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.html - updated mod list that support 3D tree LOD out of the box
- LODGen.exe - fixed sometimes not setting VertexColor flag
- LODGen.exe - added height variance to FlatTextures= file
- LODGen.exe - added support for glow atlas
- Texconv.exe - updated to latest version
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated meshes and texture for better compatibility
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated meshes and texture for better compatibility
Version 2.82
- LODGen.exe - fixed sometimes not setting VertexColor flag on passthru shaders
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added information for new alternative vanilla tree LOD billboards
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - added and updated meshes for better compatibility with mods
Version 2.81
- DynDOLOD.exe - Ignore neverfades that are initially disabled and have no XESP enable parent
- DynDOLOD.exe - do not set VWD flag on certain MSTT
- DynDOLOD.exe - added rules for better compatibility
- DynDOLOD Resources - Papyrus Scripts - fixed a rare race condition on worldspace re-entry
- DynDOLOD Resources - added mesh for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - Papyrus Scripts - fixed a rare race condition on worldspace re-entry
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - added mesh for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD DLL - Papyrus Scripts - fixed a rare race condition on worldspace re-entry
- DynDOLOD DLL SE - Papyrus Scripts - fixed a rare race condition on worldspace re-entry
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added compatibility information for a mod
Version 2.80
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed wrong default tree LOD setting
- DynDOLOD.exe - improved invalid path detection
- DynDOLOD.exe - added rule for better compatibility
Version 2.79
- DynDOLOD.exe - make patching a bit more robust
- Texconv.exe - improve -flist text file handling
Version 2.78
- TexGen.exe - fixed a wrong parameter
Version 2.77
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not removing a texture hash when updating form version
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed plugin update check with IgnoreLargeReferences=1
- DynDOLOD.exe - improved a couple error messages
- DynDOLOD.exe - added/updated rules for better compatibility
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated meshes/patch file for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated meshes/patch file for better compatibility with mods
Version 2.76
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes adding overwritten records into wrong plugin when applying patches
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not overwriting equal rules for winning plugins
- LODGen.exe - updated supporting libraries to latest version
- Texconv.exe - updated to latest version
Version 2.75
- DynDOLOD.exe - carried forward updates from xEdit
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not reading RNAM data from ESM-flagged ESP
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not recognizing HasTreeLOD flag
- DynDOLOD.exe - do object LOD for STAT base records with HasTreeLOD flag that are also large references
- DynDOLOD.exe - added/updated rules for better compatibility
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - added meshes for better compatibility with mods
Version 2.74
- DynDOLOD.exe - carried forward updates from xEdit
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a potential race condition
- Texconv.exe - updated to latest version
- Texconv.exe - fixed not supporting spaces in path names in -flist
- DynDOLOD-rules - updated rules for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated meshes for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated meshes for better compatibility with mods
Version 2.73
- DynDOLOD.exe - always fix missing large reference flag 0x4 on MSTT based record
- DynDOLOD.exe - report modified large references in ESL flagged ESP causing large reference bugs
- DynDOLOD.exe - patch large reference bugs caused by smaller scale changes in ESM
- DynDOLOD.exe - patch large reference bugs caused by "deleted" records in ESM
- DynDOLOD-rules - updated rules for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added compatibility information for a mod
- LODGen.exe - added support for FO4 EffectShader - automatically done as PassThru
- LODGen.exe - added support for FO4 BGEM (BGEM always trumps data in nif)
- LODGen.exe - updated supporting libraries to latest version
- LODGen.exe - improve BA2 support
- LODGen.exe - adjust multibound max z >= 0
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
Version 2.72
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed an error reading object LOD meshes for occlusion
- DynDOLOD.exe - added/updated rules for better compatibility
- DynDOLOD.exe - added detection of LotD v5
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not writing log/bugreport in case of exception
- TexGen.exe - added generation for sdragontile01lod, sfloorhouse01lod,, sintwalltop01lod,,,, sstonewall03lod,,,,,,
- LODGen.exe - fixed 3D name for BSTriShape
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
Version 2.71
- DynDOLOD.exe - ignore wild edit cells that are out of range for occlusion calculation[/spoiler]
Version 2.70
- DynDOLOD.exe - added optional TVDT occlusion data generation, added related settings to ini
- DynDOLOD.exe - do not set VWD flag on base records added by esp
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed adding large references to DynDOLOD.esm for base records defined in an esp
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not setting largref on glow LOD in static object LOD
- DynDOLOD.exe - added automatic update of Portal Boxes to Boxes for TES5/ENDERAL, added PortalBoxFix setting to ini
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes setting wrong index for texture replacement for dynamic LOD models
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added section for TVTD occlusion data generation
- LODGen.exe - always set vertex alpha value to 1 for FO4 since it is not ignored despute LOD_Objects flag
- LODGen.exe - added support for FO4 GreyscaleToPalette_Color flag, 4th texture slot and Grayscale to Palette Scale value used by some full models to change texture coloring
- LODGen.exe - fixed an index range issue when generating terrain LOD level 4 meshes with -1 quality
- DynDOLOD-rules - added rules for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources - Papyrus Scripts - fixed sometimes not disabling LOD model beyond FarGrids
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - Papyrus Scripts - fixed sometimes not disabling LOD model beyond FarGrids
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
Version 2.69
- DynDOLOD.exe - removed unintentional log lines
- DynDOLOD-rules - added rules for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods[/spoiler]
Version 2.68
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not falling back to billboard in reference rules
- LODGen.exe - more minor optimizations and cleanup
Version 2.67
- DynDOLOD.exe - added FlatLODWithNormalMapVertexColor to ini to set vertex color of flat LOD that has normal map textures, see docs\trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.html
- DynDOLOD.exe - ignore texture set with 5th _em texture for atlas discovery
- LODGen.exe - ignore duplicate triangles when loading models
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
Version 2.66
- DynDOLOD.exe - ignore texture set with 3rd _g texture for atlas discovery
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed normal map textures sometimes not having correct size on atlas
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a rare multithread memory issue
- TexGen.exe - added generation for,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
- LODGen.exe - fixed sometimes duplicating models
- LODGen.exe - more optimizations
- LODGen.exe - updated supporting libraries to latest version
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes and textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes and textures for better compatibility with mods
Version 2.65
- DynDOLOD.exe - fix output of mesh counting file
- LODGen.exe - memory and other optimizations
- LODGen.exe - updated supporting libraries to latest version
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
Version 2.64
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed an issue with discovering billboards
- DynDOLOD-rules - added rules for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources - fixed a FOMOD installation error
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - fixed a FOMOD installation error
Version 2.63
- DynDOLOD.exe - use a different library to run external commands
- TexGen.exe - fixed filename of
- DynDOLOD Resources - added a meshes for better compatibility with a mod
- DynDOLOD Resources - fixed an issue with worldmap in interiors
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - added a meshes for better compatibility with a mod
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - fixed an issue with worldmap in interiors
Version 2.62
- DynDOLOD.exe - improved error message in case TexConv fails importing textures
- DynDOLOD.exe - added version check of output from TexGen and installed Resources
- TexGen.exe - add version information to output
- DynDOLOD Resources - added a mesh for better compatibility with a mod
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - added a mesh for better compatibility with a mod
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added compatibility information for several mods
Version 2.61
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes garbling assets paths
- DynDOLOD Resources - added meshes/texture for better compatibility with mods
Version 2.60
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes trying to find textures in meshes folder
- DynDOLOD.exe - improved moving existing DynDOLOD.esm into correct load order position
- DynDOLOD.exe - ignore meshes with missing textures, print a report at the end
- DynDOLOD.exe - reduce memory usage while building object LOD atlas
- DynDOLOD.exe - do not set -m 0 for TexConv command line since that is the default anyways
- Texconv.exe - updated to latest version
- TexGen.exe - added generation for
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - added meshes for better compatibility with a mod
- DynDOLOD Resources - added meshes for better compatibility with a mod
Version 2.59
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes accidentally disabling automatic child world scanning
- DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - added meshes for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated meshes for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for a mod
- LODGen.exe - set correct mode on BSMultibound for water
- LODGen.exe - updated supporting libraries to latest version
Version 2.58
- DynDOLOD.exe - carried forward updates from xEdit
- DynDOLOD.exe - removed useless assigment of variable sometimes causing exception building object LOD atlas
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed IgnoreIfPluginExists list sometimes not working
- DynDOLOD.exe/TexGen.exe - less artifacts with BC1|2|3 texture compression
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - added meshes for better compatibility with a mod
- DynDOLOD Resources - added meshes for better compatibility with a mod
- DynDOLOD Resources - Papyrus Scripts - fixed swapped error message
Version 2.57
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a potential memory corruption after saving textures
Version 2.56
- DynDOLOD.exe - optimized object LOD atlas generation to use a bit less memory
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not being able to generate atlas with large tile size
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes and textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added and updated compatibility information for several mods
- LODGen.exe - make sure borders between cells match when using protect cell borders
Version 2.55
- DynDOLOD.exe - added support for Enderal Steam version
- DynDOLOD.exe - carried forward updates from xEdit
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not adding some textures to atlas
- DynDOLOD.exe - removed accidental left over elevation requirement
- DynDOLOD.exe - combine flat atlas into main atlas
- DynDOLOD.exe - allow for dedicated object LOD atlasses for non-alpha and alpha textures
- DynDOLOD.exe - use alpha threshold from NIF and adjust individual texture transparancy for object LOD atlass - can add the same texture more than once for different thresholds (quantized)
- DynDOLOD.exe - added alpha raise to diffuse mipmap generation
- DynDOLOD.exe - added steepness raise to normal map mipmap generation
- DynDOLOD.exe - dedicated mipmap generation for each diffuse and normal object LOD texture
- DynDOLOD.exe - skip injected base elements and references and print a message
- DynDOLOD.exe - add reverse copies into child world for disabled neverfade references to work around bad modding practice
- DynDOLOD.exe - added IgnoreModFileName for child world scanning to automatically disable it if not required
- Papyrus Scripts - explicitly pass parent world to LODObject script because persistent references exist in parent and child world simultaneously
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes and textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes and textures for better compatibility with mods
- LODGen.exe - added ENDERAL mode, same as TES5
- LODGen.exe - added TERRAINENDERAL mode, same as TERRAINTES5
- LODGen.exe - code cleanup and minor optimizations
