1. TheBaker42069
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    hello there . now this may be stupid but I'm just beginning to learn how to mod . so I downloaded the 4k file through vortex and when i enable the mod and try to start the game, it won't even run . could someone maybe explain to me whats going on here ?

    EDIT: so i have skyrim SE . i think i downloaded the wrong file . 
  2. JoaquinRL1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It doesn't seem to work. The three categories of paint in race menu just display "default" and do not show any of the paints. I downloaded the SKSE makeup configs, BTW.
    1. DomainWolf
      • premium
      • 1,586 kudos
      Press "T" on the defaults to have them show
  3. IIIlllIIIl
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Good morning, evening and afternoon to whom is Reading this, sorry the dumb question, but why are the 2K Pack' files 5461kbs instead of 2048 kbs, the same goes with the 4K Pack' ones (being 21485 kbs)?

    P.S: How could I resize them to 1k( or even 512),(using Gimp, Photoshop and/or FireAlpaca) ?
    P.S.S : what a outstanding mod mod you have done man/girl !
  4. WakahisaSensei
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Does SKSE Makeup Configs install like a mod or is it installed differently? I want to minimize any risk of wrecking my setup before I try it.
    1. DomainWolf
      • premium
      • 1,586 kudos
      It will install like a mod, I try to make everything as easy to setup as possible :)
    2. WakahisaSensei
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Thank you. That is certainly appreciated. Anything else I should know? Any ini to tweak? If not, in it goes.
    3. DomainWolf
      • premium
      • 1,586 kudos
      The makeup config more or less is the INI config. You can get more info on what it does on Community Overlays page, most of my mods have something about it.
  5. Jager201
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    The body paint doesn't appear in racemenu even when I press t or making the color visible. Any help would be much appreciated
    1. DomainWolf
      • premium
      • 1,586 kudos
      I assume the ESP is enabled, what shows up when you press T in the racemenu Bodypaints section?
    2. Jager201
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Yes the esp is enable. When I press T it is just blank
    3. Darnexx
      • premium
      • 305 kudos
      You have the SKSE Makeup Configs?
    4. Jager201
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      No. I just downloaded it and now it works. Thank you so much!
  6. FionaRhela
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    One of the most essential mods for those badass nordic warrior types. Great work!
  7. Pandorable
    • premium
    • 4,768 kudos
    The new update looks great, I'll play around with it tomorrow. Thanks!
  8. ssDNA
    • supporter
    • 32 kudos
    I love it. These paints are completely my thing. I think it's great how you're doing themed paints like the recent update with runic and ornate. Any plans to do something nature-like, leaves, flowers, ivy, that kind of style?
    1. DomainWolf
      • premium
      • 1,586 kudos
      Potentially, It takes me a bit to iron out new styles, but I'll take a note of it
    2. maxarturo
      • supporter
      • 64 kudos
      Yea... leaves, flowers, ivy... Maori tattoos !!
    3. Bersark93
      • premium
      • 247 kudos
      As a kiwi (and one from a Maori family) i'd like to see Maori tattoos but at the same time I wouldn't if that makes sense lol

      But i'd love to see some leaves.
    4. FatalxSyn
      • premium
      • 56 kudos
      I would love to see more nature themed body paints.
    5. DomainWolf
      • premium
      • 1,586 kudos
      Just released this today, hopefully it tides you over. I plan on adding some more stuff to that as well. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93930
  9. DomainWolf
    • premium
    • 1,586 kudos
    Brand new update out, 14 new Bodypaints under the title "Arcolis" future paints will be titled, to help me remember when stuff was added, and to help keep things together better. Let me know what you think, and I hope you guys enjoy!
  10. Trinty019
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos