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  1. tristan1974
    • supporter
    • 92 kudos
    Outdated, download this only if you plan on using older ENB versions (might work properly up to 0.119).
    For a newer version with much more features I recommend you to check out my new visual overhaul which comes with a complete weather/climate overhaul aswell.
    T.A.Z Visual Overhaul
  2. Andrewtak
    • BANNED
    • 7 kudos
    When will you release your other beta ENB?
  3. tristan1974
    • supporter
    • 92 kudos
    @strifnir : Hey, sorry for the late reply, you can use .113 or .114 if you wish, just paste the new dll into your skyrim folder and overwrite the old one, but keep the old enbseries.ini nebeffect and enbeffectprepass. The new .dll will add the new entries missing in the old enbseries.ini automaticaly as soon as you start skyrim.
  4. strifnir
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm really liking this ENB but I have a question. I read the notes and it recommended using the enb version .105 but that was way back for the earlier version of this enb. Is .105 still recommended or can you go higher to say, .113?
  5. tristan1974
    • supporter
    • 92 kudos
    @mtgAzim: Thanks for the feedback, I see if I can replicate the bug.
    My new config is basicaly finished now, I just need to fix some minor things, only problems is we're having extremely nice weather over here atm and I'm enjoing it as much as I can, so there's not much time left for Skyrim. Anyway I think I should be finished with it really soon (and I finally fixed the glowing water bug and some other stuff). And I'll pm you as soon as the file is up.
  6. mtgAzim
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    hey, I changed some stuff around with my tv settings, and my video card settings, for brightness and gamma and such, and I think I slightly remedied my brightness issue, so that could've just been on my end. But there persisted another issue with this enb that I forgot to mention. That issue being, distant mountains looked like there was something wrong with their textures, as well as some fort, and cave ceilings. Its like the textures were missing something, and they seemed less, or un-affectd by lighting. Now this problem wasn't always there, I first noticed it close to two months or so, after installing this, and it ceased when i switched. So maybe it was again on my end, or maybe I had a bad update or something, but, I'm just letting you know, in case there was a conflicting update or other mod, or whatever. And if you find the time, when you finish your new enb, shoot me a message, and I'll check it out immediately! I check your profile for a second upload frequently, but some days i forget, and i don't wanna miss it.
  7. Fidellfc
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    How do i disable the SSAO and mantain the DOF?

    Edit: Sorry, already found it. xD
  8. tristan1974
    • supporter
    • 92 kudos
    @mtgAzim: Sorry for the late reply and thanks for your suggestions
    My new config will make use of sharpening and more specular lighting (shiny things/reflective). Normaly I would have finished it a while ago but I had some trouble in rl. But now I can work on it again, shouldn't take too long to polish it.
  9. tristan1974
    • supporter
    • 92 kudos
    double post :/
  10. mtgAzim
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    glad to see you say you're gonna make a realism one, this enb v3.1 it still my favorite, but im not currently using it anymore. im using the realistic hope one. i had to make the change because this one is just soo dark, i had to use torches to get around the house, and even had to use them outside during the day to see in shadows and stuff. the realistic hope one, comes with a realistic lighting cofig. but its still a little too dark in the shadows and a little too bright in the sunlight, and also the torches are too dim, but they do seem to have further range. i like your dof better than his by far, but the dof in 3.1 was way better i think than 3.5, i liked going one mouse wheel click out and have my character in focus with the heavy dof from 3.1 in the back. made for great screens, and also your lens glint effects are wayy better than realistic hope imo. but what is really great about realistic hope, is that it has the image sharpening and also makes things shiny and reflective. i dont know how to make enb configs but if its possible, it would be great to see the shine and sharpening, with the 3.1 dof, and your lens glint effects, with your type of color palette, but a little brighter in the dark spots and at night. it would be very awesome imo.
  11. tristan1974
    • supporter
    • 92 kudos
    @KeviNOlighT/stalkerb1: Thanks, I'm glad you guys are liking it

    I'm currently working on new setup which will be my take on realism, I think I'll be uploading it in the next few days. I'll post a link in the description, because I will upload it as a separate file to prevent confusion.
    I guess I won't be making any updates on this config anymore as I think there is not much left to do, there are some bugs left, but most of them can't be fixed by me.
    And again thanks to all of you supporting this mod, I really appreciate it!