- LODGen.exe - improved remove unseen for large objects spanning several cells
- LODGen.exe - do not scale FO3/FNV object LOD
- LODGen.exe - improved overwriting of HD LOD flag with IsHDMeshMask and IsHDTextureMask
Version 2.54
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed an issue with resolving modname;formid to current load order
- DynDOLOD.exe - more streamlining of some threaded code
- DynDOLOD.exe - some library udpates and other optimizations
- DynDOLOD.exe - added some more error messages around executing of command line tools
- DynDOLOD.exe - prevent accidentally interrupting execution of command line tools
- DynDOLOD.exe - silently try to restart command line tools in case of error
- DynDOLOD.exe - carried forward latest updates from xEdit
- Texconv.exe - updated to latest version
- DynDOLOD Resources - do not use OnInit/States for Firstborns/Minions
- DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes and textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - do not use OnInit/States for Firstborns/Minions
- DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes and textures for better compatibility with mods
Version 2.53
- DynDOLOD.exe - undo an update sometimes causing errors in plugin
- DynDOLOD.exe - removed some unnecessary log spam
Version 2.52
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a case of trying to add non textures to flat atlas
- DynDOLOD.exe - print true texture file name in case of errors loading it
Version 2.51
- DynDOLOD.exe - Reworked reading of existing DynDOLOD plugins to be more robust
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a typo preventing CreateMode to start
- DynDOLOD.exe - streamlined some threaded code
- DynDOLOD.exe - carried forward latest updates from xEdit
- Texconv.exe - improved a few error messages
Version 2.50
- *.exe - fixed a case of TexConv sometimes not being able to convert textures to BC7
- *.exe - do not convert textures < 4 in width/height
- *.exe - carried forward latest updates from xEdit
Version 2.49
- DynDOLOD.exe - Fixed trying to add game.exe as master
- TexGen.exe - Added some checks/messages for external BC7 execution in case of problems for better troubleshooting
- TexGen.exe - Save full resolution texture to final folder and convert to BC7 in place instead of temp folder
Version 2.48
- DynDOLOD.exe - added support for creating atlas textures with BC7 compression, used by default for Skyrim Special Edition and Skyrim VR
- DynDOLOD.exe - carried forward latest updates from xEdit
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not loading all plugins because of too many masters
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a problem sometimes preventing loading an existing DynDOLOD plugin
- DynDOLOD.exe - updated some helpful messages
- TexGen.exe - added support for textures with BC7 compression, used by default for Skyrim Special Edition and Skyrim VR
- TexGen.exe - updated some helpful messages
- TexGen.exe - added generation for
- TexGen.exe - added generation for
- TexGen.exe - added generation for
- Texconv.exe - updated to latest version
- DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
Version 2.47
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed generating LOD for Skyrim
Version 2.46
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes adding wrong master into wrong plugin
Version 2.45
- DynDOLOD DLL - drop-in replacement for PapyrusUtil for Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition and Skyrim VR consisting of DynDOLOD.DLL and PapyrusScripts
DynDOLOD_DLL.html - added explanation and install/usage instructions
DynDOLOD.exe - added creation of data files for DynDOLOD DLL
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a problem with adding masters while creating texture replacements
DynDOLOD.exe - specifically write text files using UTF8 without BOM encoding
DynDOLOD.exe - skip textures for atlas with NoRevUV in shape name while scanning meshes
DynDOLOD.exe - carried forward latest updates from xEdit
DynDOLOD Resources - Papyrus Scripts - merged minion script into firstborn script
DynDOLOD Resources SE - Papyrus Scripts - merged minion script into firstborn script
DynDOLOD Patches - updated patches for papyrus scripts to automatically use DynDOLOD DLL if available, else fall back to PapyrusUtil
LODGen.exe - fixed sometimes failing re-UV due to missing normal
LODGen.exe - added detection of NoReUV in shape name to skip over potential automatic re-UV
- DynDOLOD DLL - drop-in replacement for PapyrusUtil for Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition and Skyrim VR consisting of DynDOLOD.DLL and PapyrusScripts
Version 2.44.1
- DynDOLOD Resources - fixed FOMOD installer
Version 2.44
- DynDOLOD.exe - carried forward latest updates from xEdit for better ESL plugin support and other optimizations
DynDOLOD.exe - added the possibility to define External Billboard meshes to replace the default 2 plane for LOD trees in object LOD
DynDOLOD.exe - added possibility to have multiple billboard textures for different sides/shapes
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed adding * to object LOD texture atlas
DynDOLOD.exe - skip over NIF errors while checking for NiNodes
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed some issues of create mod option with Skyrim SE
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed issue with worldspaces added by ESP
DynDOLOD-Trees.html - added section for internal and external billboards
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added and updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD Resources - replaced some plugins with patch files so former plugin content is now added to generated DynDOLOD plugin
DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD Resources SE - Papyrus Scripts - Enabled use of Window Glow LOD mulitpliers using Racemnu NiOverride in MCM - disabled by default
DynDOLOD Resources SE - Papyrus Scripts - Updated for to support worldspaces added by ESP
LODGen.exe - fixed sometimes applying wrong scale to translation
LODGen.exe - fixed not applying parent scale to child translation
LODGen.exe - fixed a bug parsing flat texture data file
LODGen.exe - added support for different alpha thresholds to atlas replacements
LODGen.exe - reworked remove unseen object LOD faces to work across quad boundaries
LODGen.exe - added support to also remove faces under water for FO3/FNV
LODGen.exe - added support to define billboard NIFs per LOD level
LODGen.exe - minor speed improvements and multithread enhancements
- DynDOLOD.exe - carried forward latest updates from xEdit for better ESL plugin support and other optimizations
Version 2.43
- DynDOLOD.exe - refined bounds calculations for what counts as a large reference
DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
LODGen.exe - reworked simplification of meshes after re-UV
LODGen.exe - added a sanity check after re-UV
LODGen.exe - fixed a scaling error when applying miniatlas
- DynDOLOD.exe - refined bounds calculations for what counts as a large reference
Version 2.42
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed using misplaced patches for different game mode
DynDOLOD.exe - improved export of miniatlas data for LODGen.exe
DynDOLOD.exe - improved some error messages
TexGen.exe - added generation for
LODGen.exe - skip automatic re-UV for shapes with a high number of triangles
LODGen.exe - fixed sometimes scaling water level twice for undefined cells
LODGen.exe - added support for FO3/FNV placed water references for terrain LOD meshes
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed using misplaced patches for different game mode
Version 2.41
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a pointer conversion error
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes adding ESP masters to DynDOLOD.esm
DynDOLOD.exe - added creation of bugreport.txt in case of exception
DynDOLOD Resources SE - Papyrus Scripts - reworked plugin detection
DynDOLOD Resources SE - added patches for better compatibility with mods
LODGen.exe - fixed LOD water for FO3/FNV to use seperate shapes in correct order for different heights
LODGen.exe - fixed passthru meshes sometimes not keeping their large reference status
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a pointer conversion error
Version 2.40
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not creating a dedicated dynamic LOD base record with correct overwrites
DynDOLOD.exe - do not add Quest with SKSE/PapyrusUtil checks to plugin in case dynamic LOD is not generated
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not creating a dedicated dynamic LOD base record with correct overwrites
Version 2.39
- DynDOLOD.exe - improved some error messages
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes injecting worldspaces instead adding them as overwrites
LODGen.exe - changed requirements to MS Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (2015 should still work, as they are supposed to be binary compatible)
LODGen.exe - changed Redistributable missing message to link to
LODGen.exe - removed obsolete embedded resources
- DynDOLOD.exe - improved some error messages
Version 2.38
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not using -o command line
DynDOLOD.exe - improve loading of paid mod plugins
DynDOLOD.exe - create ESM at correct load order
DynDOLOD.exe - improved error message when trying to add wrong base record of wrong type
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not finding new base records resulting in no model error for dynamic LOD
DynDOLOD.exe - print plugin type when listing plugins
DynDOLOD Resources SE - Papyrus Scripts - reworked plugin detection
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not using -o command line
Version 2.37
- DynDOLOD.exe - added beta support for TES5VR, start with -TES5VR command line argument, uses SSE config files and settings
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not creating a flat atlas
DynDOLOD.exe - improved replacement textures handling for object and dynamic LOD
DynDOLOD.exe - added patching function for plugins + worldspace
DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD Resources SE - Papyrus Scripts - added cell attach/trigger counters
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD_Manual_SEE.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD_Manual_TES5VR.html - added with brief explanations what is different to the Skyrim SE version
TexGen.exe - added beta support for TES5VR, start with -TES5VR command line argument, uses SSE config files and settings
TexGen.exe - added generation for,, and
LODGen.exe - fixed terrain water segments for odd origins
LODGen.exe - added WaterHeight= default water z, used in case of missing cell data
LODGen.exe - print global alpha threshold setting to log
LODGen.exe - catch an error in nif and print its name to log
- DynDOLOD.exe - added beta support for TES5VR, start with -TES5VR command line argument, uses SSE config files and settings
Version 2.36
- DynDOLOD.exe - added dynamic LOD generation for Skyrim SE, generates a DynDOLOD.esm and a DynDOLOD.esp
DynDOLOD.exe - added a simple patching function to add/update records in generated DynDOLOD plugin so some options from DynDOLOD Resources do not require a plugin anymore
DynDOLOD.exe - better version number log report
DynDOLOD.exe - improved end of generation checks and log messages
DynDOLOD_Manual_SSE.html - updated requirements, instructions and explanations for dynamic LOD
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated wording to reflect Skyrim SE changes
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD-Trees.html - added info for a mod
DynDOLOD Resources SE - Papyrus Scripts - added for dynamic LOD
DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD Resources SE - replaced some plugins with patch files so former plugin content is now added to generated DynDOLOD plugins
DynDOLOD Resources - Papyrus Scripts - minor optmizations
DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD Resources - replaced some plugins with patch files so former plugin content is now added to generated DynDOLOD plugins
SkyrimSE-LargeRefGrid.html - bug report updated for latest engine version, scripting with large references is a total cluster fuck
LODGen.exe - fixed using alpha threshold
LODGen.exe - added TES5VR mode, same as SSE
LODGen.exe - added TERRAINTES5VR mode, same as TERRAINSSE
LODGen.exe - added FO4VR mode, same as FO4
LODGen.exe - added SSEVR mode, same as SSE
LODGen.exe - added TERRAINFO4VR mode, same as TERRAINFO4
LODGen.exe - added TERRAINSSEVR mode, same as TERRAINSSE
LODGen.exe - fixed missing segments for FO4 object LOD
LODGen.exe - terrain LOD bin file format change to support really large worldspaces
LODGen.exe - added MaxLevel=
LODGen.exe - added WaterDelta[LOD4|LOD8|LOD16|LOD32]=-1 = off, 0 = ignore triangles underwater, x = shift shallow vertices under water to be least this distance from water height
LODGen.exe - fixed wrong segments
LODGen.exe - added Mode=TERRAINTES5, Mode=TERRAINSSE, Mode=TERRAINFNV, Mode=TERRAINFO3, Mode=TERRAINFO4 to generate terrain LOD from a bin file defined by TerrainData=
LODGen.exe - added LandHeight=default terrain z, used in case of missing cell data
LODGen.exe - added ProtectCellBorders=true/false to counter ugly terrain drops
LODGen.exe - added Quality[LOD4|LOD8|LOD16|LOD32]=-1 = full (LOD4 only), 0 - x = acceptable z deviation to remove vertex
LODGen.exe - added MaxVerts[LOD4|LOD8|LOD16|LOD32]=0 - 32767 to enforce nif limits
LODGen.exe - added Skirts=negative = absolute z, 0 = none, positive relative z
LODGen.exe - make reading of export file more robust
LODGen.exe - fixed sometimes not reading of shape name for BSTriShape
LODGen.exe - updated supporting libraries to latest version
LODGen.exe - data/textures/...
