Update: Tracked the definitive culprit to [enable big range]. I don't know how to fix this, me and other users can confirm it used to work perfectly not long ago.
Hi Rudy When enabling complexparticlelights a lot of other light sources spins out of control (wearable lanterns, torches, candlelight spell light etc) Is there any fix for this? I would really like to use your mods, but right now whenever I equip a torch/lantern my character is glowing in the colors of the American flag, make light sources incredibly bright or just flicker very much.
The issue only goes away if I tick off [EnableBigRange]
I recorded 2 vidoes to best show the issue. Notice how the problem only affect torches and wearable lanterns, not (in this case) the nirnroot and soul gem from your mods.
Link to part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpPbw4vcFtc&list=UUF03h4c4ktn9axuYiqUXSLw&index=2 Link to part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPj06b6kSyY&list=UUF03h4c4ktn9axuYiqUXSLw&index=1
All the candles and torches from the game use a particle system, and with enb particle light, each particle becomes a source of light. There is no mod for LE, like "ENB Light" for SE, that would correct this. You can try to fix it by yourself using NifSkope, read the Ozzyh26 and Mindflux posts - enbdev
I'm using Rudy ENB for NLA & ELFX + Enhancer & Skyrim Particle Patch, this is what worked for me and it should help you too but you might need to tinker with values depending on your ENB. Firstly, turning down the intensity of complexparticlelights to 0.1, curve to 2 and fade to 0.3 made all my candles and campfires look decent. If you can't be bothered with editing meshes the torch nif from Skyrim Particle Patch isn't affected by complexparticlelights so that solves the blown out skin/armour when holding a torch and horrid flickering in the rain. If you want smoking torches you can delete part of the smoking torches torch mesh in NifSkope (can't remember the exact part sorry). I would assume you can do the same with the wearable lanterns but candlelight looks bad because of a vanilla texture that gets blown out rather than being overly bright (from what I remember). To fix that you can make your own little patch by creating a fully transparent dds file in gimp/photoshop and exporting it as fxglowspotlinear.dds and fxglowspotlinearalpha.dds (I think you only need the second one but doesn't hurt to do both) and then put them in a folder called fxglowspotpatch\textures\effects\(.dds files here). Then you need to compress that with WinRar or a similar program and install using your mod manager or just paste the files straight into your Skyrim data effects folder if you prefer. Keep in mind this will also remove the glowing effect from your hands when using shock spells, but I think that's an upgrade when using an ENB anyway (I've yet to find out if the glowspot texture is used elsewhere but I doubt I'll miss it if it is). The Electrify mod also has a version that removes this texture so you can grab it from there instead of making it but you need to rename their file and put it in the right location if you don't want to commit to using Electrify. You might also find after all this that some of Rudy's lights are a bit too subtle, nirnroot is probably most in need of brightening up, so grab the guide from his download section and use it to edit (using NifSkope) the emissive multiple in the nifs of whichever lights you want brighter again. It's a lot of work but I think it balances everything out pretty well. Having the fade set at 1.0 might be preferable in a few areas though since it makes some lights extend a bit further than they should but I personally let that slide because it makes candles/campfires gradually blend into their pointlighting values much more smoothly and similarly makes most of Rudy's lights blend into the environment a bit more softly.
If anyone knows an easier fix for all this please don't tell me, I spent ages fixing all these little issues and you'll break me :)
Have the same problem here but to solve that, just tick off EnableBigRange as you said, you don't really need it, as it's said "EnableBigRange" increases the range of the light that all. Disable it but you'll get a lighter effect, and it works fine !
Updated my ENB so now I'm able to use your More Lights ENB stuff and this is great. Thank you. And a big thanks for the .pdf on how to add and adjust ENB Particle Lights myself! Definitely going to fiddle around with that.
Hi, I could use some advice with your mod! So I am using Rustic Soulgems, and I read your instructions, Install Rustic Soulgems first then install the file you provided, overwrite the files when promoted. However, I as never prompted to replace any files, and then I took note that that I use the non-.esp version of the Rustic Soulgems mod. How do I approach this?
Can you add effect to Soul gem fragments as well? I'm using mod that makes use of those fragments and I could detect them better :D And Gems like Ruby, Amethyst etc.
I'm not sure where else to ask this question, I am hoping someone can help me on this, because it's driving me nuts. I downloaded the latest mesh patches, ENB etc. Everything is great as far as these effects go, *except* that for some reason the COMPLEXPARTICLELIGHTS parameters/settings do *absolutely nothing* when I adjust them in-game using the ENB configuration UI. I've got ridiculously bright candle flames and I can't seem to sort out how the heck to fix the issue without disabling 'EnableComplexParticleLights' which would of course stop this stuff from working as well. I would think that's where I could adjust since when I do disable complex particle lights the supernova candles go back to normal. This seems to be for all candles, whether they are on workbenches, in lanterns, actual candles etc. I have the feeling it's probably some simple thing but no amount of Googling, messing with mesh file placements/priorities, even adjusting light records in an ESP has had any sort of effect. If anyone has a clue as to how to adjust these and retain the effect, I'd be incredibly grateful. Thanks in advance.
You need the latest version of ENB Particle Patch. The flame effect (particle system) for the candles is located in meshes\mps folder, and it's called "mpscandleflame01.nif" :) Avoid to use the default particle light intensity value - 1.0, better to set it to 0.3 or 0.4 and increase the curve.
