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  1. scientic
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    Update 1.1.0 - 'The Art of Study'

    I've taken some suggestions, and added a few touches of my own, and made the following changes:

    When you read a Spell Tome, things happen! You will first get a message, asking if you want to study. This prevents you from being forced to study when you first pick up the book. Then, the book will close, and an appropriate reading animation will trigger if you hit yes. The screen fades to black, and time passes. You then gain your study percentage as normal.

    Added a book called 'The Art of Study' to the game. You can find it in various mage-related places around Skyrim. The court wizards are a good place to start. This book allows you to [immersively] change your settings: altering the base study percentage before modifiers (default 10), the time that passes when you study (default 15 minutes), or the time you must wait between study sessions (default 1 hour).

    Added a modifier based on your race's natural magical talent. Redguards learn slower than, say, Wood Elves. Become a vampire to boost your natural magical talent further!
    You will now learn more if you study in an inn or a player home.

    Reading whilst seated, or while Rested/Well Rested, will also yield a boost.

    You now can no longer study whilst in combat, or while trespassing. This is to account for the new animation, and time passing.

    Restored missing descriptions to the Spell Tomes.

    Brought forward changes from USLEEP.

    Also, we now have a FOMOD installer! Just download the main file and choose your relevant options when installing through your favourite mod manager.

    I'm not certain how well this plays with just straight updating the mod files. From personal experience, you simply need to remove all Spell Tomes from your inventory and add them back again. That said, I'm very concerned about the vendor issue we still have with installing the mod for the first time mid-game. Hopefully nobody experiences any... unpleasantries.

    Anyhow, I'm signing off for Christmas, so I thought I'd just leave you all with this. Thanks for all your support and feedback, and I hope to return with compatibility patches and updates in the new year!

    Wishing you all a brilliant Christmas,


    1. Arbidon
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Since our wonderful modding friend here has been eaten by the ghosts of christmas's past - I've been attempting to make a patch for this mod that will include a few more spell mods...since it would be such a terrible waste to let this go to the wayside. So far the process of learning how to mess around with Skyrims draconian BS creation killer, I mean Kit has annihilated my save games with prejudice and install folders and corrupted MOD organizer somehow to my extreme dread and dismay, I think I've finally figured it out...hopefully. Just posting to let the Mod author know (if he still is with us somewhere) that I'll be using his original work and scripts to do this...if I've figured it out. I'm sure he wouldn't mind regardless, as it was his original vision to expand the mod in this way....I've tried several times before, so if I am not successful this time I will probably just give up, BUT I implore somebody to bring this thing back to life somehow if I am not successful - this mods too damn neat.
    2. Arbidon
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Ok, I figured it out.....took me all day to do it, but I know how to make a patch for this mod now - and it's actually pretty simple to do as it turns out once you understand the process. The way he wrote the script makes it very easy to adapt to ANY spell mod :D so give me some time and I'll produce a few patches for this masterpiece that were not already covered by other modders
    3. Cryptear
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey Arbidon, could you please try to make a compatibility patch for Apocalypse? The one currently here is outdated :c
    4. flighter
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I have a request if its possible for a compatibility patch for Colorful Magic.
      Its a great mod but i do not like the 'face smash' method if i can learn vanilla with this mod.
    5. ValleyTulya
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      i was able to make a new apocalypse 9.45 patch for this mod, i'm still testing if it is working properly. Later on i can release maybe
    6. stm316
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I've still got a few spells from apocalypse that can't be learned.
  2. Servo333
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ((( I just posted this on Challenging Spell Learning's forum. I'm posting it here as well in oder to spread the word. ))) 

    I'm playing Skyrim Legendary Edition. This mod IS compatible with Challenging Spell Learning. You DO NOT need to start a new game. This is how I made it work:

    I use these mods in this load order:
    1: "Challenging Spell Learning" 
    2: "Better Spell Learning" 

    (((NOTE: Before you begin, if you have Better Spell Learning installed in your current save: Disable BSL in your load order, load the game, make a fresh save with BSL disabled, and close the game before you continue. Also, when you make the patch for CSL DO NOT select the BSL plug-in AT ANY POINT when you're making the patch! In fact, if you can uninstall BSL before you begin this process that's even better, though it's not necessary. ))) 

    Step One:

    Install Challenging Spell Learning. Make sure to use "zEdit" to make the patch as instructed by the mod author. ((( IMPORTANT: Test the mod in-game to make sure it's working as intended. Once MCM has registered the CSL menu and CSL is working as intended, SAVE YOUR GAME! ))) 

    Step Two:

    Install Better Spell Learning. ((( IMPORTANT: Better Spell Learning MUST load AFTER Challenging Spell Learning AND it's patch!!! ))) 

    Step Three:

    Start the game making sure you load from the save you made after CSL was installed and working.

