About this mod

Have you ever wanted to travel away from Skyrim? With this mod you can take a ship outside Windhelm and travel to the beautiful Pandoronia Island. Explore, or settle in the player home on the island, do whatever you want!

Permissions and credits
Description: There is a ship waiting for you just outside Windhelm! Travel to Pandoronia, explore the island and find it's secrets, or settle in the beautiful player home at the shore.

Latest Skyrim patch, Skyrim Flora Overhaul is highly recommended

If you find a bug or anything unusual, please tell me, but don't be rude, this is my first "new land" mod...

Version 1.1
*Fixed some minor problems

*Added a few new things such as a bandit den
Version 1.2 
*Fixed some issues

*Added a new small island