LODGen.exe - added Level8=True, to force Level8 instead of Level4 output for FO3/FNV
LODGen.exe - improved reading of export file and file checks at start-up
LODGen.exe - added feature to use external nif for 2D billboard textures instead of the internally created ones
LODGen.exe - throw error if there are duplicate command line parameters
LODGen.exe - check if a directory for loose files exists
LODGen.exe - fixed a wrong texture replacement
- DynDOLOD.exe - added dynamic LOD generation for Skyrim SE, generates a DynDOLOD.esm and a DynDOLOD.esp
Version 2.35
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not using data from txt for billboards in object LOD
Version 2.34
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not finding billboards for reference rules
Version 2.33
- DynDOLOD.exe - updated completion message to notify about errors in LODGen logs
DynDOLOD.exe - updated large reference overwrite report to treat ESL like ESM
DynDOLOD.exe - updated important load screen message
DynDOLOD.exe - added FasterReplace switch to DynDOLOD.ini
DynDOLOD.exe - reworked large reference processing for export file to be more robust
LODGen.exe - check if a directory for loose files exists
LODGen.exe - fixed a wrong texture replacement
SkyrimSE-LargeRefGrid.html - bug report updated for latest engine version
- DynDOLOD.exe - updated completion message to notify about errors in LODGen logs
Version 2.32
- DynDOLOD.exe - added support for ESL plugins
DynDOLOD.exe - print a detailed static LOD tree model/billboard assignment log
DynDOLOD.exe - optimized generating some lists
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a pointer conversion error
DynDOLOD.exe - delete old atlas map file before generating new atlas
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not generating large texture atlas
- DynDOLOD.exe - added support for ESL plugins
Version 2.31
- DynDOLOD - removed older version from archive
Version 2.30
- DynDOLOD.exe - warn about and try to ignore wild edits causing out of place objects near cell 0, 0 in Tamriel
DynDOLOD.exe - warn if a deleted reference is found
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not discovering new cells added by plugins
DynDOLOD.exe - do not convert persistent neverfades if temporary cell does not exist
DynDOLOD.exe - updated exporting data for destructables
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not reading other txt or ini files from BSA
DynDOLOD.exe - generate new esp version for updated Papyrus Scripts
DynDOLOD.exe - added worldspace ignore file to filter world space drop down
DynDOLOD.exe - optimized fallback to full tree model
TexGen.exe - added generation for
TexGen.exe - fixed not reading other txt or ini files from BSA
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD_Manual_SSE.html - added info for a mod
DynDOLOD-Trees.html - added info for a mod
DynDOLOD Resources - Optimized Papyrus Scripts - requires new LOD generation from scratch and clean save cycle
DynDOLOD Resources - Papyrus Scripts - fixed a multi threading race condition
DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
LODGen.exe - fixed a reading error for bhkMoppBvTreeShape
LODGen.exe - fixed a reading error for bhkRigidBody
LODGen.exe - improved material wilcard * support
LODGen.exe - added option to FlatTextures= file to alternatively define a path to nif instead of path to normals file
LODGen.exe - added export Mode=convertsse and Mode=convertfo4 to atlas the UV of meshes
LODGen.exe - normalize material path
LODGen.exe - support material swaps with wildcard *
LODGen.exe - added DefaultAlphaThreshold=0-255 for FO4
LODGen.exe - added mergeVertexColors[LOD4|LOD8|LOD16|LOD32]=true/false to average different vertex colors of duplicate vertices into one vertex (requires RemoveUnseenFaces)
LODGen.exe - always apply intermediate atlas before applying final atlas
LODGen.exe - added notTangentsMeshMask[LOD4|LOD8|LOD16|LOD32]=[part of nif filename]
LODGen.exe - updated supporting libraries to latest version
LODGen.exe - added notLODFlagMeshMask[LOD4|LOD8|LOD16|LOD32]=[part of nif filename]
LODGen.exe - added generateVertexColors[LOD4|LOD8|LOD16|LOD32]=true/false
LODGen.exe - added generateTangents[LOD4|LOD8|LOD16|LOD32]=true/false
LODGen.exe - added fixTangents[LOD4|LOD8|LOD16|LOD32]=true/false
- DynDOLOD.exe - warn about and try to ignore wild edits causing out of place objects near cell 0, 0 in Tamriel
Version 2.27
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed trying to check LODGen logfile after wait times out
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not reading billboard txt file from BSA
LODGen.exe - updated lz4 package and supporting libraries to latest version
LODGen.exe - fixed sometimes not reading BA2 files correctly
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed trying to check LODGen logfile after wait times out
Version 2.26
- LODGen.exe - fixed a crash caused by a missing serialization
Version 2.25
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a memory corruption sometimes causing nasty things
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed an error trying to check a non existing LODGen log
LODGen.exe - fixed FO4 export mode not working correctly
LODGen.exe - updated lz4 package and supporting libraries to latest version
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a memory corruption sometimes causing nasty things
Version 2.24
- DynDOLOD.exe - check LODGen log and write result to DynDOLOD log, so it is more obvious if something went wrong
LODGen.exe - fixed error reading BSTriShapes with no vertices/triangles
LODGen.exe - apply UVScale and UVOffset shader values to model before merging
- DynDOLOD.exe - check LODGen log and write result to DynDOLOD log, so it is more obvious if something went wrong
Version 2.23
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed some default INI settings
DynDOLOD Patches - update Beyond Reach billboards to be also for arnima.esm[/spoiler]
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed some default INI settings
Version 2.22
- General performance and stability improvements - for real
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes using wrong glow LOD when using original LOD assignments
DynDOLOD.exe - added RemoveUnseenZShift to ini for same setting in LODGen.exe export file
DynDOLOD.exe - added Level32 switch to ini for same switch in LODGen.exe export file, see docs\trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.html
DynDOLOD.exe - added FlatLODVertexColor to ini to set vertex color of flat LOD, see docs\trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.html
DynDOLOD.exe - added FlatLODColorVariance to ini to randomly change vertex color of flat LOD, see docs\trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.html
DynDOLOD.exe - added StaticLODDiffuseFormat, StaticLODNormalFormat, TreeLODDiffuseFormat and TreeLODNormalFormat to ini to set texture atlas formats
DynDOLOD.exe - added TreeLODAverageColor to ini to replace black transparent parts of billboards with the average tree color - works only with alpha channel output formats
DynDOLOD.exe - added TreeLODBackgroundTexture to ini to replace black transparent parts of billboards with a texture - works only with alpha channel output formats
DynDOLOD.exe - shrink normal map texture atlas to 4x4 pixels if all pixels are identical
DynDOLOD.exe - added beta support for SSE, start with -SSE command line argument
DynDOLOD.exe - added a check to verify DynDOLOD Resources for the current game mode are installed
TexGen.exe - sync updates with DynDOLOD.exe
TexGen.exe - added output format options for diffuse and normal textures
TexGen.exe - fixed cases of not consequently using lowercase for comparisons
TexGen.exe - added generation for
TexGen.exe - added generation for
TexGen.exe - fixed generation of
TexGen.exe - fixed generation of
TexGen.exe - removed the need for temp files in game data folder
TexGen.exe - added beta support for SSE, start with -SSE command line argument
TexGen.exe - added fallback to Texconv.exe for reading in case DDS format is not natively supported
Texconv.exe - new - custom silent version, prints errors only
LODGen.exe - added support reading SSE LOD nif
LODGen.exe - added export Mode=SSE
LODGen.exe - added support for BSA version 0x69
LODGen.exe - added lz4 decompression
LODGen.exe - added GameMode=textureslist to generate a list of textures with UV in between atlas tolerance
LODGen.exe - added command line parameter gamemode to overwrite gamemode in export file
LODGen.exe - updated lz4 package to latest version
LODGen.exe - better error message in case required Redistributable is missing
LODGen.exe - added Level32=True, uses *.nif from LOD level 16 if 4th entry is not set to create LOD Level 32 bto
LODGen.exe - added RemoveUnseenZShift=[float] to adjust terrain height when removing unseen faces
LODGen.exe - added vertex color support for flat LOD, column 8 and 9 in FlatTextures file
LODGen.exe - some minor speed improvements and clean up
LODGen.exe - use assembly version in log
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - all docs updated for new game mode
DynDOLOD_Manual_SSE.html - new
DynDOLOD-Shortcut.txt - new
DynDOLOD-Trees.html - added info about static object LOD level 32 for map
DynDOLOD-Trees.html - added info for vertex colors for 2D tree LOD in static LOD for Skyrim SE
DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD Resources SE - new - meshes in new Skyrim SE format - removed options/assets that currently do not apply to Skyrim SE
DynDOLOD Patches - fixed a typo in Wizard.txt
- General performance and stability improvements - for real
Version 2.21
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a case of removing entire worlds when removing empty cells
DynDOLOD.exe - added an installation path check
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD Patches - added script patches for Caranthir Tower Reborn 2.x
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a case of removing entire worlds when removing empty cells
Version 2.20
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a list assignment
TexGen.exe - sync updates with DynDOLOD.exe
DynDOLOD Resources - Papyrus Scripts - fixed a race condition
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a list assignment
Version 2.19
- DynDOLOD.exe - added xespignore file for XESP markers to ignore instead of the one hardcoded dunCGOutsideClutterMarker from intro scene
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not correctly identifying Has Tree LOD flag on base records
DynDOLOD.exe - added settings FlatLODLightingEffect, FlatLODGlowMap and FlatLODLevelLODFlat to DynDOLOD.ini, see docs\trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.html
DynDOLOD.exe - added a switch Temporary to use less persistent references for overloaded load orders, will result in more plugins required as masters and larger esp
DynDOLOD.exe - added verbose switch for LODGen.exe to DynDOLOD.ini
DynDOLOD.exe - updated reading existing tree LOD to be able to read btt data from BSA
DynDOLOD.exe - some minor performance improvements
DynDOLOD.exe - changed log filename to DynDOLOD_log.txt
DynDOLOD.exe - added a x64 version
TexGen.exe - sync updates with DynDOLOD.exe
TexGen.exe - some minor performance improvements
TexGen.exe - changed log filename to TexGen_log.txt
TexGen.exe - added a x64 version
LODGen.exe - added optional --inputfile path/to/file command line parameter, first parameter just being path/to/file still works too
LODGen.exe - make billboards soft lighting behave more similar to vanilla tree LOD (FlatLODLightingEffect and FlatLODGlowMap)
LODGen.exe - added setting LOD Objects flag for higher LOD levels on billboards (FlatLODLevelLODFlat)
LODGen.exe - added a x64 version
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD.exe - added xespignore file for XESP markers to ignore instead of the one hardcoded dunCGOutsideClutterMarker from intro scene
Version 2.18
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not falling back to billboard when generating ultra trees
DynDOLOD.exe - add the worldspace Master as activate parent for Never Fade LOD/Full LOD objects
DynDOLOD.exe - set VWD on original base records used for dynamic LOD only as well
TexGen.exe - sync updates with DynDOLOD.exe
TexGen.exe - fixed generation of
TexGen.exe - generation for
Papyrus Scripts - activate worldspace Master in case the activate all function is called
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD Patches - added script patches for Caranthir Tower Reborn
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not falling back to billboard when generating ultra trees
Version 2.17
