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Navajoth K K

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4K Textures for Dungeon Murals

Permissions and credits
 This is an attempt to improve the Nordic Murals to 4K resolution.
 The excellent 2K textures from Re-Defined Dungeons by Gizmo were used as a base here, upscaled to 4K and  overlayed with another 4K texture. The normal maps were left untouched. 

 The results are as you see here :


                                                                                       Vanilla vs Nordic Murals UHD

 The performance impact shouldn't be huge even if the diffuse textures are 4K since these are only found in  interior cells. Moreover the normal maps are 2K.
 A 2K version is also available.

 Extract to your Skyrim Data folder.

  Gizmo for Re-Defined Dungeons WIP