About this mod
Travel to Midwood Isle, a small island home to the Sonmer, filled with quests and adventures in this DLC sized New Lands mod.
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"One day, Zahkris will rise again, built on the souls of fallen Mer, and he with the soul from Akatosh is the only one who can vanquish Zahkris forever. Should they fall, so will the land of Midwood Isle."
Travel to the home of the Sonmer, Midwood Isle, an island to the north-west, far outside of Tamriels border.
Discover about the Sonmer, their history and beliefs, as you face off against new enemies, solve puzzles, explore dungeons and more.
Please note: I have made the decision to suspend further work on this version of Midwood Isle. Any further updates will be exclusive to the Special Edition version of the game only. However, the mod is in a fully playable, complete state with no bugs, so should be considered complete. Updating the mod on two versions proves quite time consuming, so I hope you understand the reasons for this decision.

Midwood Isle is a new lands mod, which means it adds an entire new world to Skyrim, similar to the Dragonborn DLC.
Some features include:
- A beautiful new island, roughly the size of 2 Skyrim holds, and a "spirit world" version of the same size
- All NPCs fully voiced to a very high standard by a team of over 30 voice actors, with thousands of unique dialogue lines
- An 11 quest long main storyline
- 27 unique side quests, with some linking together in small storylines, and 2 miscellaneous quests
- An expansive Hearthfire-style house to purchase and build, with different room options and over 250 different building objects
- Two new unique shouts, nine new spells and a new enchantment
- New items, including eleven new custom weapons, three new custom armor sets, new jewellery models and hand written books
Midwood Isle has been extensively tested to ensure as smooth a playthrough as possible, and was designed to seamlessly fit in with the rest of the game.
As of version 3.0, the lag has been greatly improved. If you are still experiencing lag with the mod, please try the esp version (see patches below), as this has been reported to get rid of the lag.
If you are experiencing crashes, try swapping between the light/heavy versions. Some users have reported that fixes the issue.
Midwood Isle can be installed mid-playthrough - it does not need a new save game to play.
- However, if you are updating from a previous version to version 3.0, unfortunately you will require a new save game.
Background Lore
Midwood Isle focuses on the Sonmer and their homeland, Zahkris, and Erkaloth.
- The Sonmer are a relatively unknown race of Elves who live on Midwood Isle. Although the original meaning of the term "Sonmer" remains unknown, they are also referred to as Sun Elves, a name given to them by the races of Man due to their light skin and golden hair.
- Zahkris is a powerful Daedra who fancies himself the rightful god of the Sonmer people, but was banished to Oblivion a thousand years ago by a Sonmer hero.
- Erkaloth is the god-ancestor of the Sonmer, an Aedra who taught them their culture and created the spirit realm "Lastendell" as an afterlife for the Sonmer.
The lore around the Sonmer and Midwood Isle has been explained in detail through the use of loading screens and handwritten books, so to seamlessly integrate it into the world of Skyrim.
Midwood Isle requires Dawnguard, Dragonborn and Hearthfire!
If you would like to move your spouse and children to the custom house in Midwood Isle, you will require Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions, by TMPhoenix.
If you would like the option to play as a Sonmer, please check out my other mod, Playable Sun Elves.
- A compatibility patch for this exists in the files section (see below)
If you would like the custom armor separately, or the ability to craft it, check out Plated Leather Armor.
How to start
Upon completing the quest "The Way of the Voice" , a courier will deliver a letter to you the next time you travel to an appropriate location.
Alternatively, if you do not wish to wait for the courier, you can head straight to the Frozen Hearth in Winterhold to start the main quest. This still requires completion of "The Way of the Voice".
- If you would like a patch to remove this requirement, see below for a patch.
This mod does not have a level requirement, so can be played either immediately after completing the quest, or well into the high level endgame. However, a few of the main quest bosses have minimum levels, and so very low levelled players may struggle. Therefore I personally recommend playing at at least around level 20.

