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About this mod

A retexturing of argonians with a dragon aesthetic.
This mod has been discontinued.

Permissions and credits
Drachis Argonians Mod

This mod is currently an older, discontinued version. A new version is in the works.

The Nexus community is completely free to take the files provided here and edit them for themselves, for compatibility with other mods, better textures, more variations, etc!!! If you do use any files I've provided, all I ask is a credit.

This mod retextures argonians to give them a more "dragon" aesthetic.

1/23/13: New Update! Mod is indefinitely postponed due to RL issues. The community is completely free to use what is available and edit it to their heart's content. Please credit me if you're using any files I've provided.
12/19/11: Type A Male is available for download. It still needs some touchups, but I'm satisfied (and fed up) with it enough for now. Expect some fixes to them along with updates on the female textures after Christmas. Enjoy!
12/16/11: So, I've been working diligently to get an update out soon, but I didn't want to put out something that I felt was too rushed or crappy. I've had a lot of ideas that I've posted pictures of, but later scrapped (some of them I'll return to in the future.)
My current goal is to get one completed base body texture available for download, and towards that end I've made my first face texture: http://skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=14762 All I need to do is mess around with the hands, feet and tail, and I'll have my first completed full-body retexture.
Thanks to all of you who have been watching the mod and waiting expectantly. My current deadline for the next update is 12/20/11, but I think I'll have the textures adequately done by this Sunday!
12/10/11: I've got decent enough OS maps to continue the project. I'm now working on scale textures.
12/9/11: It's finals week for me, but they'll only last to Wednesday, so I'm hoping to release another texture by Friday. If you're willing to help me learn about OS mapping in 3DS Max, feel free to reply in this thread: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/478145-object-space-normal-mapping/
12/4/11: I've gotten several requests for the Drachis model I've been showing in my screenshots, so it's now an optional save file. You'll start things off at the chopping block. Depending on what mods you have, the eyes may be different, but you can change anything using the "showracemenu" console command. You might also notice that sometimes his skin appears dark green, other times it appears gray. This is merely a trick of the lighting/shaders/etc. Saved games are usually stored in your "Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Saves" folder, not with your main Skyrim directory.

Coming soon...
- Retexturing of neck seams and stretches. (The female will take a lil' longer because it's a weirder stretch.)
- Retexturing of entire body with dragon scales.
- High-resolution reskin.
- Replacing dirt and complexion textures with alternate scale colors.

Q & A
Q: I love the concept, but the mod just sux right now. dudewthsrsly?
A: Check back later for updates.

Q: Can you make this a separate race, instead of replacing Argonians?
A: When the CK comes out, this mod will be available as both a replacer and an alternate race, along with a few NPC's added to Skyrim. They'll come complete with their own abilities and skill bonuses. No info yet on what those will ultimately be.

Q: I already have an argonian, but my eye color changed to something completely different?
A: To offer a broader variety of eyes, the colors no longer match up with the file names, and thus your eyes may have been awkwardly changed. Simply press the ` key to bring up the console, then type "showracemenu" to re-edit your character (press the ` key again to close the console and interact with the menu). Once Bethesda releases the Contruction Kit, I can properly resolve the issue and offer even more variety by using an .esp file.

Q: Is there a nude version?
A: The mod only changes textures, not meshes. You will need another mod to remove the clothing meshes. If you have a nude mod, this will simply change the skin. There are currently no compatibility versions available with specific nude mods at this moment.