- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Patches and Compatibility
Current Patches (found in Data\PATCHES)
Improved Closefaced Helmets Simple Magic Rebalance
Lost Longswords Perkus Maximus
Skyrim Immersive Creatures Enemy AI Overhaul: Revenge of the Enemies
SPERG aMidianBorn Content Addon
Audio Overhaul Skyrim 2 ESO Daedric Armor
Harvest Overhaul Creatures (regular version doesn't need patched)
Heart Breaker (just makes the hearts more potent)
Immersive Armors (yayy) Improved Artifacts Collection
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim Radiant and Unique Potions
Skyrim Coin Replacer Redux Stealth Skills Rebalanced
Unique Uniques Warmonger Armory
Complete Crafting Overhaul's new recipes (ignore if you don't use the new recipes)
Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul Inigo
Patches found in separate folders either include multiple versions (use only one), a readme, or additional Data files. Drag & Drop the appropriate files to \Data. No automatic installer yet, sorry - will be easiest for Mod Organizer users.
Regarding Unpatched Mods:
Alchemy & Potions mods: with the exception of mods like SkyDie that are all script, MLU's alchemy changes will conflict. If there's no patch, they will conflict and likely produce incoherent results.
Fear not, MLU's alchemy overhaul is a great improvement over vanilla.
Perk Mods: The biggest ones are already patched, lesser-known ones will be either compatible or close to it. The only perk MLU affects is Benefactor, which means you may miss out on some bonuses to Restore potions.
A note about extra armor/weapons mods:There are two kinds of these: 1) Mods that add new equipment via crafting recipes only, and 2) Mods that add new equipment by recipes and leveled list integration. Kind #1 is simple: it'll be compatible, but probably inconsistent with MLU's changes to vanilla equipment (the author may have designed it to equal Ebony, but since MLU buffs vanilla Ebony it's weaker now, recipe might also be off). A good patch will simply adjust the stats and/or crafting recipe. Kind #2 will require the same as well as leveled list changes to keep it from adding rare equipment to random lists.This means, if it's not patched, new armor/weapon mods may imbalance your game and counteract what MLU tries to achieve. It's usually not game-breaking, but it's up to you whether it's worth adding. The problem is that there's like a billion of them, with more added all the time, and I don't have the energy or interest to patch all of them (I try to do the biggest ones). If you love new armor/weapon mods and you want them all to cooperate with MLU, your best option is to learn how to use TES5Edit and do it yourself - which isn't that hard and can be a big step towards better understanding your mods.
"Enemy AI Overhaul: Revenge of the Enemies" has been updated and now named "Revenge of the Enemies 2016"
- does the patch still work? -
RotE has its own MLU patch. It was made for v.2.01 but since then -very recently- RotE was upgraded to v2.2. I'd still choose RotE's patch for compatibility. Worth to mention that RotE has many usefull patches as well not listed on its main page, e.g. USLEEP and Weapon&ArmorFixesRemade here: Revenge of the Enemies Patches
TOPIC: IF USING LOOT, make sure your MLU Patches are being placed after MLU.esp
I've noticed a small issue with some of the patches that you guys should be aware of. Some don't have MLU.esp set as Master which will confuse LOOT/Boss.
The ones I noted so far are:
MLUus Minimus.esp
MLU - Radiant and Unique Potions.esp
MLU - No Combat Boundaries.esp
MLU - Static PermaZONES.esp
MLU - Unique Uniques.esp
MLU - Improved Artifacts.esp
MLU - Heart Breaker.esp
MLU - Harvest Overhaul Creatures.esp
MLU - CCOR New Recipes.esp
MLU - Farmers Sell Produce.esp
MLU - AOS2.esp
MLU - Skyrim Coin Replacer Redux.esp
MLU - OBIS.esp
MLU - GELO.esp
MLU - Stealth Skills Rebalanced.esp
MLU - ESO Daedric Armor.esp
If you're organizing the load order yourself and don't have that many pluggins, it's not a big deal but if you're using a Load Order Manager like LOOT or Boss, they will place the patches before MLU.esp in the loadorder which will effectively result in these patches being overwriten by MLU.esp. For example, say you are using MLU - Static PermaZones, every enemy the patch modifies will be overwritten by MLU.esp.
