Thanks to Anti-Scamp we now have one glorious Bookstore! Give him a round of applause that will be extremely desynchronized due to the fact that we are all reading this at different speeds, and at different times. Also we can't hear eachother.
We have some images of the bookstore taken by the Scamp killer himself though if you want to appreciate that glorious thing you need to download it for yourself.
Other than that one new book from a hopefully returning writer Foresh! The book is written by an imperial scholar looking to shed light on Skyrim's Geography! It goes into quite the detail about the hold of whiterun for the first book.
And my own book Dragon's Tail sadly does not yet have it's expected sequel. That (should) be out either next sunday, or in a mid-release on wednesday. I fixed some of Dragon's Tail's grammar to make reading it a bit more fluid.
Est-ce qui il y a une traduction en français? (je demande mais je n'y crois pas beaucoup avec tous les livres écrit par différent personnes...) Sinon bravo pour l' idée, en tant que fan de lectures cela me plaît beaucoup!
Hello ShadowOfGodless This is Lefttounge. Others might know me as a writer (lol, if them dudes know me) I sent some books as a pm as well, mind you they are ALL lore friendly, it would mean a lot if you checked them out and pm'd me as soon as you can.
Also, I suggest perhaps getting in touch with book retexturers, and ask if you could use some of their retextures for some of the added books. This will enable a fresh look of the books.
-from the high elf insane af hot yakuza samurai high elf babe that don't make no kind of sense
P.S. I could write 600 books, if your interested. All lore friendly. all epic. All short and easy to read.
That's the writer you need, ShadowOfGodless. And Shadow, don't forget to ask me if you need help with anything. I can also help with keeping the mod up-to-date.
You forgot to pack the .bsa file in the download. The .bsa needs to go into the Data folder, otherwise the Bookstore will not work correctly. For the stuff I added, you don't need to have meshes and textures folders in the download, only the .bsa.
Damnit I forgot. Thanks again Scamp. But I did test it with loose files (having the BSA removed) and it all ran fine? I'll pack it anyway. EDIT: Hopefully the BSA you sent me can run things alright. I gave it a quick test and things work fine in the new update with the BSA
Yep. It runs alright because I sent you the loose files earlier before I created the .bsa, so you already have them installed on your harddrive. I removed all those loose files from mine and ran a test with only the .bsa and it worked fine over here, so there should be no trouble. Also, I cleaned the .esp with TES5Edit, which is common recommended practice before releasing a mod. I'll download now; looking forward to reading the latest book!
Also, don't forget to clearly credit the people I used resources from while creating the house. Preferably on the description page, well visible.
I love the idea. If I were better at writing stories, I'd be tempted to submit something.
If you don't mind me saying this, I can't help but think that the one person who really needs to check this mod out is Gopher. If all parties were willing, I'd love to see him do some videos where Richard is sitting in a chair just reading some of the stories that come out of this.
Once someone wrote that if Gopher mentioned him/his mod he would eat his hat. Gopher did mention him on a YT video, so the mod author felt compelled to make a mod with an edible hat.
Ok here we go. If Gopher ever mentions this mod I will make a house mod where the house is made out of sweetrolls. Excited? Oh yes spam gopher so he'll mention me and you get a sweet roll house!
There is not a lot of download now due to the lack of history but I think that in the future it can be a real example of a community share experience or infos.. You know, a mod who's developed by the community.
You got the idea! This mod isn't really developed by me, I am just one (big) cog in putting this together. We need co-operative writers, volunteers, and more experienced modders to swoop in.
I agree with the others. This looks very interesting indeed! I might write something for you, and if there's anything when you create the bookstore, just ask me. I've done a lot of buildings and interiors before.
EDIT: The download seems a bit weird. Why is the GIMP setup packaged with it?
aw s#*! i think i might of messed up let me fix that...Aaaand it's fixed. I would love for your help even if you don't write, spread the news because we need some writers to come in regularly. The most help you give would be a building right now. That would be amazing if you did it and it would earn you a credit *wink *wink. I suck at buildings...
Yeah, I can build a bookstore for you; no problem. I haven't modded in a while and am actually quite interested in a project like that to get back into it. I'll PM you later tonight with some questions as to where you want it and such, and I'll get cracking.
This is something old that i did write as i idea, but might be good if you like it.
Still, these are not books, but ideas for new journals/reports/diaries.
Thanks to Anti-Scamp we now have one glorious Bookstore! Give him a round of applause that will be extremely desynchronized due to the fact that we are all reading this at different speeds, and at different times. Also we can't hear eachother.
We have some images of the bookstore taken by the Scamp killer himself though if you want to appreciate that glorious thing you need to download it for yourself.
Other than that one new book from a hopefully returning writer Foresh! The book is written by an imperial scholar looking to shed light on Skyrim's Geography! It goes into quite the detail about the hold of whiterun for the first book.
And my own book Dragon's Tail sadly does not yet have it's expected sequel. That (should) be out either next sunday, or in a mid-release on wednesday. I fixed some of Dragon's Tail's grammar to make reading it a bit more fluid.
This is Lefttounge.
Others might know me as a writer (lol, if them dudes know me)
I sent some books as a pm as well, mind you they are ALL lore friendly, it would mean a lot if you checked them out and pm'd me as soon as you can.
Also, I suggest perhaps getting in touch with book retexturers, and ask if you could use some of their retextures for some of the added books.
This will enable a fresh look of the books.
-from the high elf insane af hot yakuza samurai high elf babe that don't make no kind of sense
P.S. I could write 600 books, if your interested. All lore friendly. all epic. All short and easy to read.
Also, don't forget to clearly credit the people I used resources from while creating the house. Preferably on the description page, well visible.
If you don't mind me saying this, I can't help but think that the one person who really needs to check this mod out is Gopher. If all parties were willing, I'd love to see him do some videos where Richard is sitting in a chair just reading some of the stories that come out of this.
But really though, if Gopher noticed this small project I would literally die.
EDIT: The download seems a bit weird. Why is the GIMP setup packaged with it?
Still, these are not books, but ideas for new journals/reports/diaries.