    ((( IMPORTANT: Before you can read a tome from your inventory you MUST read it outside of your inventory first!!! In order for the mods to work correctly you CANNOT read a spell tome from your inventory immediately!!!  You MUST read EVERY spell tome BEFORE you pick it up OR you MUST drop the spell tome from your inventory on the ground and read it! You MUST do this in order to activate the scripts properly! Don't worry if you accidentally read a tome that was already in your inventory before you dropped it, you can always close the tome, drop it, and read it from outside your inventory to activate the scripts properly. After you read the tome for the first time you may then pick up the tome and read it from your inventory as normal. )))

    ((( NOTE: Every time you read a tome CSL's script will prompt you asking if you want to LEARN the spell. If you select "Yes" the ritual script will trigger as normal and your character will try to LEARN the spell, if you select "No" then you will be prompted by BSL's script asking you if you want to STUDY the spell. Selecting "Yes" on BSL's prompt to will trigger BSL's script and animation and your character will STUDY the spell as normal, selecting "No" will close the book interface. This allows you to play as you see fit. Personally, I will study the spell until I learn it using BSL, read the tome again to forget the spell that was added to my magic menu, and then read the tome again so my character can go through the learning ritual. If you don't understand you will after you play with both mods active. I know it's awkward and backwards but it works for roleplay purposes.))) 

    That's it! I hope I was clear enough for everyone to understand. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll try to help, but please understand that I am not a modder, just a casual player. 
  3. koechel545
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Opened the book, nothing happens. But at least i found "The Art of Study"...
  4. Wispy666
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does anyone know if this works with the Arcanum- A new age of magic mod? 
  5. bdbarbeque
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    This was quite interesting at first, but the moment it started telling me I already knew the spell I very clearly did not I decided to drop it.
    Fun idea, but I don't want to have to use console commands to give myself a spell the mod thinks I already know.

    In case you want to know for bugfixes, it was Incinerate.
  6. ShySimmer
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Getting instant CTD with Faralda + Tolfdir. Does this mod need a bashed patch? I'm really at a loss as to why I'm getting CTDs with ONLY these two NPCs for spell tomes...

    EDIT: So removing the mod worked. Not sure if it's due to outdated patches or something.
  7. nightblade097
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    I made a xedit patch script that seems to do the trick. It depends on spells having the half-cost perk set, but there was only 1 of the 324 that I ran it against that didn't.
    1. nightblade097
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      In response to post #78937108. #78979298, #79289678, #79289808 are all replies on the same post.


      nightblade097 wrote: I made a xedit patch script that seems to do the trick. It depends on spells having the half-cost perk set, but there was only 1 of the 324 that I ran it against that didn't.

      ShepherdsWake wrote: Does Better Spell Learning.esp need to be loaded as well for the script to work? Will it have BSL as a master file? I tried this with just the plugin I am trying to make compatible along with its masters, and the records look a lot different than other BSL compatible spell tome records. It seems that all it does is break the books ability to teach a spell. There are no descriptions carried over and there also won't be any text in a book when I read it.

      nightblade097 wrote: Yes, the Better Spell Learning plugin must be loaded. Sorry, should have made that clear.

      The script copies the changes that Better Spell Learning makes to the Flames spell tome as a baseline then changes it to match the spell tome in question.

      nightblade097 wrote: And yeah, I didn't add the text that Better Spell Learning does to the tomes, and I noticed that they lose the description.

      Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to do either one of those with this script (at least matching what Better Spell Learning does).

      The text inside the tome I would need to parse and find the spell name to replace it, which would be very difficult and most likely drastically increase the script run time. I could probably go with generic text instead.

      The description is a modification of the spell's magic effect's description. This one I don't think I can do at all.

      First, if a spell has multiple effects, how do I know which one to get the description from? Second, I would have to change the text to make it not damage-specific, which (like changing out the spell name above) would be difficult and drastically increase the script run time.