- DynDOLOD.exe - added an installation check
DynDOLOD.exe - do not report manual non-dynamic LOD references having no Grids when loading existing data
DynDOLOD.exe - added childworldfull file to be able to set parent world copy to full model
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a case of not assigning enough memory for a thread list
DynDOLOD.exe - show message when building reference info to verify usage of missing models
DynDOLOD.exe - added fasterbase switch to DynDOLOD.ini
TexGen.exe - sync updates with DynDOLOD.exe
TexGen.exe - added more helpful messages for file not found errors
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD.exe - added an installation check
Version 2.16.1
- DynDOLOD Resources - reupload of 2.16 because of reasons
Version 2.16
- DynDOLOD.exe - removed extraneous files
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD.exe - removed extraneous files
Version 2.15
- DynDOLOD.exe - added logic for Enderal and seperate set of rule files
DynDOLOD.exe - create diffuse LOD texture atlas with explicit (1 bit) alpha
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a case of siLODirt
DynDOLOD.exe - added flag to mesh rules to disable window glow LOD, not exposed to interface yet
DynDOLOD.exe - added debug= to DynDOLOD.ini
DynDOLOD.exe - added FakeLightsIntensity to DynDOLOD.ini to select different intensity of the glowing orb mesh for fake lights
LODGen.exe - fixed a case of using wrong offset for higher LOD levels if origin is not multiple of 4
LODGen.exe - fixed not being able to generate for specific cell if x/y equals -1
LODGen.exe - fixed sometimes not keeping vertex colors in higher LOD levels for passthru
LODGen.exe - trim spaces from texture strings
TexGen.exe - added logic for Enderal and seperate set of rule files
TexGen.exe - added alpha threshold to texture creation if explicit alpha type is used, threshold of 0 disables alpha
TexGen.exe - added a texture convertion with mipmap filter control
TexGen.exe - added check for earlier TexGen Output files in game data folder to avoid circular creation of newly added textures
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods and Enderal
trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.html - txt converted to html
trees.ultra\DynDOLOD-Trees.html - added 3rd party hybrid tree information
DynDOLOD Resources - removed some glow maps that might interfere with other mods - these are created by TexGen now
DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods and Enderal
Papyrus Scripts - made scripts backwards compatible with PapyrusUtil 2.8 - was just a convinience function
Papyrus Scripts - made deactivating from MCM work more consistent
DynDOLOD Patches - added improved terrain LOD meshes and textures for Enderal
- DynDOLOD.exe - added logic for Enderal and seperate set of rule files
Version 2.14
- DynDOLOD.exe - made worldspace discovery eligible for LOD more resilient against mod errors
DynDOLOD.exe - use fastercreate for large worldspaces only
DynDOLOD.exe - added an EditorID check for 'DynDOLOD_NOLOD' to skip references for LOD discovery ('_NOLOD' EditorID for base records already exists in vanilla)
DynDOLOD.exe - print strings filename if there is an error
TexGen.exe - sync updates with DynDOLOD.exe
DynDOLOD Resources - updated the EditorIDs of objects in WhiterunExterior and SolitudeExterior
- DynDOLOD.exe - made worldspace discovery eligible for LOD more resilient against mod errors
Version 2.13
- DynDOLOD.exe - Added a couple filechecks before trying to read them in case things go awry
Version 2.12
- DynDOLOD.exe - use linksto instead of baserecord
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed an infinite loop while cleaning up worldspace
DynDOLOD.exe - added mini atlas data to texture atlas text file for LODGen.exe
DynDOLOD.exe - added UseDecalFlag switch to ini for setting same switch in LODGen.exe export file
DynDOLOD.exe - added simple check resource core files are installed
TexGen.exe - added generation for, statueofauriellod,,
LODGen.exe - fixed not properly assigning null texture replacement
LODGen.exe - print nice error message if some hashing goes wrong
LODGen.exe - use of re-UV function (untiling) for miniatlas before applying world atlas for game mode TES5
LODGen.exe - keep decal shader flag from for game mode TES5
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
Papyrus Scripts - open/close dynamic LOD DOORs according to parent
DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD.exe - use linksto instead of baserecord
Version 2.11
- DynDOLOD.exe - try to catch an unknown case of non existing base record
TexGen.exe - added to also read files from ../skyrim/data/DynDOLOD/DynDOLOD_TES5_TexGen_[alpha|noalpha|copy]_modnameesp.txt so mod authors can supply custom LOD Texture generation for their mod
DynDOLOD_Mod_Authors.html - updated info about creating files for TexGen.exe
DynDOLOD-FAQ.txt - cleaned up for standalone version
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for a mod
- DynDOLOD.exe - try to catch an unknown case of non existing base record
Version 2.10
- DynDOLOD.exe - Release
DynDOLOD.exe - added feature to always use LOD assignments from base records for specified plugins
TexGen.exe - sync updates with DynDOLOD.exe
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD.exe - Release
Version 2.09.BETA
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed trying to clean dynamic LOD data
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed trying to clean dynamic LOD data
Version 2.08.BETA
- DynDOLOD.exe - skip loading - animation, - interface, - shaders, - sound, - voices .BSA
DynDOLOD.exe - get glow LOD from higher LOD level if lower level is not defined
DynDOLOD.exe - only set Has Distant LOD if LOD level 4 has static LOD
DynDOLOD.exe - apply patch rules regardless of mod ignore list
DynDOLOD.exe - disable and set other options accordingly if dynamic LOD is not generated
DynDOLOD.exe - added _dynamic/_static rule file functionality
Edit Scripts - fail properly when being started from xEdit.exe
TexGen.exe - sync updates with DynDOLOD.exe
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated with new step-by-step video
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
Papyrus Scripts - disable MCM if PapyrusUtil is not present
DynDOLOD Resources - updated SolitudeExterior for better compatibility with other mods
DynDOLOD Resources - updated HighHrothgarWindowGlow to carry forward ULSEEP
DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD.exe - skip loading - animation, - interface, - shaders, - sound, - voices .BSA
Version 2.07.BETA
- DynDOLOD.exe - export stage id -2 for dynamic creepy SovngardeStatue - high only
DynDOLOD.exe - optimized processing of merged form ids
TexGen.exe - added generation for
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD Resources - Papyrus Scripts - set current pos/angle from parent when enabling LOD object for stage id -2
DynDOLOD Resources - added SolitudeExterior
DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD.exe - export stage id -2 for dynamic creepy SovngardeStatue - high only
Version 2.06.BETA
- TexGen.exe - ensure trailing slash is added to selected output path
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed using some preset settings in wizard mode
- TexGen.exe - ensure trailing slash is added to selected output path
Version 2.05.BETA
- DynDOLOD.exe - use merged map data also for lists using partial mod filename matches
DynDOLOD.exe - only ignore worldspaces if master mod is ignored
DynDOLOD.exe - always copy XEMI from highest override
TexGen.exe - sync updates with DynDOLOD.exe
- DynDOLOD.exe - use merged map data also for lists using partial mod filename matches
Version 2.04.BETA
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a string to cardinal conversion
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not loading mesh_replace list
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed typo caused by having fat fingers syndrome from too much pie
DynDOLOD.exe - use alternative version of setting up grids
DynDOLOD.exe - added switch to control which version of setting up grids is used
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a string to cardinal conversion
Version 2.03.BETA
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a variant to cardinal conversion
Version 2.02.BETA
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not finding all merged mod map files for the load order
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed trying to violate sorted stringlists
DynDOLOD.exe - removed a confirmation message
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not finding all merged mod map files for the load order
Version 2.01.BETA
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not finding a bunch of numbers
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a case of uninitialized primitives
- DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not finding a bunch of numbers
Version 2.00.BETA
- DynDOLOD.esp - removed default esp - it will be created if it doesn't exist
DynDOLOD.esp - new or updated esp will always be saved to output path together with generated meshes, json and texture files
DynDOLOD World.pas - DynDOLOD World.pas script is now started through DynDOLOD.exe - a modified version of xEdit
DynDOLOD.exe - updated logic and seperated functions for standalone version
DynDOLOD.exe - removed plug-in selection - load order is controlled by mod managers
DynDOLOD.exe - use own version of
DynDOLOD.exe - use own settings files
DynDOLOD.exe - somewhat better error handling
DynDOLOD.exe - compile list of missing models for review once process completed
DynDOLOD.exe - some minor performance improvements
DynDOLOD.exe - cleaned up and unified log messages
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed a typo causing error when using IgnoreTrees=1
DynDOLOD.exe - made world bounds error message more descriptive
DynDOLOD.exe - made simple exe files time check to fail nicely if needed
DynDOLOD.exe - reworked create mod mode
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed using an unassigned list too early
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed not setting up manual base elements properly when updating
DynDOLOD.exe - skip parent/child worldspaces missing persistent cell for real this time
DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - DynDOLOD TexGen.pas script is now started through TexGen.exe - a modified version of xEdit
TexGen.exe - added an options window
TexGen.exe - added automatic saving/reading of options
TexGen.exe - added generation for
TexGen.exe - added option window to select output path and texture size
TexGen.exe - do not stop if files are not found
LODGen.exe - now included in DynDOLOD standalone version
LODGen.exe - added logfile parameter so it can run more than one instance
Papyrus Scripts - fixed parent world dynamic LOD sometimes being disabled when leaving interiors
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated for standalone instructions
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added new tutorial videos
DynDOLOD_TexGen.html - manual updated to reflect new options window
DynDOLOD_Mod_Authors.html - added
DynDOLOD Resources - LOD resources, papyrus scripts and optionals are now a seperate archive
DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added core LOD meshes and textures for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD Patches - patches are now a seperate archive
Meshes/Textures - updated/added LOD meshes and textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD.esp - removed default esp - it will be created if it doesn't exist
Version 1.49
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed world bounds error
Version 1.48
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - work around world bounds not always being floats
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - skip parent/child worldspaces with no valid world bounds or missing persistent cell
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - report insane world bounds values
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated a missing nif warning for neverfade references added by mod to just ignore instead of stopping generation
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed automatically checking 'Generate tree LOD' when vanilla tree LOD generation is disabled
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added missing brackets in try block checking form id rules
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed 'not a tree message' for now valid STAT LOD trees with Have Tree LOD flag set
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a subliminal message to xEdit message log
