LockedStickyDue to a recent trend in comments (2) I'll make this sticky:
This mod uses ECE. It does not use Racemenu, and I will not be making a Racemenu version.
If that sounds harsh I'm sorry. I make mods based on my own preferences and share them gladly with those who are flexible enough to use them as they are.
Also - Thanks to those who've taken the time to endorse. I really appreciate it. -
Uhmmm... I've just tried it on a new Skyrim install, but I got some strange pixelation effects on the tip of the nose, around the lips and ears. These are the mods I tested it with:
- SkyUI
- Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
- KS Hairdos - Renewal
- The Eyes Of Beauty
- Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
- Enhanced Character Edit
Anyone have the same problems? -
Please make her for special edition
Will this work on Skyrim Remastered and for the slot load out the hair is different from the pics?
Two questions if I may: Does her clothing change too with her transformations or is that other mods? Second, whats KS stand for?
Any chance of a RaceMenu preset for those who don't use ECE?
I saw the title and thought this was a quest-and-gear mod like "Conan: Hyborian Age."
Looks nice. Shame I use RaceMenu, though. -
Great idea of changing the character with time, and great hero - Red Sonja. I love this movie since childhood. This will be my next character.
Will you continue making such characters? Since I saw Skyrim for the first time, I dream of playing Brunnhild from The Ring of the Nibelungs, I even tried to make a request in 2012 http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/518663-specific-face-and-armor-request/ -
I like the concept of a player character maturing thru the questline. This is an excellent novel idea which adds a lot of depth to gameplay. Will endorse it ASAP.
Interesting, Starting a new profile. Nice work!
Standalone follower please! Here's a tutorial on how to make Red Sonja a standalone follower: www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33106. Thanks.