This page was last updated on 21 July 2020, 3:57PM
Version 2.2.0
It should now be possible to "delete" presets that have been saved with FISS. (FISS doesn't actually give mod authors a way to actually delete files that it has saved, which means that Cobb Encumbrance can't actually delete a preset file; it can, however, forget that the file exists, which is the next best thing.)
All languages have been supplied with a copy of the mod's English-language MCM translation file; this should prevent non-English users from seeing internal placeholder strings.
Mod permissions are now open.
Version 2.1.0
You can now set a Sneak Modifier for encumbrance stages.
Version 2.0
Rebuilt the mod from scratch. The mod should seamlessly import settings from any v1.x installation.
The mod offers two more encumbrance stages to configure, for a total of 11. The "crush" stage has been removed, but all "crush" functionality can be recreated in any encumbrance stage.
You can now use FISS or JContainers to save custom presets, and they can be named.
You can now apply additional movement speed changes that take effect only while running or sprinting. Note that these rely on spell conditions, which are only checked every second.
You can now apply a health drain effect to any encumbrance stage.
You can now apply a stagger effect to any encumbrance stage. You can also configure the interval at which a stagger camera animation is applied.
The mod no longer hardcodes the buffs and nerfs. Instead, you can apply buffs and nerfs within any stage, and you can even mix and match them.
You can now customize the notification displayed for each stage. There are a total of eighty options offered. Two are non-immersive; the rest are immersive messages offered in first-person (I/my), second-person (you/your), and Khajiit third-person ("And this one thinks that is a good idea!").
Stamina and health stats can be configured as points, or as a percentage of your base stamina/health.
Version 1.6
The mod now pays attention to the barter (buy/sell) menu, and will update your encumbrance status when that menu is closed.
Fixed some Papyrus errors that I assume would be thrown when reaching the crush stage.
The crush stage now shows a notification as originally intended.
Version 1.5
Built-in presets should now be available to users that don't have FISS installed.
Fixed a bug where loading user settings with FISS could reset all values to zero, if you had never actually saved user settings with FISS before.
Fixed a minor bug where loading user settings with FISS could set "Enable notifications" to true, regardless of its value in the loaded settings.
Version 1.4
0% speed nerfs will no longer appear in the Active Effects list.
The MCM should now show a proper description for the Crush Stage's "Health Drain Rate" option.
The MCM now has a readout showing your current encumbrance stage.
Version 1.3
Added FISS resources that were accidentally left out of the previous version. Non-FISS users should be able to use the mod's MCM now.
Version 1.2
Notifications should now appear only when your encumbrance status changes. (A small mistake with function arguments had caused messages to show when picking up any item and when closing the Favourites menu.)
Version 1.1
Added an option to disable notifications entirely.
Rearranged the MCM menu, moving stages onto their own page. Your savegame should start using the updated layout shortly after loading. Please let me know if any issues occur.
We now do further encumbrance processing 1.5 seconds after you close the Favourites menu (since you can consume items from there).