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Guaranteed Quills and Inkwells at: Riverwood Trader, College of Winterhold (Tolfdir), Whiterun (Belethor), and Solitude (Bits and Pieces)

1st tier - 10, 2nd tier - 6, 3rd tier - 4, 4th tier - 2

Imbued x10 (2 Charcoal, 1 Nirnroot, 1 Petty Gem (filled))

b. Conjuration
>Shadowy x6 (2 Imbued, 1 Bonemeal)
>>Umbral x4 (1 Shadowy, 2 Deathbell)
>>>Abyssal x2 (1 Shadowy, 1 Umbral, 2 Nightshade)

a. Destruction
>Elemental x6 (2 Imbued, 1 Snowberry)
>>Hazy x4 (1 Elemental, 2 Jazbay
>>>Stormy x2 (1 ele, 1 hazy, 1 glow dust)

c. Alteration
>Augmented x6 (2 Imbued, 1 CreepClus)
>>Mystified x4 (1 Aug, 1 grass pod)
>>>Arcane x2 (1 Aug, 1 Myst, 1 dwarfOil)

d. Restoration
>Vivid x6 (2 Imbued, 1 Salt)
>>Vibrant x4 (1 Vivid, 1 Blisterwort)
>>>Bright x2 (1 vivid, 1 vibrant, 2 Wheat)

e. Illusion
>Pearl x6 (2 Imbued, 1 Spider Egg)
>>Opalescent x4 (2 Imbued, 1 Monarch wing)
>>>Motley x2 (1 pearl, 1 opal, 2 Dragon tongue)

All Apprentice and Novice Spells - Imbued Ink
All Adept Spells - Tier 2 ink
All Expert Spells - Tier 3 ink
All Master Spells - Tier 4 ink

All Scrolls require # parchment = output scrolls

-Candlelight (Novice) (Imbued) __x4
-Oakflesh (Novice) (Imbued, Firewood) __x4 (50 pts)
-Magelight (Apprent) (Imbued) __x2
-Stoneflesh (Apprent) (2Imbued, oakFlScroll) __x2 (70 pts)
-Ironflesh (Adept) (Aug, oreIron) __x2 (90 pts)
-Waterbreathing (Adept) (Aug, abecLonFin) __x1
-Detect Life (Adept) (Aug, hRavenFea) __x1
-Paralyze (Expert) (Myst, aug, imbued) __x1
-Ebonyflesh (Expert) (Myst, oreEbony) __x2 (120 pts)
-Dragonhide (Master) (Arcane, draScale) __x1 (90% DR)
-Mass Paralysis (Master) (Arcane, myst, aug) __x1

-Conj Familiar (Novice) (Imbued) __x4
-Raise Zombie (Novice) (Imbued) __x2 (lvl 8)
-Conj Flame At (Apprent) (Imbued, juniBerry) __x2
-Reani Corpse (Apprent) (Imbued, niShade, raiZombScr) __x2 (lvl 12)
-Soul Trap* (Apprent) (Imbued, boneMeal) __x4
-Banish Daedra (Adept) (Shadowy, petGem**) __x2
-Comm Daedra (Adept) (Shadowy, petGem**) __x1
-Conj Frost At (Adept) (Shadowy, whiCap) __x2
-Revenant (Adept) (Shadowy, dethBell, reanCorpseScr) __x1 (lvl 18)
-Dread Zombie (Expert) (Umbral, petGem**, reveScroll) __x1 (lvl 24)
-Conj Storm At (Expert) (Umbral, giLichen) __x1
-Expel Daedra (Expert) (Umbral, lesGem**) __x1
-Dead Thrall (Master) (Abyssal, hHeart, lesGem**, nShade) __x1 (lvl 40)
-Flame Thrall (Master) (Abyssal, fiSalt, petGem**, lesGem**) __x1
-Storm Thrall (Master) (Abyssal, voSalt, petGem**, lesGem**) __x1
-Frost Thrall (Master) (Abyssal, frSalt, petGem**, lesGem**) __x1

-Firebolt (Apprent) (Imbued) __x4 (35 pts)
-Ice Sp (Apprent) (Imbued) __x4 (35 pts)
-LightnB (Apprent) (Imbued) __x4 (35 pts)
-Fire R (Apprent) (Imbued, mtFlRed) __x1 (70 pts)
-Frost R (Apprent) (Imbued, mtFlBlu) __x1 (70 pts)
-Lightn R (Apprent) (Imbued, mtFlPurp) __x1 (70 pts)
-C Light (Adept) (Ele, 2mtFlPurp) __x2 (55 pts)
-Fireball (Adept) (Ele, 2mtFlRed) __x2 (55 pts)
-Ice St (Adept) (Ele, 2mtFlBlu) __x2 (50 pts)
-Flame Cl (Adept) (Ele, mtFlRed, trollFat) __x1 (8 pts)
-Frost Cl (Adept) (Ele, mtFlBlu, trollFat) __x1 (8 pts)
-Lightn Cl (Adept) (Ele, mtFlPurp, trollFat) __x1 (8 pts)
-Fire St (Master) (Stormy, fiSalt, powMamTusk, 2mtFlRed) __x1 (175 pts)
-Blizzard (Master) (Stormy, frSalt, iWraiTee, 2mtFlBlu) __x1 (28 pts)

-Fury (Novice) (Imbued) __x2 (lvl 12)
-Courage (Novice) (Imbued) __x4 (40 pts)
-Muffle (Apprent) (Imbued, tundCotton) __x1
-Calm (Apprent) (Imbued, laven) __x2 (lvl 12)
-Fear (Apprent) (Imbued, bleeCrown) __x2 (lvl 12)
-Frenzy (Adept) (Pearl, furyScroll) __x1 (lvl 24)
-Rally (Adept) (Pearl, courScroll, hawkFeath) __x1 (35 pts)
-Pacify (Expert) (Opales, calmScroll) __x1 (lvl 24)
-Rout (Expert) (Opales, fearScroll) __x1 (lvl 18)
-Invis (Expert) (Opales, garnet, glowMush) __x1
-Harmony (Master) (Motley, pacifScroll, 2laven) __x1 (lvl 30)
-Hysteria (Master) (Motley, flawAmethy, 2dragTongu) __x1 (lvl 30)
-Mayhem (Master) (Motley, frenzyScroll) __x1 (lvl 30)
-CtoArms (Master) (Motley, 2hawkF, 2Wheat, courScroll) __x1 (45%)

-TurnLsUnd (Apprent) (Imbued) __x2 (lvl 8)
-FastHeal (Apprent) (Imbued) __x4 (65 pts)
-CureWound (Adept) (Vivid, fstHealScr, laven) __x1 (150 pts)
-HealOther (Adept) (Vivid, lavend) __x2 (90 pts)
-RepLesUnd (Adept) (Vivid, salt) __x1 (lvl 8)
-TurnUndead (Adept) (Vivid, garlic, turnLsUndScr) __x1 (lvl 16)
-CirOfProt (Expert) (Vibrant, garlic, salt) __x1
-GrandHeal (Expert) (Vibrant, lavend, mothWingMon) __x1 (200 pts)
-RepUndead (Expert) (Vibrant, repLesUndScr) __x1 (lvl 16)
-TurnGrUnd (Expert) (Vibrant, salt, laven, turnUndScr) __x1 (lvl 24)
-GuardCir (Master) (Bright, oreSilv, 2salt) __x1
-BOTUndead (Master) (Bright, vampD, 2garlic, 2salt) __x1 (lvl 50)