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated de-normalizing resource path to be less greedy
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a simple xEdit.exe and LODGen.exe file time check
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - read mapping data from Merge Plugins to apply rules for single plugins to merged plugins automatically
DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - added checks to force output directory
Papyrus Scripts - use fewer "strings"
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
Meshes/Textures - updated/added LOD meshes and textures for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - rename to xEdit - because there can be more than only one
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD_Reference.html - updated to reflect current process and for clarity
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - work around world bounds not always being floats
Version 1.47
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a missing ResourceExists check before trying to open it
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added discovery of tree LOD billboard textures for static tree LOD and export data for LODGen.exe
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - simplified generation of ultra tree LOD
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated detection of min/max world bounds as rule of one does not apply for overwrite records
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a ResourceExists check when using meshes for dynamic LOD
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a CRC32 check for full model tree meshes to match correct static tree LOD mesh for "dumb" file replacer mods
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - optimized rule matching
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - add references that use dunCGOutsideClutterMarker marker as XESP as static LOD instead of dynamic LOD - it enables references after intro scene played
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated automatic alternate texture detection and made use of 3D Names definition file to determine which is the dominant texture of the LOD model
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added AppName identfier to all ini/cache files to be able to separate between different games
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed a case of glow LOD mesh file name detection if _lod is part of full mesh name
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - use smallest/greatest worldspace bounds from entire overwrite list
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added IsSwitch for childworlds for manual references
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated some functions for future billboard use in static LOD
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - always skip marker when processing worldspace
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - trying to optimize possible position changes to detect existing child world copies
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - use full model for child world to parent world copy if object is really really huge
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed not replacing textures when using cached base elements
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a [LODGen Settings] section to rule files so (updated) mods shipping with their own rules can overwrite default settings
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - addjust option windows for title bar height
DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - added generation for,,
DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - added AppName identifier to all ini/cache files to be able to separate between different games
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
Papyrus Scripts - write a debug message to log in case files are out of sync
Papyrus Scripts - added information MCM page
Papyrus Scripts - enable/disable use of NetImmerse Override in MCM - disabled by default
Papyrus Scripts - optimized parts of MCM
Papyrus Scripts - updated activating/deactivating function to be more robust
Papyrus Scripts - added function option to activate all active FarGrid/NearGrid cells instead of only the ones that changed state - used in patches of third party scripts
Papyrus Scripts - print debug message for all instances when a model is enabled
Meshes/Textures - updated/added LOD meshes and textures for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a missing ResourceExists check before trying to open it
Version 1.46
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - do not show worlds added by ignored mods
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added export of fMinSecondsForLoadFadeIn from DynDOLOD.ini to json to overwrite fade-in time after loading / fast travel
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added export of 3 emissive multipliers to be used on dynamic glow LOD to make it slightly brighter depending on distance, requires NetImmerse Override
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added export of 3D name of glow LOD meshes so emissive multiple can be set, requires NetImmerse Override
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added discovery of references using LIGH base elements which have no mesh that have neverfade flag set, use a pre defined fake glowing mesh for LOD
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added mesh masks to DynDOLOD.ini for full and LOD models to ignore for automatic matching
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added EditorID mask IgnoreBaseEDID= to DynDOLOD.ini to ignore base elements, was hardcoded before
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a !NOT mod filename to reference mesh rules - rule will not be used if mod filename is found in load order
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - only process references mesh rules when containing world is processed
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added simple detection of LOD models with 'passthru' in the filename - BSLightingShader/BSEffectShader is not modified by LODGen.exe, some non-LOD shader types/flags work in BTO, e.g. glow shader
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added eighth option 'ignore' to the mesh rules reference drop down and apply before tree LOD is generated
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - remove VMAD from permanently disabled references so scripts do not execute on them
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed using LOD model for child world copies as intended
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added min radius settings in DynDOLOD.ini for fake lights discovery
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added creation and export to json data file of a uGridsToLoad sized cell list for fast travel quick switch of dynamic LOD
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added export of grid sizes to json for more effective dynamic LOD switching for fast travel
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added IgnoreWater switch for LODGen.exe if worldspace has 'No LOD water' flag set
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added advanced/expert setting for max atlas tile size
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated advanced/expert options for Glow LOD
DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - updated, using 4th slot unused by vanilla
Papyrus Scripts - added slight startup delay before trying to access json data to give PapyrusUtil time to initialize
Papyrus Scripts - added workaround for game engine executing OnCellAttach twice on activators in persistent cell
Papyrus Scripts - optimized switching after loading and fast travel
Papyrus Scripts - reduced numbers of activating activaters after loading and fast travel
Papyrus Scripts - added true fade out for better blending of LOD windows
Papyrus Scripts - added setting emissive multiple when NetImmerse Override is present for LOD windows
Papyrus Scripts - added fade from black time setting
Papyrus Scripts - added check of esp version
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
Meshes/Textures - updated/added LOD meshes and textures for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added new section called 'How to add rules for your own mod'
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added new section called 'Glow LOD'
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - do not show worlds added by ignored mods
Version 1.45
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added to also read rules files from ../skyrim/data/DynDOLOD/DynDOLOD_modnameesp.ini in case mod author wants to supply and maintain rules
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - rules file for a mod can contain rule sections that only apply in case another mod is present, section header [Skyrim 2ndmodfilenameesp], for simple compatibility patches
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - also apply 'delete' and 'original' mesh rules before tree LOD is generated
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - do not add textures from models with PassThru material to atlas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - explicitly set diffuse atlas texture to use alpha
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added switch for show on local map flag for LOD using emissive color - for water reflections after opening map once
Papyrus Scripts - optimized switching when leaving active worldspace
Meshes - updated LOD meshes for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added to also read rules files from ../skyrim/data/DynDOLOD/DynDOLOD_modnameesp.ini in case mod author wants to supply and maintain rules
Version 1.44
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - start LODGen.exe minimized when in advanced or expert mode, set MinimizeLODGenExe=1 in DynDOLOD.ini to start LODGen.exe minimized in wizard mode
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - do not use lod_flat.nif for static or dynamic LOD added by mods as they typically use the default texture atlas name which is generated and overwritten and becomes incompatible, use lod_flat_2.nif with distinct atlas texture instead
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added eighth option 'enable' to the mesh rules reference drop down setting XESP enable parent to player for references that have no XESP - use for trees so they are not done by tree LOD
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added additional switches to objects json
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - copy XEMI record from child world reference to parent world references for consistent window glow
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated output of alternate texture replacement list, requires new LODGen.exe from xEdit 170815 or newer
Papyrus Scripts - added a switch to fade out
Papyrus Scripts - added a switch to turn off model in child world regardless of reference keep rule
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
Meshes - updated LOD meshes for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - start LODGen.exe minimized when in advanced or expert mode, set MinimizeLODGenExe=1 in DynDOLOD.ini to start LODGen.exe minimized in wizard mode
Version 1.43
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed mesh replacement not working
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - allow full textures to be atlassed
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - output an alternate texture replacement list for future releases
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
Meshes - updated LOD meshes for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed mesh replacement not working
Version 1.42
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added an extra switch to reference json data for LOD using emissive color for future releases
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added ability to add both near and far grid to a reference
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added an one time splash screen to point out helpful documents
DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - fixed creating
Papyrus Scripts - updated to not reset disabled references
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes - updated LOD meshes for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added an extra switch to reference json data for LOD using emissive color for future releases
Version 1.41
