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  1. StormDrummer
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    Forgive me, but...a suggestion.

    I'm really commenting on your new mod, Rally's Road Signs, but I didn't want to put a damper on all the lovely, appreciative comments there.

    Those signs are beautiful, but...too pristine. A newly replaced signpost might look like that, but...all of them? All over Skyrim? It's just not possible. (Bethesda went too far in the opposite direction. They're realistic, but also darn near unreadable; that gets annoying.)

    So you might want to consider making a more aged version...? (The wood here is well aged, but the lettering is too sharp. It looks like the names were newly branded on old wood.)

    It's all nice work. Really, really nice. I just think it'd be more immersive to take the wear and tear of the elements into account.

    have a great day.
    1. Rallyeator
      • premium
      • 2,080 kudos
      thx a lot for your input! much appreciated.
      some of my mods will receive an update in the future and il´be happily taking your suggestion into account. still pretty new to texture editing and photoshop (started last year) but with every bit of improvement i might be able to deliver a nice aged version someday.

      all the best
  2. balterix
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Great work they look awesome in game I am using the AIO of Arithoors Skyrim Villages will this work with that plugin or only the standalone villages?
    1. Rallyeator
      • premium
      • 2,080 kudos
      Thx mate,
      as this is a texture replacer, it should work with the AIO aswell
  3. CodeNamed1
    • premium
    • 17 kudos
    How come this don't have meshes as this should add signs for the other mods? Or how does it handle mod like CRF?
    1. Rallyeator
      • premium
      • 2,080 kudos
      it retextures the signs added by those mods ;) so my textures will apply to the meshes from CRF etc.
    2. CodeNamed1
      • premium
      • 17 kudos
      Silly me of course. I just wonder why CC:s sign mod adds meshes?? I’m thinking about changing to yours.
    3. Rallyeator
      • premium
      • 2,080 kudos
      Tbh I haven't looked at cc's. I could only guess he changed something on few signs. But not sure though.
      Thx =)
  4. Draco1981
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    very good job, I would use it but unfortunately I do not understand the city names.
    I'm German and do not speak a word of English.

    Merry Christmas :)
    1. Rallyeator
      • premium
      • 2,080 kudos
      Thank you very much :) pretty busy atm, so I dunno if I find the time to make a german version.
      Merry Christmas!
  5. aeloyis
    • BANNED
    • 10 kudos
    Fabulous! I really like the style of those initial letters. Also, is this compatible with Weathered Road Signs?
    1. Rallyeator
      • premium
      • 2,080 kudos
      Thank you :) don't think so, as both mods are texture replacers. So one or the other
      Cheers mate
  6. ElSopa
    • premium
    • 5,416 kudos
    1. Rallyeator
      • premium
      • 2,080 kudos
      Thx mate,much appreciated =)