Magnus as a dragon is immortal. Can’t find assistance in “never forgotten” because of that.
Line in the sand quest is stuck at get to the stable, Karolin isn't there from what i read in the comments as she's supposed to be there with to guards, i do have boats and lisa did spawn. I don't get any CTDs.
Im having trouble with 2 of the quests that seem to have gotten stuck.
for Creation and Destruction, it tells me to go to the garden wehere henrik is wounded. After I arrive, nothing happens. unless I attack one of the mages, then the Magnus dragon will spawn. but even after killing him, the objectives never proceed.
So while waiting for a way to continue that questline, I did tge Line in the Sand quest.
The pirates just attacked the island and it tells me to Go to the Stables. once there, the objective is marked as complete, and then doesnt proceed anymore after that. theres nothing happening around the stables no matter how long I wait. and If I ever get too close to the Psjic guards, I get an immediate CTD.
Or if not, they just stand still and nothing happens.
Any idea how to get around this to continue the quest?
hmm...alright ill check out the stop and start commands. I dont think I have any saves from right when I reached the island.
as for line in the sand, Karolin the Pillar is still on the other island cowering from magnus the dragon in one of the houses. I noticed the marker pointing to her and found it weird that the objective was on the other island.
I get a funny feeling these 2 quests were probably not supposed to be happening at the same time? -
for the CTD, its pretty much a general thing on either of the islands, but mostly on the bigger one.
Its usually around NPCs when there is some scripting going on. if there are no objectives and nothing is about to happen, I can usually walk about fine.
but if there is some acting or scene scripting about to happen, it starts crashing very often. -
I have been having the same issue about the magnus scene, though I don't have the problem with the other quest being done at the same time. I can't get the program to even recognize the stop and start commands, so I'm not sure if there are other parts I need to know about the command (I can't find any documentation on those commands either), or what. I do have one a save just prior to going to the island, and I've made sure that I've got that one set aside, but it's annoying me that I can't figure out how to get those commands to work.
Any advice? or further explanation on scene commands?
I found the solution I guess.
It all depends from which direction you enter the garden and you can go there in at least 3 ways and I did use the 2 first wrong ones.
1. Fast Travel to the Garden - Don't do it
2. Traveling on the left side to the garden?Don't do it
3. Travel on the lft side passing the mages - Do it.
The mages will talk to you, given you a comment and it seems that the only way to trigger cassendra is to first pass the mages.
I was so close now to set the quest stage manually to 90 but I thought, I give it one more try and the left path is a bit shorter, so I went that way instead and to my surprice; that was what was needed. -
For me karolin isn't there lisa did spawn.
I did the sqv thing but i have no idea what i am looking at. If your still supporting this on LE i'm stuck on the line in the sand quest and i can change stage but i like your build up and i would like to see the quest through thanks for the cool mod.
hello Pyromanius,
did a second playtrough with latest version and things are even worse...
The magnus quest = no problem
The Merlin quest = no problem
The pirates quest = no problem
I started with the first class (destruction) until the master trial (without issues),but after that when visiting the headmaster the graduation quest starts but the headmistress stays in her chair and the scene is not starting....
The Thirsty quest still has the same problem, i found Pal, but once again he is not responding.....
The courier still did not dissapear from Winterhold after delivering the message....
The Magnus/dragon skeleton on Artaeum did not dissapear after killing him.....
I'm ready now to head over to the Thalmor embassy and see for further developement...
Greetz -
Does anyone know have a list or how to get the quest IDs some of the college quests are broken for me.
I wanna play this but no one talks to me i tried starting up the quest manually and i have it im on the islands i can talk to the shop keepers but no quest npcs are giving me quest dialogue.
Any suggestions?
Solved by moving mod further up the load order. -
It's been a while since I was looking for a mod that develops the Psijic order, and I'd be happy to find it here, but from what I see, there are some things I don't understand.
I haven't tried this mod yet, but from the images it seems to me that there is something strange.
the island of Artaeum is part of the Summerset archipelago, right?
But if so, why does it seem to have the same environment as Skyrim?
The map of Tamriel, clearly shows that the Summerset islands, are found in the southern seas, far to the south. So how is it possible that there is the same climate and the same type of vegetation found in Skyrim?
In the various sites (even official ones) that talk about Lore and Tamriel's environments, it is quite clear that in the Summerset Islands (including Artaeum), there is a warm climate, with a bright sun, blue skies, no thunderstorms, and a buxom vegetation (lush trees and colorful flowers), very different from the sad conifers of Skyrim.
But the strangest thing I see in the preset images of this Mod are the houses and all the architectures in general.
I apologize, I don't want to seem polemical. I am genuinely interested in the Psijic order and would really like to play a run that concerns him directly.
this is why these questions arise spontaneously.
I'm not able to forget what I read about the Lore.
We know well, that the Summerset islands, are the ancient homeland of the Altmeri. These were the first to arrive in Tamriel and founded their civilization on the Summerset islands, when the human races were not yet there.
So how is it possible that they use the same architectonic style as the North of Skyrim?
As for the Psijic order, we know that it was founded by the Altmeri themselves right there, on the summerset islands and in that same distant epoch. So, why is it written in the text of this mod that Skyrim is the homeland of the PSijics, in which they want to return?
I could add other questions, which also concern Magnus, or even Auridon, but I don't want to insist.
I apologize again for these criticisms, but I hope they can be used to improve a job that seems interested in anyway.
P.S. it is also possible that I have misunderstood the contents of this mod, because from the presentation page, obviously, we understand little. If so, I would be happy if someone wanted to give me an explanation.
I apologize also for my English, but this is not my mother language.-
I appreciate your response, because it is very sincere and aware.
I also understand your objective difficulties.
My specific point is this:
After reading the Psijic story, in the official lore of Elder Scrols, I was fascinated. For this reason I started looking for a quest mod that allows to play respecting just that lore, because that lore is the thing that interests me.
However, your mod remains an admirable thing (considering also the difficulties that you yourself have said), even if it does not correspond to what I am looking for.
Thanks and good job.
Mod Organizer Classic gives this message when trying try install version 1.5: "None of the available installer plugins were able to handle that archive". I've never seen this problem before. Any ideas?
Sadly, I dont know if its something about this mod in particular, or the sheer connected size of all my mods with this, but whenever I try to load with this mod installed, it instantly crashes.
Was really looking forward to playing this, but after 3 hours of looking for the darn boat, I finally gave up. Just a suggestion, might want to either make it easier to find or give detailed directions on how to find it.
After reinstalling the mod, I found the boat. However I am having another issue. I followed your advice to start the mod and consoled in the messenger but he won't speak to me. If I go to the island, I get the quest to join and speak to the kajit, but he won't speak to me either. In fact no one on the island will.