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed sometimes not carrying over all cell data when creating overwrite records
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed a rare exception updating cell data of overwrite records
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed an overzealous output path check
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added new compatibility section called 'Mods Requiring DynDOLOD'
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed sometimes not carrying over all cell data when creating overwrite records
Version 1.40
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed getting default LODs from base elements
Meshes - updated LOD meshes for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed getting default LODs from base elements
Version 1.39
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed a typo causing error in process line 780
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated the helpful error message in case an overwrite record links to a non-existent form id to be even more helpful
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - made a distinction between superseded mods that are replaced and other mods that should simply not be in the load order while generating LOD
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - changed mod warning message to sound less dramatic
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed a typo causing error in process line 780
Version 1.38
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - unset persistent flag from disabled neverfades if deemed safe
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - export a reset list of former neverfades with persistent flag to json file
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - copy non persistent cell 'containing' existing persistent references that were changed, may create intentional ITMs
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - only treat neverfades that are persistent as neverfades
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - refined overwrite detection when updating
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed adding duplicate activator when updating
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed adding rules erroneously when updating without using cache
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added ability to define full models in mesh rules without a LOD mesh being present, unset VWD
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - automatically add LIGH to list of base elements eligible for LOD when a reference rule uses it, only works for LIGH base elements with models
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - cleaned up form id conversions
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - cleaned up getting full model from base elements
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a message for 'duplicate' tree form ids causing tree LOD in loaded cells, get newer TES5Edit if it triggers
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - disallow meshes/textures/skse in output path so none of the tools gets confused
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added checking matching DynDOLOD.esp version
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - set no switching delay for dynamic LOD fires when attaching cell
Papyrus Scripts - added resetting references from reset list when initializing and activating/deactivating from MCM
Papyrus Scripts - improved dynamic LOD switching times when detaching cells and after fast travel
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - unset persistent flag from disabled neverfades if deemed safe
Version 1.37
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed an exception for mod # > 128
Version 1.36
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed pointer to integer conversions sometimes causing wrong ids
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - optmized discovery of _far.nif
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - assume disabled references with z = -300000 to be "Deleted" regardless of XESP
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated a couple more cases to use a native TES5Edit function
Papyrus Scripts - fixed an error message
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
Meshes - updated LOD meshes for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed pointer to integer conversions sometimes causing wrong ids
Version 1.35
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed a list re-assigment causing exception
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added automatically using _far.nif if every other method failed
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added support for PassThru material for future releases
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - some cosmetic updates to the forms
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - removed a function to use native TES5Edit function instead
DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - added generation for,, and
Meshes/Textures - added new texture variants for better compatibility with DLC01
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed a list re-assigment causing exception
Version 1.34
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a helpful message about sResourceArchiveList in skyrim.ini in case Tamriel is not found
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a bunch of numbers to 'sign' json files and the esp
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed not being able to set near grid to values < 10
Papyrus Scripts - added a message if a bunch of numbers are different
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a helpful message about sResourceArchiveList in skyrim.ini in case Tamriel is not found
Version 1.33
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - Create texture atlas without alpha channel since it is not used
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added write/read 'next object id' into/from a file so using a default DynDOLOD.esp will not reuse formids from former generations - this does not change save game update procedure
DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - moved to DynDOLOD_TexGen_noalpha.txt
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added information about STEP texture pack
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes/Textures - updated LOD meshes for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - Create texture atlas without alpha channel since it is not used
Version 1.32
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - made MNAM - Distant LOD set/get compatible with newer TES5Edit version
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - use sleep from newer TES5Edit version when available
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - write a helpful error message in case an overwrite record links to a non-existent form id
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - missing vanilla tree billboards message now stops the process
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added an early check LODGen.exe exists
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed pointer to integer conversions causing wrong from ids in wine
DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - fixed string to float conversions causing exception with certain region settings
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
Meshes/Textures - updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - made MNAM - Distant LOD set/get compatible with newer TES5Edit version
Version 1.31
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - made worldspace list for checkbox resilient versus overwrite records
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - upgraded log message to a message dialog in case DynDOLOD.esp is not last in load order
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - changed copied base element use the same signature as the source base element
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - copy OBND data and flags when copying base elements for dynamic LOD
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added cache handling for LOD using emissive color for future releases
Papyrus Scripts - improve switching times of dynamic LOD for fast travel
DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - updated creation rules for
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes/Textures - updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - made worldspace list for checkbox resilient versus overwrite records
Version 1.30
- DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - added printing a line for each created LOD texture for better troubleshooting
DynDOLOD_TexGen.html - added a note for an alternative textures list file in case of crash
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed loading some rules twice sometimes
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed creating LOD for neverfades in child worlds that are copied to parent world
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed updating existing texture replacements on master record causing changes to other mods
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - remember status of custom mod handling accross reruns without reloading default rules
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - do not show child worlds in case they have erroneous *.lod file
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - raised possible position changes to detect existing child world copies from 1/100 to 1/1000
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated function to add manual base elements based on worldspace name
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes/Textures - updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - added printing a line for each created LOD texture for better troubleshooting
Version 1.29
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated link of require message for newer version
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - wait longer before asking about LODGen.exe to not confuse users
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added waiting for LODGen.exe before showing complete message
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed adding master for injected elements
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added handling for LOD using emissive color for future releases
Papyrus Scripts - release an object reference when being done with it by assigning None
DynDOLOD_TexGen.html - added instructions and video for DynDOLOD TexGen.pas
DynDOLOD_QuickStart.html - updated links to new and shiny GitHub for TES5Edit
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated links to new and shiny GitHub for TES5Edit
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes/Textures - updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated link of require message for newer version
Version 1.28
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - removed all ambiguity from the SKSE plugin json output folder so it always ends up next to meshes and textures
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added SW Cell coordinates to [world].json for new You Are Here MCM page
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated a check for newer xEdit version so the nice error message shows again
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed output of textures_used.txt to actually use the used texture list for real this time
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added FlagTrees switch to DynDOLOD.ini to set Has Distant LOD flag on tree base elements
Papyrus Scripts - added last top left message to the SkyUI MCM page, hover above it to see the full message at the bottom in case it gets cut off
Papyrus Scripts - added a You Are Here SkyUI MCM page to show position, cell and LOD filenames for the current location
DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - added creation of cavebaseground02
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
Meshes/Textures - updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - removed all ambiguity from the SKSE plugin json output folder so it always ends up next to meshes and textures
Version 1.27
- Papyrus Scripts - updated debug.trace notice for dynamic LOD objects to show the used mesh path and filename.
DynDOLOD-README.txt - added debug instructions
Meshes - ran all meshes through nifconvert to make triple sure they are valid
- Papyrus Scripts - updated debug.trace notice for dynamic LOD objects to show the used mesh path and filename.
