1. 32cm
    • supporter
    • 485 kudos
    Since nexus change name files after upload, if you downloaded the 3 parts file rename them to (or you will get error):

    Tamriel Reloaded HD.part01.rar
    Tamriel Reloaded HD.part02.rar
    Tamriel Reloaded HD.part03.rar
    Tamriel Reloaded HD.part09.rar
    Tamriel Reloaded HD.part10.rar

    Update 0-9b is up. Last big update next ones will be small.
    -Many optimized textures for less vram usage.
    -New Markarth textures.
    -New imperial fort textures.
    -Better parallax in some textures.
    -Missing textures and some other fixed.

    1K 0-9b textures will come also soon. If you already installed 4k textures 0-9b install again after this. Sorry for the big updates but as I said no more big ones.

    Common CTDs, Freezes, ILS and memory issues at STEP forum
    1. jschott
      • account closed
      • 4 kudos
      Thank you so much 32cm! We all love your work so much!
    2. 666sparta666
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Awesome your the best
    3. shinygamer
      • BANNED
      • 5 kudos
      Hi, Are the mountain and rock textures in the new Tamriel Reloaded HD different from the textures in Tamriel Reloaded - Mountains and Rocks textures, also any chance of a patch for Better Dynamic Snow?
      Many thanks for all your work, it's epic

    4. JohnNav
      • member
      • 130 kudos
      Awesome, and thank you.

      I was using many Texture Replacers already and {Reloaded HD} took care of most textures with an added 3D look that are both beautiful and perfect - all this with MINIMAL FPS increase

    5. Shibblet
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      This is one of the best mods I have ever used. The texturing really does make Tamriel feel like a new place.

      I have noticed one issue though. The ELFX 2.0 Patch for TR HD causes a CTD outside of Windhelm. At least it does for me. I tried disabling my mods one at a time to find this issue ( I run about 80 mods) and then just loaded up the TR HD, ELFX, and the ELFX Patch by themselves, and got a CTD in the same place. So, I loaded up all of my mods without the patch, and no crash.

      It could be a combination of Mods, but just something for you to check. Thanks!

      Again, this is amazing work. I don't want to play Skyrim without it!
    6. TheValens
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      I only experience this with combination of ELFX and Better dynamic snow. I fixed that by using meshes from ELFX for windhlem bridge.
    7. TheAnonymousInquisitor
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Thank u very much! Fixed my CTD in Windhelm. Worked!
    8. darktwin1
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      I'm having the same problem but i don't understand how you fixed it. Sorry to bother.
    9. TheValens
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      you have to replace windhelmbridge.nif and windhelmbridge2.nif files from Tamriel reloaded HD or ELFX patch for it with .nif files from original ELFX. You can get it by manually extracting ELFX mod and you will find it in meshes folder for Windhelm. I personally revert all Windhelm to original ELFX files and use other retexture mod as I got flickering ground all over Windhelm because of Better dynamic snow

      The patch for Better dynamic snow is needed but I don't know if 32cm is even considering it.
    10. darktwin1
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      Thank you so much! Very helpful
    11. shivem
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Do I need the ELFX patch if I only use interiors? And since I don't use exteriors im guessing the windhelm bridge wont be an issue? Also, I have realistic water 2 so I will grab that patch to. Now when I install TR should I overwrite the files from ELFX and RW2 then add patches? Or do I say no to overwrites?
    12. turbosundance
      • member
      • 37 kudos
      I, too, experience a CTD approaching Windhelm with this mod, ELFX and BDS enabled. Took me a while to figure out the problem since I'm running 250+ mods...
    13. Hangman117
      • member
      • 0 kudos

    14. Sounds good and I am downloading right now. However these are HD Textures and won't play well on my PC. So to get around this issue I use DDSOpt to cut the size of HD Textures in half. There is a marked difference in a Halfsized HD Texture vs. a Halfsized Vanilla Texture and my PC can handle Halfsized HD Textures. And before anyone asks the answer is NO I can't post what I am doing as it is not my mod. What I am doing is for my purposes only.
    15. AKcelsior
      • premium
      • 595 kudos
      @crimsonblade02191973: You do realize there's a 1k texture pack in the download section right? You didn't need to waste 4 hours (as you say) using DDSopt on this pack. 32cm already gives us half sized textures that are 1/4 the filesize of the regular 2k. The more you know!
    16. @akkalat85 - Yes but I like to take the best and cut them in half as they look the best from the start. I don't know how 32cm created his lower res version so I always take it upon myself to take the best the mod has to offer and make it work with my computer.

      And thanks for explaining Parallax for me. Now I have a better understanding of what it is and does and I can see it in game and it makes my game look totally different. A lot more realistic.

