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Aisaka aka TevinterMage

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  1. Aisaka
    • member
    • 157 kudos
  2. ManRoach
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    How does one go about downloading this? I've never had to manually download a mod like this tbh
    1. Aisaka
      • member
      • 157 kudos
      Click on button "Manual download" on Files section, unpack the archive and put files to Skyrm/Data folder.
  3. Arcane51388
    • member
    • 61 kudos
    Can you make this downloadable with Nexus mod Manager? I think it will help you in the long run.
    1. Aisaka
      • member
      • 157 kudos
      I've got reports from users that they got bugs with my mods with high poly heads via NMM installation, that's why it's manual. There is nothing difficult in installing such mod manually.
  4. mickymax69
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Thaeril is beautiful!
    Love her face in profile, well shaped.
    She has her personal charm, an identity.
    This mod deserves to be more known and downloaded.
    Thanks to share it.
    1. Aisaka
      • member
      • 157 kudos
      Thank you ^_^
  5. Oddlyoko
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just want to warn you that I believe this mod is not compatible with the Bosmeric Drunken Huntsman, or at least when Thaeril is there. Other than that, it's a great follower with great standalone designs but I believe she needs some background to rely on, it's just weird to come talk to her and just ask her to follow the Dragonborn.
    1. Aisaka
      • member
      • 157 kudos
      I tried this mod with Bosmeric Drunken Huntsman in my game and everything was fine.
  6. SirTexasSir
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Installed mod and not finding her in The Drunken Huntsman
    1. Aisaka
      • member
      • 157 kudos
      Try to tick/untick mod in Skyrim launcher if you're using SKSE, try to change it's place in load order. I also have such bug with followers sometimes and it usually helps.
    2. SirTexasSir
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Some reason the Nexus Mod Manager wasn't keeping every thing clicked (useing the alpha one and will report) but than so wasn't the basic game data. I down loaded Tes Mod Manager and it worked fine. Found here where she's suppose to be. Thanks
  7. TheDNightshade
    • member
    • 271 kudos
    I love her! Happy to see she's released
    1. Aisaka
      • member
      • 157 kudos
      Thank you! <3