      It occurs to me that I should provide some instructions:

      (0. You will need to save the script to your xEdit folder's "Edit Scripts" folder)
      1. Load your plugins in xEdit (including Better Spell Learning.esp), and copy as overrides all the spell tomes (BOOK record in xEdit) you want to patch to a new plugin/something that's not the main plugin and that's below "Better Spell Learning.esp"
      2. Select the overridden records in the new/different plugin
      3. Right click and select "Apply Script..." from the context menu
      4. In the script drop down at the top of the window that appears, select "Skyrim - Better Spell Learning Patcher" and press the "OK" button
      5. Once the script is done, exit xEdit and save the plugin
      6. Make sure the plugin is active in your load order

      As noted in the posts below, this script at this time does not generate the description seen when viewing it in a container (purchasing, in inventory, etc.).

      The BSL Patch Kit listed for the SSE version of this mod ( provides instructions on how to add that information to the spell tomes (in addition to doing manually a lot of what the script does). At this time I do not have the scripting knowledge to do this in a reasonable way, so unfortunately if you wish for the description to appear, you will need to do this manually.
    2. ShepherdsWake
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Does Better Spell Learning.esp need to be loaded as well for the script to work? Will it have BSL as a master file? I tried this with just the plugin I am trying to make compatible along with its masters, and the records look a lot different than other BSL compatible spell tome records. It seems that all it does is break the books ability to teach a spell. There are no descriptions carried over and there also won't be any text in a book when I read it.
    3. nightblade097
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      Yes, the Better Spell Learning plugin must be loaded. Sorry, should have made that clear.

      The script copies the changes that Better Spell Learning makes to the Flames spell tome as a baseline then changes it to match the spell tome in question.
    4. nightblade097
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      In response to post #78937108. #78939443, #78979298, #79289678, #81355828, #81423858 are all replies on the same post.


      nightblade097 wrote: I made a xedit patch script that seems to do the trick. It depends on spells having the half-cost perk set, but there was only 1 of the 324 that I ran it against that didn't.

      nightblade097 wrote:
      In response to post #78937108. #78979298, #79289678, #79289808 are all replies on the same post.


      nightblade097 wrote: And yeah, I didn't add the text that Better Spell Learning does to the tomes, and I noticed that they lose the description.

      Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to do either one of those with this script (at least matching what Better Spell Learning does).

      The text inside the tome I would need to parse and find the spell name to replace it, which would be very difficult and most likely drastically increase the script run time. I could probably go with generic text instead.

      The description is a modification of the spell's magic effect's description. This one I don't think I can do at all.

      First, if a spell has multiple effects, how do I know which one to get the description from? Second, I would have to change the text to make it not damage-specific, which (like changing out the spell name above) would be difficult and drastically increase the script run time.
      nightblade097 wrote: Yes, the Better Spell Learning plugin must be loaded. Sorry, should have made that clear.

      The script copies the changes that Better Spell Learning makes to the Flames spell tome as a baseline then changes it to match the spell tome in question.
      ShepherdsWake wrote: Does Better Spell Learning.esp need to be loaded as well for the script to work? Will it have BSL as a master file? I tried this with just the plugin I am trying to make compatible along with its masters, and the records look a lot different than other BSL compatible spell tome records. It seems that all it does is break the books ability to teach a spell. There are no descriptions carried over and there also won't be any text in a book when I read it.nightblade097 wrote: I made a xedit patch script that seems to do the trick. It depends on spells having the half-cost perk set, but there was only 1 of the 324 that I ran it against that didn't.

      It occurs to me that I should provide some instructions:

      (0. You will need to save the script to your xEdit folder's "Edit Scripts" folder)
      1. Load your plugins in xEdit (including Better Spell Learning.esp), and copy as overrides all the spell tomes (BOOK record in xEdit) you want to patch to a new plugin/something that's not the main plugin and that's below "Better Spell Learning.esp"
      2. Select the overridden records in the new/different plugin
      3. Right click and select "Apply Script..." from the context menu
      4. In the script drop down at the top of the window that appears, select "Skyrim - Better Spell Learning Patcher" and press the "OK" button
      5. Once the script is done, exit xEdit and save the plugin
      6. Make sure the plugin is active in your load order

      As noted in the posts below, this script at this time does not generate the description seen when viewing it in a container (purchasing, in inventory, etc.).

      The BSL Patch Kit listed for the SSE version of this mod ( provides instructions on how to add that information to the spell tomes (in addition to doing manually a lot of what the script does). At this time I do not have the scripting knowledge to do this in a reasonable way, so unfortunately if you wish for the description to appear, you will need to do this manually.

