I really love the look of this, and just so happened to be playing a character that this home will really work for. Is there a possibility that you'll do more on a similar vein, perhaps located nearer the Eldergleam Sanctuary? I always feel like the badlands (my term for it, always ugh brain) a) don't have many awesome house mods and b) would be a fitting location for a darker witch-type character, perhaps taking over the Witchmist grove?
Yeah Orcs and Dunmer shelves/tables. There's another table (the table where the shrouded body is on top of) that comes from a vanilla table but I don't remember what exactly it was. If it looks really different, it's probably due to the textures I have installed (which should be Noble Skyrim for the furniture.
The only problem is that, for some reason, considers me as trespassing into the house. Any idea on how to fix that?
Can you port this to Walkman?
Can you help me install Skyrim?
For you, I'm giving you a discount of 5 bethesda bucks.