      I wonder if Parallax could be applied to Arms and Armor or if it is best on architecture, terrain etc.
    17. manchuligans
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you for this work. I've been searching through texture after texture overhaul to make Skyrim beautiful, and with your textures I found everything I was looking for. My Skyrim went from blah to BEAUTIFUL as soon as I installed this mod. I can't wait for your next release!
    18. Dracaris8599
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      @TheValens Thank you so much for identifying the problem! I can't seem to find the windhelmbridge.nif and windhelmbridge2.nif probably because I'm using ELFX interiors only. But even so I'm glad that you figured out that ELFX and better dynamic snow combined with the ELFX patch for TR HD causes this.

      On a side note, does this mean I don't need the ELFX patch for TR if i'm only running interiors?
    19. AngusMacDoom
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    20. JennyTran
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      This is beautiful....it almost looks like real life.

      Thank you so much
    21. Jayer117
      • premium
      • 25 kudos
      Is anyone else having a problem with the ground in Windhelm? It's all fuzzy/pixelated for me. Everything else seems to work fine for me.
    22. deleted25518024
      • account closed
      • 53 kudos
      Awesome mod dud. And really easy installation.
    23. fristo12
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Since i need this fixed fast im gonna ask you guys. I experience random CTDs mostly at autosave but sometimes i experience them randomly like walking and stuff. Any fixes?
    24. RussellCrowe4021
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      You are god of textures! Could it be possible to have an alternative Whiterun city walls texture? I mean, do you remember the one used in Tamriel Reloaded Textures and Parallax for ENB, Whiterun had white brick wall. Could it be possible to have the choice between the actual textures in TR HD and the white wall?

      Thanks again and your work is amazing!
    25. hexenpantzen
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      TheValens! HEY!! Thank you SO much for the tip about the Windhelm bridge meshes! I was going out of my mind trying to figure out why I kept CTD! You are a smart and handsome individual!
    26. mrphresh
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Hmm, well i did install tamriel reloaded hd, and the 4k option, but in my meshes, achitecture folder there is no bridge.nif file... so i just pasted both of the files in and i still ctd outside of windhelm :/ any ideas ?
    27. TheShrike
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I had heard people recommending your texture mod, and eventually decided to try it.

      I use Vividian ENB, as I like a fantasy effect for the game, and this goes with it superbly!
      The overall effect and atmosphere of your mod is simply breathtaking - I no longer stick to the roads
      as I now want to see what this and that look like.

      You have been extremely thorough in what you have covered and it is obvious that it must have taken a long, long time, with lots of patience and commitment to accomplish such a task.

      You have my respect and thanks for contributing this fantastic mod to the community.
    28. MarktheBard
      • member
      • 5 kudos

      You should use the bridge meshes from ELFX instead to avoid the CtD. This is the way I solved this problem and it works perfectly with "Tamriel Reloaded HD".

      Edit: Sorry, I just realised this hint was already given by another user. Well, if it´s still crashing I guess the meshes are overwritten by another mod. With the latest ELFX meshes personally I hadn´t any issues with CtD´s again.
    29. xpSyk
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I really hope someone ports this to SE! My favorite Mod!
  2. 32cm
    • supporter
    • 485 kudos
    This was too much work for me (upload files, make web, record videos etc...), i put a lot of effort on it so you can enjoy it. But no more big mods like this. I will keep updating and so.
  3. Seagay
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I noticed the repeating CTD when approaching Windhelm, and for a long time tried to understand what causes a crash. By revising my plugins and models/textures of that city city, I came across one nif, which after removal from the folder Meshes\architecture\windhelm repair this bug. That NIF is windhelmbridge.nif from your TR ELFX patch
    I hope you fix it

    Thanks for the great mod anyway
  4. Singis
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I get a crash whenever I go into the bannared mare? Only mod I have installed.
  5. JpBiesarck
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    works wih noble 2k skyrim?
  6. agelmar101
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    Never got around to endorsing but been using some of the Whiterun and Solitude city textures for couple of years now in SSE.

    Thank you.
  7. Soroka90
    • premium
    • 225 kudos
     Very Very Very beautiful texture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. GiovanniBr360
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    For me it surpassed Noble Skyrim, it surprised me a lot. It's a big job.
  9. SolidWolfMods
    • member
    • 64 kudos
    I have this problem: door textures look like melted, something about the paralax i think.
    Some other wall textures look melted as well.

    ¿what could it be?
    1. Zigurdain
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You don't have your parallax set up right with ENB / aren't using ENB.

      I have this same problem because I am running the game on Linux without an ENB. Sadly, it dosen't say anything in the requirements about needing ENB for the parallax.
  10. Varsooth
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'd love to see this for SSE.
  11. lanselot49
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Tamriel reloaded:
    loved it
    >>now with more mud!!!<<
  12. Nyritu
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Just deleted most texture mods from Mo2 in order to use this one again. After all this time? .. Always <3