Thanks for the quick response (well, any response actually :) ) Hmm, I downloaded the 'all-in-one' patch from here: http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1499 earlier and I installed it, I see files in that folder you are mentioning, and MO doesn't show anything conflicting for those, other than 'Ultimate HD Fire Effects' for the 'mpsfire??smoke01.nif' files - the candle one you mentioned looks clear. I don't see anything in MO that might overwrite changes to candle meshes themselves vs. the particle patch, but I am playing around with priority order and the patch just the same - since to this point the adjustments you mentioned do absolutely nothing. Not sure what's going on here.. we'll see if I can figure this out or I may need to ask again. Thanks!
OK, I give up for now. I modify every intensity/fade/curve setting for both complex fire and complex particle and nothing changes. I can't figure it out. The candle brightness simply refuses to change in any way no matter what I set anything in either of those sections to. I put the particle patch at the end of the priority order just to ensure it was taking effect, no difference. Sorry to bother, I just have to smh and hope somehow some way I stumble on an answer for this. Pretty bummed out about it but I just can't deal with the supernova candles/lanterns/anything with a candle along with the super-cool things you've done. I can only speculate that _something_ has modified the candle flame in a way that makes it incompatible with this effect, but figuring that out seems like it's going to be the proverbial needle in a haystack of files.
Actually I just recently switched to your 'Rudy ENB for VW' (well, since I am using VW) after comparing a bunch of them, also figured it'd be a safe one to start with trying to figure this out - which, thanks to your perseverance and patience I have! :) So - I *never in a thousand years* would have thought that 'IgnoreWeatherSystem' would have anything to do with 'IntensityInteriorDay' - but as it turns out and thanks to your video - it does (huh!?!!?!) When 'IgnoreWeather' is checked, I can use intensity and fade to calm things down, when it's not enabled - it's the situation that was driving me nuts. Never, never, never would I have connected those two. Thanks!!
If you use a multi-weather preset, and in the main Enb UI, "IgnoreWeather" is unchecked you need to tweak those values in the weather window (you must check show weather window in the main UI), for every weather ini
i use Realvision and it calls for ignoreweather to be off. i like the way my weather looks now. if i enable ignorewaether will it make my weather look drastically different? not sure it's worth changing my weather for some glowing items
If you enable the Weathers window you'll get a better picture of how it all works but basically you have global settings that govern all weathers (enbseries) and then most of those settings can also be adjusted individually for each individual weather. So for some settings like ENVIRONMENT checking ignoreweathersystem might be a bad idea because then all your weathers will default to using the global settings for environment and those settings might look worse during certain weathers. But for something like complexparticlelights its very unlikely that the ENB author has tailored them for each weather so you can pretty safely check ignoreweathersystem and just set up some global settings for Rudy's lights and other particle lights.
Is there a way to enablecomplexparticlelights without needing to use the in-game ui?
I really want to use this mod but for some reason every time I try to change settings with the in-game ui, everything I try to change just gets reverted back to normal whenever I hit the save config button.
I've been trying to find the enablecomplexparticlelights setting in the enbseries ini files but I can't see it anywhere and I even manually typed it in under the effects section of enbseries.ini but that had no effect.
I'd absolutely love to use this mod but unless theres another way to enable that setting I guess I'm screwed.
I love this mod, but since I started using Realvision ENB the torches go insane when Bigrange is enabled. :( I updated with the latest particle fix but to not end. :(
EDIT: I removed better Embers HD and that fixed the issue! :D
Hi Rudy
When enabling complexparticlelights a lot of other light sources spins out of control (wearable lanterns, torches, candlelight spell light etc)
Is there any fix for this?
I would really like to use your mods, but right now whenever I equip a torch/lantern my character is glowing in the colors of the American flag, make light sources incredibly bright or just flicker very much.
The issue only goes away if I tick off [EnableBigRange]
Notice how the problem only affect torches and wearable lanterns, not (in this case) the nirnroot and soul gem from your mods.
Link to part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpPbw4vcFtc&list=UUF03h4c4ktn9axuYiqUXSLw&index=2
Link to part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPj06b6kSyY&list=UUF03h4c4ktn9axuYiqUXSLw&index=1
You can try to fix it by yourself using NifSkope, read the Ozzyh26 and Mindflux posts - enbdev
the weird part about all of this is how it used to work totally fine before, with [EnableBigRange] enabled.
If anyone knows an easier fix for all this please don't tell me, I spent ages fixing all these little issues and you'll break me :)
Have the same problem here but to solve that, just tick off EnableBigRange as you said, you don't really need it, as it's said "EnableBigRange" increases the range of the light that all. Disable it but you'll get a lighter effect, and it works fine !
Avoid to use the default particle light intensity value - 1.0, better to set it to 0.3 or 0.4 and increase the curve.
Short answer: No it won't mess up your weather.
I really want to use this mod but for some reason every time I try to change settings with the in-game ui, everything I try to change just gets reverted back to normal whenever I hit the save config button.
I've been trying to find the enablecomplexparticlelights setting in the enbseries ini files but I can't see it anywhere and I even manually typed it in under the effects section of enbseries.ini but that had no effect.
I'd absolutely love to use this mod but unless theres another way to enable that setting I guess I'm screwed.
EDIT: I removed better Embers HD and that fixed the issue! :D