1. 13coins
    • premium
    • 63 kudos
    Omg those dragonplate armors look ridiculously good. You should publish that as a replacer imo :P
  2. CyborgJiro
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Hamster or chinchilla thing riding a chicken? I love it!
  3. gg77
    • premium
    • 767 kudos
    Where are the Textures for the Wolfman ?

    in your nif:




    1. Aziara
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I'd also love to know what the Wolfman armor is supposed to look like. The name has me intrigued.
      <---- note my avatar, lol
    2. testiger2
      • member
      • 191 kudos
      ^well i guess they are sitting on my drive somewhere.
      as far as i remember about the mesh though its not properly skinned yet
    3. gg77
      • premium
      • 767 kudos
      Can you add the forgotten textures ? thanks
    4. JerisEnigma
      • supporter
      • 26 kudos
      RIP best armor in the pack (-_- 7)
  4. ForRedwall
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Can these be compatible with Special Edition?
    1. Niborino9409
      • supporter
      • 123 kudos
      Nah, gotta optimize the meshes first. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4089
  5. dragonslayer2k12
    • member
    • 39 kudos
    I looked through the files and did NOT find that leather armor with shirt as a nif file anywhere is it missing? Would love to be able to just paste the top part of the leather armor onto those pants!
    1. testiger2
      • member
      • 191 kudos
      that armor didn't make it to a nif yet. youll find it in the .max files. maybe i will finish it someday but i would't bet on it
    2. dragonslayer2k12
      • member
      • 39 kudos
      Can you just export it to a nif and include it or is it not yet rigged or something? I would love to see those pants on the leather armor. I don't have 3dsmax or know how to use it either I just deal with nifskope.

      Also I noticed you have the nordic carved male armor in the armors pack but it doesn't look any different from the default why is it in there? When I saw that I was hoping you had fixed the pauldrons bug on the right side of the chest where it just slides around like jello.
    3. testiger2
      • member
      • 191 kudos
      nope not rigged yet thats why there is no .nif
      the nordic armor has different pants no big change but the default ones looked a little too tight for my taste ^^
  6. Aziara
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I've just used some of your lovely textures in a mod, specifically the armored tigers and the panther. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70589/?
  7. heyiforgot
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    Thank you very much, now that my game is pretty much working again i can't wait to tinker with those new armors of yours!
  8. blvckSenpaiTPG
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    what's that redguard/hide armor called?
  9. Caithe
    • member
    • 250 kudos
    That gerbil is the best
  10. gg77
    • premium
    • 767 kudos
    6 New armored Trolls are now in my mod Armored Troll and Co - Mounts and Followers . Thank you.