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  1. gary62
    • supporter
    • 233 kudos
    Due to a recent trend in comments (2) I'll make this sticky:
    This mod uses ECE. It does not use Racemenu, and I will not be making a Racemenu version.
    If that sounds harsh I'm sorry. I make mods based on my own preferences and share them gladly with those who are flexible enough to use them as they are.

    Also - Thanks to those who've taken the time to endorse. I really appreciate it.
  2. PipBoyUser
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Uhmmm... I've just tried it on a new Skyrim install, but I got some strange pixelation effects on the tip of the nose, around the lips and ears. These are the mods I tested it with:

    - SkyUI
    - Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
    - KS Hairdos - Renewal
    - The Eyes Of Beauty
    - Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
    - Enhanced Character Edit

    Anyone have the same problems?
  3. GoldenGod55
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please make her for special edition
  4. Richurro
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Will this work on Skyrim Remastered and for the slot load out the hair is different from the pics?
    1. gary62
      • supporter
      • 233 kudos
      Doubtful since I haven't transferred it over. And I don't know if the required files for this have been transferred or not. As far as the hair goes it should appear as pictured for Skyrim ... unless of course the hair mods have changed since I put this out which is a distinct possibility. In which case let the pictures be your guide.
    2. Ham1459
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Fantastic it now works for special edition. I could never get my Sonja right but this is good.
  5. th1s1smyusername
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Two questions if I may: Does her clothing change too with her transformations or is that other mods? Second, whats KS stand for?
    1. gary62
      • supporter
      • 233 kudos
      All this mod does is affect the face and hair (provided you have the necessary mods installed). All else - ie. clothing and weapon changes are up to you.

      KS Hairdos had been removed by the mod author back when I put up this mod. You can now get it here on the nexus as KS Hairdos - Renewal by Kalilies Stealthic Khaos and Shocky.
  6. Restutitor Orbis
    Restutitor Orbis
    • member
    • 76 kudos
    Any chance of a RaceMenu preset for those who don't use ECE?
    1. gary62
      • supporter
      • 233 kudos
      Not from me in any event .. but with NMM it takes just a couple of clicks to deactivate one and activate another. So what's stopping you from using ECE in this instance? Thanks for your interest.
    2. Restutitor Orbis
      Restutitor Orbis
      • member
      • 76 kudos
      I don't really use NMM, but what you are saying interests me: are you saying that once I create the character from the preset, I no longer have to leave ECE installed? If so, I can do that without NMM, so please let me know if I have understood you correctly.
    3. gary62
      • supporter
      • 233 kudos
      No, that's not what that means. ECE needs to be installed whenever you're using this mod.It meant that when you're done with this you could easily reinstall Racemenu afterward with a couple of clicks .. with NMM. I've no idea about whatever else it is that you're using to maintain your mods. Take care.
  7. ArgonianSoldier
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    I saw the title and thought this was a quest-and-gear mod like "Conan: Hyborian Age."

    Looks nice. Shame I use RaceMenu, though.
    1. gary62
      • supporter
      • 233 kudos
      Yep - tis a shame that someone else is totally unable to use ECE because they have something else. (See comment right before this one)
  8. forplugins1
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Great idea of changing the character with time, and great hero - Red Sonja. I love this movie since childhood. This will be my next character.
    Will you continue making such characters? Since I saw Skyrim for the first time, I dream of playing Brunnhild from The Ring of the Nibelungs, I even tried to make a request in 2012
    1. gary62
      • supporter
      • 233 kudos
      Thanks, fp1, glad you can use her. I've no plans at the moment for any other characters in this age-progressed format. Sonja suddenly appeared to be uniquely suited. I'd like to see what other modders might come up with in this regard however.
  9. mewgull
    • supporter
    • 21 kudos
    I like the concept of a player character maturing thru the questline. This is an excellent novel idea which adds a lot of depth to gameplay. Will endorse it ASAP.
    1. gary62
      • supporter
      • 233 kudos
      Thank you, mewgull.
  10. jshelp13
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Interesting, Starting a new profile. Nice work!
    1. gary62
      • supporter
      • 233 kudos
      Thank you, jshelp.
  11. ff7legend
    • premium
    • 1,510 kudos
    Standalone follower please! Here's a tutorial on how to make Red Sonja a standalone follower: Thanks.
    1. gary62
      • supporter
      • 233 kudos
      You've already got my permission to use this file any way you wish. Follow the tutorial you linked and make her. I'll be sure and check it out when you publish it. As for myself I've no interest in her as a follower. But thanks for asking nicely.