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  1. AndrealphusVIII
    • premium
    • 1,569 kudos
    I no longer provide any active support for any of my mods for LE. However, I keep them up for the sake of archiving.
  2. aragonit
    • premium
    • 56 kudos
    Great mod. It reminds me of a certain mod I had in Oblivion (or was it vanilla?) which worked in a similar way.
    1. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,569 kudos
      Thank you

      I hope you enjoy it.

      Kind regards

  3. thetrader
    • premium
    • 360 kudos
    Persuading Shappire to leave Shadr alone is broken. It performs an average speech check AND checks if the player has the Amulet of Articulation equipped. Form ID 000D4FC2.
    1. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,569 kudos
      Gotcha. Thanks for the report. :)

      Edit: Uploaded a new version which (hopefully) fixes it.
  4. rsc587
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Thank you so much for making this! I haven't played Skyrim in awhile because I've been achievement hunting in Fallout New Vegas and then playing Fallout 3 because of nostalgia but I can't believe I've just found out about this mod. I've always wanted to intimidate that Whiterun gate guard at the beginning of the game but was severely disappointed when it became clear that it was basically scripted to fail.
  5. GratuitousLurking
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So, wait, it wasn't just some sort of weirdness regarding speechcraft checks and player levels that made them always pass, it was also because the game was rigged from the start? No wonder speech checks always felt useless! I thought it was bad coding but apparently it was also maliciously designed like that!
    1. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,569 kudos
      Well, not all speech checks are like that. But some of them were, indeed.
  6. pw508
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    By the way, what mod is that in the screenshot? It looks like the Whiterun guard is stopping the player from entry into the city and I've always wanted something like that.
    1. Sceadugengan
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      That's included in the default game.
      Once you arrive at Whiterun for the first time after escaping from Helgen the guards stop and question you.
      Look at the dialogue in the screenshot more closely.

      Over on LoversLab there's a mod that adds guards to some key locations on the roads that do something similar.
    2. pw508
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Ohh okay thanks. I guess it's been so long since I've played without Skyrim Unbound I don't even remember how things started. Much obliged!
    3. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,569 kudos
      @Sceadugengan Yes, that is correct.
    4. GratuitousLurking
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      As someone that uses Live Another Life, it also may depend on the timing. Arriving at Whiterun prior to Unbound (aka acquiring by going into the Helgen vicinity) will have the gates unlocked as well and things as normal until the main quest begins.
  7. PrancinShowPony
    • member
    • 21 kudos
    I like this. It reminds me of how speech checks work in Fallout New Vegas.
    1. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,569 kudos
      +1 for noticing.
  8. GuardianofLight137
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Is it even POSSIBLE to intimidate that whiterun gateguard in particular? Cause even when I cheat to max everything out it still failed for me.
    1. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,569 kudos
      In Vanilla, that particular check will always fail. However, I added an option for it to succeed in this mod.

      I have also "fixed" the following lines to function as proper speechcraft checks:

      - Asking Mirabelle about the Augur. (always succeeded -> changed to Apprentice, added new info topic for failure)

      - Dialogue in Cicero's broken wheel quest, both on Lorius and the roadside guard. (always succeeded -> changed all of them to Apprentice and added info topics for failure)

      - Brother Verulus in Markarth Understone Keep: when asking if you could help him out with the Hall of the Dead. (always succeeded, changed to Apprentice and added info topic for failure)

      - The 3 captives in the shack with Astrid at the first Dark Brotherhood quest. (always succeeded, changed to Adept and added info topics for failure)

      - When first arriving at the Whiterun gates, the Intimidate check always failed. I added an info topic to make it able to succeed.

      - Same with the bribe there, always succeeded. I added an option for it to fail.

      - Also Persuasion there always succeeded. I added an info topic for failure.

      - Persuading the blacksmith in Falkreath to get something in return for looking for his dog always succeeded. I added an option for it to fail. (Apprentice) This one also didn't have the correct script properties for a proper persuasion check, so I fixed that. (there were some more of those, but I cannot recall from the top of my head.)

      - Persuading guard to overlook your crimes: The options to persuade would only appear when you had the correct level. Meaning that if they show up as option, they would always succeed. So I added an option for failure and made them always show up.

      - The "persuade dialogue" of the guards at the southern Riften gate (which ask you to go to northern gate). This one always fails. However, to make an option to succeed would mean redoing the entire Riften intro quest, as well as Brynjolf's dialogue, which is out of scope of this mod. So I just removed the (Persuade) tag.
  9. EnisUge
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    That is what i was looking for, great mod!
  10. ShawnDriscoll
    • member
    • 86 kudos
    Been waiting forever almost for a fix for persuade.
    1. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,569 kudos
      I hope you'll enjoy it.