Version 1.26
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - changed method of setting base elements on town reference copies
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - changed method of copying XEMI records on references
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - disallow output path to be set to game folder, default to xEdit scripts folder if -o: is not set
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed output of textures_used.txt to actually use the used texture list
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed lookup of persistent CELL when adding neverfades
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - changed method of setting base elements on town reference copies
Version 1.25
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed a typo causing rare error
Version 1.24
- Papyrus Scripts - added debug.trace enable notice before enabling dynamic LOD objects
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added debug switch entry to DynDOLOD_Worlds.json, set to true and enable papyrus debugging in skyrim.ini for enable notices
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added seventh option 'copy' to the mesh rules reference drop down, for cases when 'original' is having the desired effect
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - some visual options form adjustments
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - added creation of farmhouselod01
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added new tutorial video
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes/textures - updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
Meshes/Textures - added the handful textures from High Resolution Texture Pack removing the need for its requirement
- Papyrus Scripts - added debug.trace enable notice before enabling dynamic LOD objects
Version 1.18
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - add Generate static LOD checkbox to advanced window
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - only update base element flags really needed for game engine
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - optimized discovery of snowy versions of full models
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - add Generate static LOD checkbox to advanced window
Version 1.17
- 1.17
Papyrus Scripts - changed activation caller to self to prevent loss of ethereal when moving across cell borders
- 1.17
Version 1.16
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed a missing ) in functions.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added output of TES5Edit\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\cache\DynDOLOD_[worldspace name]_textures_used.txt for debugging purposes
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed a missing ) in functions.pas
Version 1.14
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed not reading texture rule set in expert mode
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added automatically ignoring mods with BASHED PATCH as author
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated LODGen export file parameters for upcoming future version
Papyrus Scripts - added an extra disable to dynamic LOD objects when leaving worldspace into an interior for faster release of resources
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
Meshes/Textures - updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed not reading texture rule set in expert mode
Version 1.11
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed sExpert error
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated download information for Skyrim Vanilla LOD Source Files 1.6
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed sExpert error
Version 1.10
- DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - added new pas script to generate some (mostly landscape) LOD textures from full textures based on load order - requires xEdit svn 1937 or higher
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed trying to use missing h variant and use l variant instead
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed a case of not detecting a valid master
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated adding new base elements for other than STAT
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a method for new references to point to newly added base elements
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD TexGen.pas - added new pas script to generate some (mostly landscape) LOD textures from full textures based on load order - requires xEdit svn 1937 or higher
Version 1.04
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed sometimes not loading data from manual_ref_[worldspace name]
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - automatically do not load data from manual_ref_[worldspace name] for certain mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed sometimes not loading data from manual_ref_[worldspace name]
Version 1.02
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - delete LODGen_log.txt before processing several worlds - for a new LODGen.exe that appends to log
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated atlas creation for xEdit svn 1935 and higher with automatic fall back to older versions
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed childworld ignore list sometimes not being loaded
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed not being able to update more than one worldspace at a time
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
Meshes/Textures - updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - delete LODGen_log.txt before processing several worlds - for a new LODGen.exe that appends to log
Version 1.00
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed wrong command when reading cache files for real this time
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
Meshes/Textures - updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed wrong command when reading cache files for real this time
Version 0.59.46
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed wrong command when reading cache files
Version 0.59.45
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - do not set VWD on base elements without object bounds
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated update instructions
Papyrus Scripts - updated error handling to be more precise
Papyrus Scripts - updated update instructions
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - do not set VWD on base elements without object bounds
Version 0.59.31
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed not clearing child world data
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added completion message after everything is done
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added sixth option 'original' to the mesh rules reference drop down
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed doubling automatic SkyFalls rules under certain circumstances
DynDOLOD-rules - added/updated rules for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes - updated a LOD mesh for better compatibility
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed not clearing child world data
Version 0.59.30
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a new mod_world_ignore list: all references added by a mod to a world in its list will be ignored
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes - updated a LOD mesh for better compatibility
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a new mod_world_ignore list: all references added by a mod to a world in its list will be ignored
Version 0.59.02
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed waiting for LODGen.exe to finish if it was never started before
Version 0.59.01
- DynDOLOD.ini - added whgate and whdoorfrontgate to child world ignore list, because Bethesda really moves things around
Version 0.59.00
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - copy XEMI record when creating dynamic LOD base element
DynDOLOD-rules - updated and ordered rules to be more consistent
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated Performance section considerably with tips and tricks
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes - updated LOD meshes for better compatibility
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - copy XEMI record when creating dynamic LOD base element
Version 0.58.00
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed an integer conversion for mod # > 128
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed adding missing master when copying XESP element
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - made child world discovery more robust
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - no more export file overwrite warning in wizard mode, simply generate new export file and start LODGen.exe
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - do not throw known error for a handful ETAC trees
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added alternate textures replacements for base elements, requires xEdit svn 1923 or higher
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - do not set VWD on base elements using meshes in effects\ or water\ since they most likely never will have static LOD
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed an integer conversion for mod # > 128
Version 0.57.00
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added wizard mode, set Wizard=0 in DynDOLOD.ini to start in advanced mode
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added tree LOD generation, requires xEdit svn1921 or newer. If 'Generate tree LOD' is not checked it uses the cached tree LOD data if it exists. If no cached data exists either it will try to read BTT files from game location
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added support for custom mesh-rules files for specific mods, check Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\rules\
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added output of TES5Edit\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\cache\DynDOLOD_[worldspace name]_mesh_count.txt with a count of how often a LOD mesh is used
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - use TES5Edit -o argument for output path if available
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - StorageUtilData path automatically uses output path, set StorageUtilDataSameAsOutput=0 to use data path, browsing only exposed in export mode
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated advanced and expert options window
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added fith option 'delete' to the mesh rules reference drop down
DynDOLOD-rules - updated rules to adjust for the new rules logic
DynDOLOD-rules - added rules for several mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - removed no longer needed custom mesh rules information for mods that now have mesh rules files
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added wizard mode videos, updated advanced mode videos, added a seperate video for splitting trees
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added and updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes/Textures - updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added wizard mode, set Wizard=0 in DynDOLOD.ini to start in advanced mode
Version 0.56.00
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed trying to process child worlds with no dimensions
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed a mispelled command
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - optimized generating atlas again from export file
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - upated formatting and some parts to hopefuly be clearer
Meshes/Textures - updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed trying to process child worlds with no dimensions
Version 0.55.00
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added info about tree LOD billboards for download at
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated Videos with tree LOD billboards download info
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added more detailed uninstall information
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added and updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes/Textures - updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD-rules - updated rules for new LOD meshes
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added info about tree LOD billboards for download at
Version 0.54.00
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - add a copy in parent world when disabling a neverfade in a child world
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed writing not all child worlds to DynDOLOD_Worlds.json
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed reading child world data from previous generation if parent world is not used for LOD
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - create LODGen export folder if it doesn exist
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added button to rebuild atlas dds from cached data for advanced screen
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed LOD being created for elements disabled by mesh rules
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - add a copy in parent world when disabling a neverfade in a child world
Version 0.53.00
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed adding masters for parent worldspace and parent cell elements
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - LODGen Output path only updates when clicking "Default" button
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added signature FURN (furniture) to the list of base element types eligible for LOD
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated some commands to use native TES5Edit functions
DynDOLOD-rules - updated rules for FURN
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed adding masters for parent worldspace and parent cell elements
Version 0.52.00
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - improved automatic atlas creation now part of TES5Edit
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added and updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes/Textures - updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - improved automatic atlas creation now part of TES5Edit
Version 0.51.02
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - improved automatic atlas creation
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed adding masters for certain other elements
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated a few functions that are now integrated into TES5Edit
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - removed legacy code and checks not needed anymore
Meshes/Textures - updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - improved automatic atlas creation
Version 0.51.01
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed error inserting meshes rules
Version 0.51.00
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed adding masters for certain elements requiring their own masters
Version 0.50.00
- DynDOLOD-BETA-README.txt - updated for new LODGen.exe 0.6 and newly added functions to TES5Edit
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - hide no longer needed LODGen options by default, set advanced=1 in DynDOLOD.ini to show
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - changed output path behavior: instead of full path, meshes\terrain\[worldspace]\objects will be appended to it
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added support for using LOD meshes found in BSAs without the need to unpack. Load order applies. Loose files win.
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - enabled ash material
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added override of STAT records and set VWD flag so their full models do not overlap LOD models outside loaded cells
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added BSA resource list to export file for LODGen.exe for LOD nifs and terrain btr files
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - moved remaining functions from LODGen.pas to lib\lodgenalt.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added cache for mesh files found in BSA and data folder
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added CreateAtlas() to create.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas/Papyrus Scripts - Changed how masters are added - only masters of directly linked forms are added. No masters for forms "linked" by mod name and form id in the json files
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated manual for new TES5Edit Generate LOD options, especially LODGen for trees and splitting tree atlas
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added and updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes/Textures - changed mesh files to use single lod textures for automatic atlas creation
Meshes/Textures - added new and updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mod
- DynDOLOD-BETA-README.txt - updated for new LODGen.exe 0.6 and newly added functions to TES5Edit
Version 0.45.22
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed json list sometimes being malformed in SaveFormlists3() in create.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed erroneous child world object discovery when parent world is not used for LOD in DynDOLODProcessReference() in process.pas
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed json list sometimes being malformed in SaveFormlists3() in create.pas
Version 0.45.21
- Papyrus Scripts - moved all script properties from esp into json data files, this means less cruft and persistant data in save game
Papyrus Scripts - Added a SkyUI MCM menu with on/off toggle and helpful information for updating
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated throughout to create additional json data files
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a fourth option to the mesh rules reference drop down
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - changed child world object copy regarding existing LOD for better mod compatibility and added objects to ignore lists to compensate for duplicates
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added mode to create a new mod with MNAM - Distant LOD overrides for STAT base elements to use with CK or original LODGen and DynDOLOD Modders Resource - only useful for modders...