If you don't want to wait for chocolatenoodle to fix them, just edit the Metadata of your patches in LOOT to load after MLU.esp or open your patches in TESVedit and add MLU.esp to their header file.
I made a fix for the following patches:
MLUus Minimus.esp: http://www.mediafire.com/download/509cm7n5nuif336/MLUus_Minimus.esp
MLU - Radiant and Unique Potions.esp: http://www.mediafire.com/download/hxwqv7j762wvj7n/MLU_-_Radiant_and_Unique_Potions.esp
MLU - No Combat Boundaries.esp: http://www.mediafire.com/download/eccdealbcuup5uq/MLU_-_Static_PermaZONES_No_Combat_Boundries.esp
MLU - Static PermaZONES.esp: http://www.mediafire.com/download/myu94b5d912199q/MLU_-_Static_PermaZONES.esp
MLU - Static PermaZONES + No Combat Boundries Combine
MLU Static PermaZONES + No Combat Boundries patches are mutually exclusive. I combined them manually in TESVedit because I wanted both and I thought I'd share patch. Enjoy!
MLU - Static PermaZONES + No Combat Boundries Combine
MLU Static PermaZONES + No Combat Boundries patches are mutually exclusive. I combined them manually in TESVedit because I wanted both and I thought I'd share patch. Enjoy!
Dude thanks so much for the patch! I Always wanted to use both but they were both incompatible with each other.
Why do you recommend WAFR but have no patch for it. There are several things within WAFR that are being completely overwritten by MLU.
You might also want to mention that this mod is slightly incompatible with ELFX - enhancer, as both mods modify cells. Which ever is loaded last will when. (Elfx - enhancer lighting edits need to be add to the cells MLU modifies). -
I'm glad others are finally waking up and realizing RotE is not a good mod. It had some great ideas, but some serious issues like poorly thought out enemy perks (dual-wielders) and ridiculous balancing. Then, the author released a totally messed up version with changes nobody asked for, like a broken enemy scaling system. Did did not fix some of the original problems either, like the perk issues that people, including me, posted about multiple times on the mod page.
Anyway, an alternative to RotE worth checking out is Advanced Adversary Encounters - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64690/?
I think SirJesto, bless him, even has a MLU patch for it - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76757/?
He's even got a patch for AAE and SIC, something the AAE author expressed no interest in because he does not use SIC. Did not see that before. So even more kudos to SirJesto!
Note I haven't played with AAE yet, saving it for the Special Edition. I like what I see though. He tries to keep things realistically balanced and closer to vanilla, while adding cool effects like vampire bats and logical and lore-friendly resistances such as vamps having high conventional resistances, but vulnerable to silver, daedric, and dragonbone weapons. Not like in RotE where FROSTbite spiders were given fire resistance (wtf?). There are also three versions, noob, normal, and hardcore, that can be changed in mid-play any time.
About ELFX's - Enhancer. I've played more than once with both MLU and ELFX and they work fine together. You have to put ELFX below MLU in your load order. I know this is quite strange because BOSS and LOOT ALWAYS place ELFX rather high in load orders and I, for the life of me, could never understand why. More often than not, it's best to place ELFX low in your load order. ELFX affects totally different records anyway. I don't remember them off the top of my head, but just open MLU and ELFX up in TES5Edit and you'll see. -
Do i use this with the legacy of the dragonborn patch central MLU patch? loadorder doesnt need to be tweaked with loot?
Just passing by to thank you Mebantiza for keeping this version up-to-date!
LockedStickyWith the update FINAL to tune and refine MLU's encounter zones, active updates are pretty much at an end for my Skyrim Classic Mods This includes my mods and not just MLU. All my efforts are now focused on Skyrim Special Edition going forward. If anyone wishes to put together updates for any of the supported mods based on the recent builds, that still require them, just shoot me a PM and I will try to make sure they get posted as promptly as I can.