      ShepherdsWake wrote: Does Better Spell Learning.esp need to be loaded as well for the script to work? Will it have BSL as a master file? I tried this with just the plugin I am trying to make compatible along with its masters, and the records look a lot different than other BSL compatible spell tome records. It seems that all it does is break the books ability to teach a spell. There are no descriptions carried over and there also won't be any text in a book when I read it.

      nightblade097 wrote: Yes, the Better Spell Learning plugin must be loaded. Sorry, should have made that clear.

      The script copies the changes that Better Spell Learning makes to the Flames spell tome as a baseline then changes it to match the spell tome in question.

      VSairaf wrote: Hi, I've tried your tool and I get this error message:

      "Load order FileID [04] can not be mapped to FileID for file '{name of my new .esp}"

      nightblade097 wrote: I edited this to add the text inside the tome and to automatically add needed masters to the patch file. This does significantly increase the run time unfortunately, but it should alleviate the "load order cannot be mapped to" issue.

      And yeah, I didn't add the text that Better Spell Learning does to the tomes, and I noticed that they lose the description.

      Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to do either one of those the description text with this script (at least matching what Better Spell Learning does).

      The text inside the tome I would need to parse and find the spell name to replace it, which would be very difficult and most likely drastically increase the script run time. I could probably go with generic text instead. This is now in place and working.

      The description is a modification of the spell's magic effect's description. This one I don't think I can do at all.

      First, if a spell has multiple effects, how do I know which one to get the description from? Second, I would have to change the text to make it not damage-specific, which (like changing out the spell name above) would be difficult and drastically increase the script run time.
    5. svmemes1
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hi, I've tried your tool and I get this error message:

      "Load order FileID [04] can not be mapped to FileID for file '{name of my new .esp}"
    6. nightblade097
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      I edited this to add the text inside the tome and to automatically add needed masters to the patch file. This does significantly increase the run time unfortunately, but it should alleviate the "load order cannot be mapped to" issue.
  8. PinkAnderson
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    If someone could make a working patch for apocalypse 9.45, im sure everyone would be grateful.. it's the most used magic mod ever and it has an outdated patch :/
    1. faelheavymetal
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      ^ Please?
    2. Tiress
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      I have one ready. I'm trying to contact scientic so that he can upload it, but so far no response. I'll wait a few more days before posting a link.
    3. Cryptear
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Any news on that?
    4. Tiress
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      In response to post #66405916. #73329263, #73655368, #74133583 are all replies on the same post.


      33Speedy wrote: If someone could make a working patch for apocalypse 9.45, im sure everyone would be grateful.. it's the most used magic mod ever and it has an outdated patch :/

      faelheavymetal wrote: ^ Please?

      Tiress wrote: I have one ready. I'm trying to contact scientic so that he can upload it, but so far no response. I'll wait a few more days before posting a link.

      Cryptear wrote: Any news on that?

      Better Spell Learning - Apocalypse Patch for v9.45 - here
      Credits go to:
      scientic for Better Spell Learning
      EnaiSiaion for Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
    5. Cryptear
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you :D
    6. asecurity
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you, kind sir.
    7. Amicoletto
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Tiress, I'm sorry, but your patch doesn't work. I suggest to everyone to follow the Patching procedure posted here: (under the name "BSL Patch Kit") to make a working patch for Apocalypse. The procedure works exactly the same for LE as well, with the same scripts (tested). I personally won't do a patch for Apocalypse because I also use "No spells as loot or from Vendors" and "Spell Research" and I won't ever need to study Apocalypse's spells.

      If you know how to use TES5Edit, patching is fairly easy, although a bit tedious.
  9. Amicoletto
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    1. Amicoletto
      • member
      • 6 kudos
  10. bjassie
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I want to use the mod unfortunately get an CTD everytime with farengar, tried resetting cells, installing at a different location nothing works. The moment I tried to trade with farengar it is an instand CTD.

    Has anyone else encountered this problem? And does anyone has a fix besides a clean save?

    And are there any patches for apocalypse 9.45?
    1. Kratos8019
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same problem here... did you find a solucion?
  11. HanyQassim
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have made sure after installing that this Mod is the reason the game crashes directly when I try to access the Items menu.
    I have Apocalypse and Forgotten, Dragonborn, Hearthfire and Dawnguard what should I do or what files should i add to the Data folder if this bug is due to my wrong installation anyway?