DynDOLOD-rules - updated rules for changed child world copy
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added and updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes/Textures - added new and updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
- Papyrus Scripts - moved all script properties from esp into json data files, this means less cruft and persistant data in save game
Version 0.44.20
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added and updated compatibility information for several mods
Meshes/Textures - added new and updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD-rules - updated rules for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed reading of existing Grids in ReadMasterFile in preapare.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed NearGrid being one cell off north/south in create.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - changed treatment of lod_lod throughout for better compatibility with mods
Papyrus Scripts - removed initialization autosave since it is not required anymore after changes in 0.43.13
Papyrus Scripts - fixed NearGrid sometimes switching off at a greater distance than required
Papyrus Scripts - made dynamic object switching more resilient against rapid repeated cell changes
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added and updated compatibility information for several mods
Version 0.43.19
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - made sure existing neverfades with no rules are added to FarGrid by default in DynDOLODProcessReference() in process.pas
Meshes/Textures - added new and updated LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added and updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - made sure existing neverfades with no rules are added to FarGrid by default in DynDOLODProcessReference() in process.pas
Version 0.43.18
- Meshes - added new and updated LOD meshes for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added and updated compatibility information for several mods
DynDOLOD-rules - updated rules for better compatibility with mods
- Meshes - added new and updated LOD meshes for better compatibility with mods
Version 0.43.17
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - moved getting world dimensions from ScanWorlds() in process.pas to DynDOLODPrepareWorld() in prepare.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - raised possible position changes to detect existing town copies from 1/10 to 1/100
Meshes - added new and updated LOD meshes for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD-rules - added rules for new meshes
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added and updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - moved getting world dimensions from ScanWorlds() in process.pas to DynDOLODPrepareWorld() in prepare.pas
Version 0.43.16
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed number conversion for regions using different decimal seperator
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added and updated compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed number conversion for regions using different decimal seperator
Version 0.43.15
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - ignore references outside of world in DynDOLODProcessReference() in process.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed to also add masters for override records throughout
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed reading existing data for manual dyanmic objects in ReadMasterFile() in prepare.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed reference rules not carried over for town copies in AddTownREFR() in process.pas
Meshes - added new and updated LOD meshes for better compatibility with mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - ignore references outside of world in DynDOLODProcessReference() in process.pas
Version 0.43.14
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed reading existing data for current world/child worlds only in ReadMasterFile() in prepare.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - rewrote cell and formlist generation code to be slighlty less crazy and a bit faster in create.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added ability to add manual entries to LODGen export file for better compatibility with mods
DynDOLOD-rules - updated for better compatibility with mods. Moved tree rule down in low and medium - because order really does matter
Meshes/Textures - added and updated a couple LOD meshes/textures for better compatibility with mods
Papyrus Scripts - fixed state switching of outside cells from within child worlds
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added compatibility information for several mods
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed reading existing data for current world/child worlds only in ReadMasterFile() in prepare.pas
Version 0.43.13
- Papyrus Scripts - use IntList instead of FormList with PapyrusUtil to work around > 128 mod issue when using FormListHas function
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated output to IntList json file in SaveFormlists() in create.pas
- Papyrus Scripts - use IntList instead of FormList with PapyrusUtil to work around > 128 mod issue when using FormListHas function
Version 0.43.12
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added compatibility information for several mods, moved images to img folder
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - updated texture lookup for better compatibility with mods in LODTexture() in functions.pas
DynDOLOD.ini - added mountain to child world ignore list
Meshes\Textures - added lots of new texture variants for better compatibility with mods
Papyrus Scripts - replaced flip flopping states with distinct variables for better reliability in high stress situations
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added compatibility information for several mods, moved images to img folder
Version 0.42.11
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - uploaded and added a second guide video for non-MO users, works for NMM too
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed a few integer/cardinal conversions to be more robust when there are ore than 128 mods loaded
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - stop XESP chain lookup if linked to element is not a reference in AddDynDOLODREFERValues() in functions.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed missing meshes message in DoBaseElement() in process.pas
Meshes\lod - add some texture variants for Falskaar and other mods
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - uploaded and added a second guide video for non-MO users, works for NMM too
Version 0.42.10
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated LODGen for trees section. Especially note the information about TES5Edit -o:"" output folder argument
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated SkyFalls and SkyMills specific info
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added signature CONT (container) to the list of base element types eligible for LOD
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - load default preset if no preset.ini is found in LODGenPresetLoad() in optionsform.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a workaround for BaseRecord() oddities in DoDynDOLOD in create.pas
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated LODGen for trees section. Especially note the information about TES5Edit -o:"" output folder argument
Version 0.42.09
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated LODGen Skyrim Flora Overhaul specific info
Version 0.42.08
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated LODGen for trees section and added Skyrim Flora Overhaul specific info
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added note that landscape LOD needs to be unpacked once for each worldspace
DynDOLOD-rules-low.ini - updated farmhouse rule
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed neverfade handling for objects in child worlds/towns in DynDOLODProcessReference() in process.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - only add lines to export file for LODGen.exe when there is LOD in at least one level in DoBaseElement() in process.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fix tree cache in TreeWorldspace() in treelodpatcheralt.pas
Meshes\DLC01\LOD\Castle - add some LODs for castle to level 8/16 - 0.42.8
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated LODGen for trees section and added Skyrim Flora Overhaul specific info
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added note that landscape LOD needs to be unpacked once for each worldspace
DynDOLOD-rules-low.ini - updated farmhouse rule
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed neverfade handling for objects in child worlds/towns in DynDOLODProcessReference() in process.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - only add lines to export file for LODGen.exe when there is LOD in at least one level in DoBaseElement() in process.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fix tree cache in TreeWorldspace() in treelodpatcheralt.pas
Meshes\DLC01\LOD\Castle - add some LODs for castle to level 8/16
- DynDOLOD_Manual.html - updated LODGen for trees section and added Skyrim Flora Overhaul specific info
Version 0.42.07
- DynDOLOD-BETA-README.txt - added information about LODGen.exe crashing with unpacked terrain meshes
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added logic to checkbox if landscape LOD is actually available for LODGen.exe in optionsform.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added missing instance of AddMasterIfMissing() in DynDOLODPrepareWorld() in prepare.pas
- DynDOLOD-BETA-README.txt - added information about LODGen.exe crashing with unpacked terrain meshes
Version 0.42.06
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed logic of custom reference rules in DynDOLODProcessReference() in process.pas
DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - added a couple missing instances of AddMasterIfMissing() in AddDynDOLODBaseElement() in functions.pas
- DynDOLOD Worlds.pas - fixed logic of custom reference rules in DynDOLODProcessReference() in process.pas
Version 0.42.05
- Initial public beta release
- Author's activity
July 2024
13 Jul 2024, 10:37AM | Action by: sheson
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
June 2022
19 Jun 2022, 4:08PM | Action by: sheson
File added
'DynDOLOD 3.00 [version Alpha-95]'
07 Jun 2022, 7:45AM | Action by: sheson
File added
'DynDOLOD 3.00 [version Alpha-94]'
01 Jun 2022, 3:59PM | Action by: sheson
File added
'DynDOLOD 3.00 [version Alpha-93]'
May 2022
23 May 2022, 12:36PM | Action by: sheson
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
23 May 2022, 12:35PM | Action by: sheson
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
23 May 2022, 12:34PM | Action by: sheson
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
18 May 2022, 7:08PM | Action by: sheson
File added
'DynDOLOD 3.00 [version Alpha-92]'
18 May 2022, 4:35PM | Action by: sheson
File added
'DynDOLOD 3.00 [version Alpha-91]'
10 May 2022, 6:32PM | Action by: sheson
File added
'DynDOLOD 3.00 [version Alpha-90]'
06 May 2022, 7:03PM | Action by: sheson
File added
'DynDOLOD 3.00 [version Alpha-89]'
April 2022
14 Apr 2022, 1:17PM | Action by: sheson
File added
'DynDOLOD 3.00 [version Alpha-88]'
04 Apr 2022, 1:10PM | Action by: sheson
File added
'DynDOLOD 3.00 [version Alpha-87]'
01 Apr 2022, 4:05PM | Action by: sheson
File added
'DynDOLOD 3.00 [version Alpha-86]'
March 2022
28 Mar 2022, 3:55PM | Action by: sheson
Attribute change
'File \'DynDOLOD 3.00\' description changed.'
28 Mar 2022, 3:52PM | Action by: sheson
Attribute change
'File \'DynDOLOD 3.00\' description changed.'
27 Mar 2022, 8:45PM | Action by: sheson
File added
'DynDOLOD 3.00 [version Alpha-85]'
21 Mar 2022, 10:47AM | Action by: sheson
File added
'DynDOLOD 3.00 [version Alpha-84]'
18 Mar 2022, 3:08PM | Action by: sheson
File added
'DynDOLOD 3.00 [version Alpha-83]'
12 Mar 2022, 6:37PM | Action by: sheson
File added
'DynDOLOD 3.00 [version Alpha-82]'
- Mod page activity
January 2025
15 Jan 2025, 2:52AM | Action by: GrandmaKay
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
15 Jan 2025, 12:20AM | Action by: ikevbot
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
14 Jan 2025, 7:39PM | Action by: musclebusted
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
14 Jan 2025, 5:05PM | Action by: Laviniam
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
14 Jan 2025, 5:34AM | Action by: Rapt0rman
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
13 Jan 2025, 7:40PM | Action by: bandyzz
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
13 Jan 2025, 1:12PM | Action by: GNGFan21
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
12 Jan 2025, 7:17PM | Action by: Icantdrive
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
12 Jan 2025, 6:53PM | Action by: Hist1one
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
12 Jan 2025, 2:36PM | Action by: StolenTube02
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
12 Jan 2025, 2:27PM | Action by: Ajevanseep
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
12 Jan 2025, 1:46PM | Action by: ringo9009
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
12 Jan 2025, 4:27AM | Action by: RVR01
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
12 Jan 2025, 12:39AM | Action by: eduardohenriqueneves
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
11 Jan 2025, 9:13PM | Action by: staccato50
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
11 Jan 2025, 12:43PM | Action by: parrudo12
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
11 Jan 2025, 4:00AM | Action by: Gleidex
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
11 Jan 2025, 1:49AM | Action by: hfliii
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
11 Jan 2025, 1:14AM | Action by: jaaxxck
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'
10 Jan 2025, 12:35PM | Action by: huyneznaet
'Dynamic Distant Objects LOD - DynDOLOD'