LockedSticky* * * IMPORTANT NOTE * * *
I'm not the Author of this mod, who gave free permission to player/modder community to use his assets.
But I have enhanced it, fixing various bugs and increasing his compatibility
with most (should be all) mods that change cities, towns and villages. Moreover, It's fully compatible with Skyrim Legendary Edition.
Have fun with PCTV at full of his potential!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Populated Cities Towns Villages Reborn fixes and enhances the original masteripiece of Erkeil Team RS. Now all the facegens (meshes & textures) are completed (stop to greyface bug) and a lot of NPC schedules fixed, so you won't see anymore NPC stuck or inactive on the roads or taverns.
The result is a new vibrant Skyrim, with real busy cities, towns and villages, 1oo% compatible with most (maybe all) mods that change Skyrim cities and settlements. Moreover, It's fully compatible with Skyrim Legendary Edition.
Now PCTV is really at full of his potential! -
(ONLY) If the installer won't mount the mod.
In MO/settings/plugins/fomod, set prefer to ‘false’ instead of true.
It will run the external installer and so It works. -
Better Enchanting Perks Tree Reborn
Dragon Priest Mask Overhaul Reborn
Enhanced Enemy AI Reborn
Enhanced Fauna and Monsters Reborn
Enhanced Legendary Armors and Weapons Reborn
Enhanced Mighty Dragons Reborn
Erkeil's Better Level Progression Reborn
Erkeil's Respawn Settings Reborn
Erkeil's Training Cost More Expensive Reborn
ERSO - Erkeil Real Skyrim Overhaul
Lord of the Dead Reborn
Populated Cities Towns Villages Reborn
Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins Reborn
Populated Forts Towers Places Reborn
Populated Imperials Stormcloaks Battles
Populated Lands Roads Paths Reborn
Populated Skrim Civil War Reborn
Populated Skyrim Prisons Cells Reborn
Realistic Fall Damages Reborn
Realistic Merchant Stock Reborn
Real Unleveled Skyrim Reborn
Skyrim NPCs Overhaul Reborn
Skyrim Sounds and Musics Reborn
Standing Stones Overhaul Reborn
Supreme Harkon Reborn
Supreme Miraak Reborn
Vanilla Races Redone Reborn -
Its good, no problems with freeze or crash and the performance with a lot of mods and settings... but there is only a thing i dont like... Why "some" of the npc's this mod add have a ugly face like having syndrome?
Like this "special" girl face: https://imgur.com/a/VdBuc-
It's an old post, but I had the same thing happen with RS Children installed. It's just a visual incompatibility with the childrace faces with kids that haven't been individually sculpted by the children overhaul. It won't break the game, but you'll get a few interesting faces that way. I like to think of it as covering the bases since people irl aren't all stunners, either.
does this work with body replacers more specifically face gen
I'm late to the party, but yeah this mod does not add modded NPC's, so my KSHairdos and my The Kids Are Alright Renewal (and I also tried with RSChildren) don't do anything to the extra NPC's. It's a shame because I want a population increase mod without breaking the visual uniformity
Im currently running all of these mods:
Populated Cities Towns Villages Reborn
Populated Skyrim Prisons Cells Reborn
Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins Reborn
Populated Forts Towers Places Reborn
Immersive Patrols
Populated Lands Roads Paths
Travellers of Skyrim
Adventurers and Travelers
They all work together just fine with One Exception.
You'll have to choose between either
(Adventurers and Travelers)
(Populated Cities Towns Villages Reborn)
You cannot have those two together, because of the way Adventurers and Travelers chooses to spawn the NPCs.
it doesn't spawn them all over skyrim, it treats the cities as thier home base, and spawns them all from there. but it doesn't do it to cities you haven't entered before. So if you haven't entered a city, there wont be travelers leaving it because they dont yet exist. They all come into existence the moment you enter a city and from there they leave and embark on thier adventure.
This couldn't have been implemented in a worst to be less compatible with populated town. Because Adventures and travelers doesn't spawn a few of them at a time from the moment you enter a city. No, its spawn like 80 of them at once.
I know what mod they are from because I've clicked on them and saw it on the console. and i was able to do this because the game doesn't crash while having all of those plus those two together, so long as I have all the AI turned off with the console command TAI. this also means that that issue isn't related to my rig, nor my graphics settings, but the game engine itself that isnt meant to handle that many AI being processed at once.
With that said can someone please create a patch and or edit Adventures and Travelers. basically create a script or something so that it make it so it can only spawn 3 NPCs from that mod every other 5 mins or so. -
Are there any places for these Npcs to live or sleep?
Please help me find mods that require 4GB of rams minimum crowded npcs i would love to see npcs in the forest allot crowded npc's out side protected forts villages cities would be triple fun
Please put requirements for the mod please add more npcs humanity matter even in games
Good mod, but why you put so many beggars?
it looks amazing. thanks
Is It compatible with Travelers of Skyrim and LIAT - Lively Inns And Taverns ??
Thanks in advance. -
Is starting a new game required to make this mod work?
I hate that every single npc greets me like I know them, how do I remove it. No Npc Greetings doesn't seem to work on them from what I experienced.
It seems to be a good mod but, for some reason, all the spawned NPCs are hostile towards me, I noticed once I got into Whiterun and everyone went against me, I checked if I was a vampire or something but nope, they all just want to kill me.
( ._.)-
Hmm... strange, I guess it's conflicting with something. The problem appeared after installing it.
But thanks for the answer. -
I to am having this problem as well that npcs added by this mod turns hostile and yet the vanilla npcs do not turn against me, I'm not a vampire werewolf and don't have any bounties. Someone mentioned that Immersive Citizen could be causing the problem but not sure about that
obis or immersive patrols ?