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Brandon Snider

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  1. LpoolGaz
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Voice Audio is quite low and has a large portion of hum/interference.

    Some of the seems/joins were a bit 'open'
    but at least I did not fall through the world --- LOL.

    Did we really need a warning journal ?
    Maybe if Level 1-4 ?
  2. paldetto
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    It's a simple retrieval quest, anyway it works well. Just, as already remarked by others, the voice is exceedingly low.
  3. TheRevelator8680
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    The voices were far too low.I'm not sure if this is your first mod,i am assuming it is but it was okay at best.Thank you for making it though.
  4. bls61793
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Did you copy both the .bsa and the .esp files into the Skyrim->ata directory?

    If you did, then I have no clue. Still really new to this, but when I rearchived the .bsa file, I included all the voice-acted files (.wav and .lip). So make sure they are both copied to the data directory. If it doesn't work then, please let me know. I'd appreciate it. I'm trying to figure out how this works too.

    Working on a really BIG mod atm with a TON of Voice acting, so if people won't be able to hear it, I need to know. So any help in diagnosing this problem will be helpful.

    EDIT: Having reread your question, maybe you were asking something different: In order to add voice acting files to the .bsa, you have to go to File->Create Archive (It also does this when you upload to steam. You can't pack files from the creation kit. You have to open another window and drag the files you want to pack from your Skyrim->ata folder. If you get what I'm saying.
    1. weirdpersonhobo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Where do you start the quest ?
  5. CastDarklight
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    You need to make SEQ file for actors voice.It can be done with Tes5Edit.
  6. ZombieBobie
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    What did you do to fix the voice acting? I'm having a similiar problem where the voice acting won't be added to the .bsa. From what I can tell, it seems you got it fixed, so any help would be appreciated <img class=">
  7. bls61793
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I realized that there was a problem with the voice acting for the NPC because someone on steam workshop commented on it. I uploaded a new verion to Steam Workshop a few mins ago which hopefully has this issue resolved, and I'll be adding some small things to the mod over the next couple mins and upload that update to the workshop. Once that's done, I'll take both of the new changes and upload them here.

    EDIT: Uploaded. When extracting, move both the .bsa and the .esp to the skyrim data folder.

    If for some reason that doesn't let the voice acting work please let me know. I'd really like to make sure this mod works, and make sure I know how to do this properly in the future.
  8. bls61793
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    It all worked on my machine, maybe a problem with the file I have uploaded? Anybody else have the problem? Sorry, obviously my first Mod, not sure if I've included all the files properly.
  9. Extrawurschtsemmel
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    I just downloaded it and it deosnt work for me at all. actor doesnt speek, no quest apears, cant find thief in the tomb....
  10. bls61793
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    This is basically the quest in the tutorial, but with the addition of the dungeon created in the level design tutorials. For anyone who has entered the bottom room of the Tomb, I don't know how in the hell I missed the hole in the ceiling. I have since fixed it. Version 1.1 Has this corrected, as well as the Thief's Journal placed in a more conspicuous place.

    EDIT: Please Reinstall Version 1.1. Sorry about the inconvenience, but I don't want people looking at my crappy mistakes. Thanks : P