As far as Classic v SSE, goes. SSE is vastly superior in almost every regard to classic. The entire skyrim world, just seems to 'work' and function so much smoothly than classic. Things that I expected to work, but had the nagging feeling never were quite working as they should, well, I think it wasn't my imagination. I notice all kinds of small details that never seemed as if they were functioning quite 100% in classic, seem to actually work in SSE. It's hard to describe, but you'll know what I mean when you see it.
Besides better visuals, which it is still possible for classic to out-do SSE, there is nothing classic does better than SSE. And even there, the gap is narrowing. You can get ENBs now that make SSE look (near) as good as classic. Why mod authors continue to support this obsolete engine, is baffling to me frankly.
If you are thinking of making the move to SSE and are sitting on the fence. Do it. Those few mods that don't exist in SSE, you probably don't need them, or would miss them once you get there. Sure, some mods that got 'ported' (CONVERTED) are as broken in SSE as they are in classic, but that is another issue. I have over 95% of my current load Order working in SSE. As far as the engine itself and what it can do, and how well it does it, it leaves this old engine looking pretty wore out. For myself, I am looking forward to freeing up that 100gb or so of HD space classic still occupies.
I think 2018 is the year SSE comes into its own. Having to maintain two version of my mods in 2 almost-but-not-quite-identical games really put a damper on my ability to focus on improving my own files, let alone this one. No longer the case since suspending all work on the classic side.
Regards Mebantiza
Version Final, cleans up the rather messy Encounter zones that the last version had. Final is much better balanced, and free of any errors, though be aware, it will be more challenging overall than before. But it wont make the game impossible, or 'too hard'. Skyrim is too easy-mode for something as modest as these EZ to change to that degree.
I posted this for the sake of completeness. There will be no more updates for classic MLU as above.
This file is actively supported for Skyrim Special Edition with many new updates, bug and balance fixes, and updated support files and more.
Current version as this writing for 2020, is ver 1.3.5. -
How can I reverse fortify smithing effect from this mod ? I want to use fortify smithing in my gears.
I'm using MorrowLoot Ultimate Simplified (MUS), but the comments are locked over there for some reason. MUS basically broke smithing in my game. I can't smith anything that has the extra requirements added by these mods, even if I far exceed the requirements. (I can't smith Elven equipment even with smithing at 100.) I've tried disabling a bunch of different mods, but the items will not appear in the smithing menu no matter what, even at the Skyforge. How is this meant to be done?
If I absolutely have to resort to editing MUS with xEdit or something to get rid of the extra smithing requirements, does anyone have any advice on how to do that?
Edit: Nevermind, smithing was broken because I wasn't using the recommended mods that I really didn't want- "Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade", "Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade", etc... -
I take it I don't need the old 'No Leveled Item Rewards' mod anymore?
edit: what is the IA + CWO patch? Obviously IA is 'Immersive Armors' but what is CWO? Is it 'Civil War Overhaul?' -
ah, if only immersive weapon is patched.
"Load MLU and patches last before Scarcity and Bashed"
Last before? what the hell that even mean -
anyway to use this without Weapons & Armor Fixes Remade ? LOOT saying it needs it and i dont really want to use it.
Made a patch for ArteFakes for MLU that you can get from here ;-)- Updated ArteFakes patch for MLU (more accurate stats -- ArteFakes crafting variables and replicas are now supported).
Also, added 2 patches:- One for faction armors and weapons (that also buff rewards like Dawnguard Rune items, The Old Gods' set, etc.),
- The other for uniques that MLU didn't edit (Visage of Mzund, Movarth's Boots, etc.), that also buffs some MLU items accordint to location or quest-tempo (Ahzidal, Aetherium Shield, etc.).
Here: 3iv patch-stash for MLU. - Updated ArteFakes patch for MLU (more accurate stats -- ArteFakes crafting variables and replicas are now supported).
Installed MLU with required DLC (all three from legenedary edition) and the game crashes after the bethesda logo.
Here is my mod order
DLC: HearthFires
DLC: Dawnguard
DLC: Dragonborn
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Scarcity - Less Loot Mod
MorrowLoot Ultimate
Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade
Any help would be appreciated -
is this moc compatible woth relinquary of myth?