This page was last updated on 20 March 2020, 5:29PM
Version 407R2.5
Updated Revenant ENB to the latest version of ENBSeries 0.407, version 7 (update/reupload no. 6), introducing a lot of new features (see for more details)
Set daytime direct light desaturation to zero (was 50%) to make sunny weather look slightly warmer and overcast weather colder
Increased daytime ambient lighting by 20%
Improved exterior shadow detail by decreasing blurring and disabled nighttime distant shadows to fix black light bug
Improved ENB rain appearance by using a new higher quality rain texture, increasing new brightness settings, decreasing motion stretch and transparency and enabling AA
Improved water and underwater appearance by tweaking existing and new settings
Tweaked mist by increasing density and decreasing vertical fade
Increased sharpness again to counterbalance the blurring induced by ENB Edge AA
Improved and merged the 3 "Revenant ENB - Installer/Uninstaller/INI Configurator" scripts into one single "Revenant ENB Setup" script with new GUI
Version 366R2.4.1
Updated Revenant ENB to the latest version of ENBSeries 0.366, version 6 (update/reupload no. 5) (no visual difference there)
Reset dawn/dusk direct lighting to 0.1 instead of zero
Improved all point lighting (light emitted from light sources) by increasing the curve and desaturation and decreasing interior intensities
Version 366R2.4
Redesigned Revenant ENB to work with the default fGamma value of 1.0000 (instead of 1.2400) for a less dark look (adjust your fGamma setting!)
Lowered interior ambient lighting settings for new fGamma setting
Tweaked Bloom settings for new fGamma setting and slightly decreased daytime blue shift
Decreased dawn/dusk/night sky lighting, lowered dawn/dusk direct lighting to zero, slightly increased dawn/dusk ambient lighting
Slightly increased interior point lighting
Improved exterior and interior fog intensities and colors
Set night time automatic ambient lighting to match the other time settings (it was zero) and lowered top intensity
Tweaked sunrise/dusk cloud intensity
Improved sky gradient intensity and color settings, decreased sunset sun glow and increased sun corona intensity (it was zero)
Disabled SkinSpecular effect as it doesn't work as expected
Improved volumetric fog (mountain clouds) intensities, colors and lighting influence
Improved particle (smoke, dust, water splatter/vapor etc.) intensities, colors and lighting influence
Increased exterior reflection
Disabled (set to zero) image based lighting reflection, fixing the blue hue (especially on some objects as wet rocks)
Improved subsurface scattering for more realistic skin and other things like ice
Version 366R2.3
Updated Revenant ENB to the latest ENBSeries version v0.366, introducing a bunch of new features and effects (head over to for the details)
Greatly improved the visuals across the board: better and more realistic skies, lighting, shadows, colors, clouds and fogs.
Updated enblocal.ini by adding/removing/editing some lines
Totally overhauled the three Revenant ENB scripts: added more functionality, greatly improved robustness and fixed some errors, it's now perfectly safe and highly recommended to use them to your advantage
Vastly improved and updated the Nexus Description Page, making things (hopefully) more clear and detailed (note: Installation Step 3 numbering has changed)
Tweaked some text in the FOMOD installer and changed some numbers to reflect the correct numbering of the Description Page