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About this mod

Thanks yurica for creating such an elegant armor so that I can animate it with HDT-SMP.
You will need to download "Chevaleresse II Armor" at first.

Permissions and credits
This armor is created by Yurica. What I have done was just animating this armor with HDT-SMP.

1.HDT Physics Extensions
2. XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended-XPMSE
3.HDT Skinned Mesh Physics (short for SMP).
   This is a chinese site. Most people don't know chinese language I suppose.  
   But I can't upload it here even though I am associated with the author.  But You can download it from this nexus link yundao_hdt hair V2.7 just check "SMP-  PE"  from  its main files section. “SMP-PE” is the result of installing HDT Physics Extension and HDT Skinned Mesh Physics.  After download "SMP-PE", just overwrite HDT Physics Extension.
   This is optional. You can go to chinese site hdtSkyrimMemPatch[20170903]
   Don't worry, "SMP-PE" above has already involved  HDT Skinned Mesh Physics and hdtSkyrimMemPatch.

5.You have to download "Chevaleresse II Armor"

After dowloading the armor, you just need to overwrite it with the patch I submitted. 

Warning:  1. HDT Skinned Mesh Physics is not compatible with some AMD CPU, because SMP need CPU to support the SSE4.2 instruction set .
                      If your cpu don't support it,  you will CTD when you equip smp animated items,  but HDT-PE animated items will be normal. If your cpu                                                  support  SSE4.2 instruction set ,you can use both SMP and PE animated items,  no need to worry about anything.
                  2. Please note that visual c++ redistributable package 2014 or above is required.

Video as below: