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Preset and Sculpt by lerabones - Follower by mfeile1974Uploaded by
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Thank you for downloading Hela.
Hela is located at the Winterhold Frozen Hearth.
Height - .92
Weight - 30
Marriageable - Yes
Voice - Female Even Toned
Weapon - Spells and physical Nightsword as a last resort
Armor - Hela Outfit (Melodic)
Spells: Conjure Feralis, Eternal Flame, Flames of Valhalla, Healing, Heal Other, Spectral Nightsword
Pretty much everything magic related, light armor, lightfoot (She is the Goddess of Death afterall)
Requirement - HDT Physics is a must
Known Issues:
-Armor may clip in certain poses/positions.
-Slight Head/Body color mismatch on certain setups/ENBs.
-Normal HDT issues. (HDT Hair is inventory to use as you wish. HDT Cape only appears during battle to lower any HDT issues)
Permissions: You may not use any assets unless permission is granted by myself and all contributing asset authors.
Demoniac Skin
Melodic's Hela Outfit (
KS Hairdos
KS Hairdos with HDT by Dint999 (
HN66 Mage Nails
Skycutter (
Spell-FX Recolor Guide
Feralis - Dire Wolf Mount
Game of Thrones - Direwolf Followers
Mikan Eyes
Van Gogh's Eyes
HD Eye Normals
YevMods Makeup Pack
2K Lip Tints
Smile in HD
Raven's Warpaints
HDT Capes
Cloaks of Skyrim
DividedByThe9s (Tavira Script)
Skyrimonion (Script Assistance)
Reddit Community
Countless Wiki Guides
*If I forgot anyone please kindly remind me*
**Assets were not used from all above mentions but sometimes ideas/fixes were**
Special Thanks To:
Skyrim Mods & Modders (