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About this mod

Adds numbers and units to Requiem's perk descriptions where appropriate.

Permissions and credits

There's nothing much to say really. If you're not a fan of some of Requiem's diffuse perk descriptions, this mod might be for you!

I know, I know... It contradicts the original intention of the developers, but I beg to differ,
because my need for immersion ends where my OCD kicks in.

Just kidding, but you know what I mean. This design choice was one of the most arguable in my opinion
and could've been at least made optionally available.

H O W   S K Y R I M   H A N D L E S   P E R K   B O N I

In principle, this isn't anything new or Requiem-specific. Skyrim's way to handle perk boni is a bit unintuitive and I just want to remind you of that (wall of text inc):

  • Perk effects that change actor values and numbers generally don't stack additively
  • Perks that have levels themselves, such as "Sword/War Axe/Mace/... Specialization 1/2/3", get replaced by the next level
  • Every perk effect is applied multiplicatively, which in mathematical terms means:

        TOTAL = BASE * (1 + Perk Effect A) * (1 + Perk Effect B) * (1 + Perk Effect C) * ... usually multiplied by a skill-dependent factor on top

The latter can have some quirky implications for some of Requiem's perks, which I think you should be aware of:

  • Pyromancy, Cryomancy and Electromancy share both of the properties I mentioned:
        Their first level multiplies your former total spell damage by (1 + 15%). But there's a second effect to them, which applies another multiplier of (1 + 1%  per skill
to spell damage, so that with Destruction at level 100 you end up with a factor of
        (1 + 15%) * (1 + 100%) = (1 + 130%), and NOT (1 + 15% + 100%) = (1 + 115%), as one would think at first.

        Upgrading to their second level replaces the former effect. Now your total spell damage is directly multiplied by (1 + 30%) and on top of that with (1 + 2% per
        skill level)
, so on Destruction level 100 you end up with a factor of
        (1 + 30%) * (1 + 200%) = (1 + 290%) and NOT (1 + 30% + 200%) = (1 + 230%).

  • The five stages of magic do a bit more than described:

        When you get the Novice perk, actually all spells of that school will benefit from the 1% bonus per skill level as long as you don't advance further.

        When you get the Apprentice perk, all Adept, Expert and Master spells will benefit from the 2% bonus per skill level as well, but replacing the former bonus for
        "Apprentice and higher" gained from the Novice perk.

        When you get the Adept perk, also all Expert and Master spells will benefit from the 3% bonus per skill level, but replacing the former bonus for "Adept and
        higher" gained from the Apprentice perk.

        I guess, you begin to see the pattern...

Including these effects in the descriptions would either blow them up or require even more "conventional vocabulary" to shorten them.

Unrelated, but good to know: With Requiem, dual casting costs twice as much and is 2.25 times as effective compared to casting a single spell.

TL,DR: If a single perk has levels, the last level you got replaces the former effect. Every perk bonus works
               like a multiplier (1 + Perk Effect) to your former total effectiveness.


After proof-reading this several times and with some user feedback, the most recent version (1.1) should reflect relatively fine what all the perks do.

But I have to admit, I'm not a native English speaker after all. So if you feel some wording or mechanical detail
has been out of place or plain wrong, I'd highly appreciate, if you share your concern with me.

I've included a spreadsheet file in the download section, where you can have a look at all the changes.


  • Requires Requiem
  • Install via MO or NMM / Otherwise unpack the archive and copy the esp into your Skyrim\Data and check it in the launcher
  • Load "Less Nebulous Perk Descriptions for Requiem.esp" after "Requiem.esp"

This mod obviously overwrites/gets overwritten by others changing Requiem perk descriptions. If one alters the functionality of a perk, its description might get overwritten, depending on load order, however the perk in question should still work as intended.

T H A N K S   T O

  • Ogerboss, Xarrian and all the other co-creators of Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul
  • Bethesda Softworks