It is also fully navmeshed, and so should work fine with followers.
However, for obvious reasons, I did have to alter some cells slightly, but did not remove any references and only added them in. The altered cells are:
- Winterhold Frozen Hearth interior
- Pinepeak cavern interior
- (-16, 22), the southern most dock of the Solitude docks
- (-32, 34), which I believe is out of the border anyway, where I added a map marker
Additionally, you should not generate LOD for any of the world pages with DynDOLOD. Thanks to WiZkid, the LOD for both Midwood Isle and Lastendell worldspaces does not require DynDOLOD as it has been created specifically to allow perfect, detailed LOD, whereas the others are too small to really use LOD anyway.
I should mention that the custom house does not have LOD, like the Hearthfire houses. This is because of the different options to choose from. DynDOLOD may provide this feature.
Some users have mentioned that DynDOLOD and xEdit may flag some errors with the mod, due to 'missing script properties' and 'wild edits'. These are not anything to be concerned about - the 'wild edits' are intentionally placed and the script properties are also made that way for different objects to function properly.

All the below patches can be found under the "optional" section of the files page. The current list of patches includes:
- ESP Version (non-master)
- Use if you are experiencing lag with the main file, and are not worried about the reference cap
- Still requires the main file, simply also download this and overwrite it into your data folder. The loose scripts will take priority over the BSA.
- Allows for Sythin and Haknil to recognise you as a Sonmer at the start of the main questline, and for guards to refer to you as "kinsman".
- CBBE Plated Leather Robes
- Although it should fit most CBBE body types, it was designed and only tested for CBBE Curvy, so cannot guarantee it will fit exactly
- Alternative Solitude Ship Location
- For use with mods that conflict with the location of Haknil's ship, such as The Scarlett
- Reverts the changes to (-16, 22), and moves the ship to (-16, 23).
- Alternative Solitude Ship Location 2
- For use with mods that fully overhaul the Solitude docks, and is not compatible with the patch above
- No quest requirement patch
- The courier will now be sent when you reach level 10 and travel to a new location
- Please note that the mod will still reference you being the dragonborn through dialogue, so this may be immersion breaking

This mod was designed for easy installation.
Two versions exist, one with "heavier" textures (which are larger in file size), and one with "lighter textures" (so smaller in file size). The difference is minimal, and the esp is exactly the same in both versions so it is up to you.
You should also install the 3.06 hotfix - which fixes a small issue with a quest not progressing.
For those who use Vortex, simply download and install the mod.
For those installing the mod manually, simply place the contents of this mod into your Skyrim Data folder.
Midwood Isle can be installed mid-playthrough - it does not need a new save game to play.
- However, if you are updating from a previous version to version 3.0, unfortunately you will require a new save game.
Note: Uninstalling this mod on a saved game is not recommended! Only uninstall if you are starting a new game or if you have a saved game to roll back on before you installed this mod.
To uninstall using Vortex, uninstall as normal.
To manually uninstall, simply delete Midwood Isle.esp and Midwood Isle.bsa from your Skyrim Data folder.

The wiki page here should have enough information on all the quests. I've also included stages and the quest ID in the very rare case that you may need to advance them.
Is this mod lore friendly?
I would say so, yes. I've included a full history on the Sonmer, and their culture, and provided what reasons I could as to why they have never showed up in any in-games books. However, it is important to know this mod is not cannon, as the Sonmer and their land was made up by me for the purpose of my mods.
I'm experiencing a bug!
First, check that the issue is not due to any other mod you have downloaded. Although this shouldn't have any compatibility issues, some mods are not as clean as this and so may interact in ways I did not expect. You should not experience any major bugs, as I have fully tested everything and found it very smooth running, but if you do then please let me know and I will try to fix it.

Midwood Isle may be translated into another language without my permission, but please let me know once you have done so.
Midwood Isle may not be uploaded to any other site by anyone other than myself without permission (with the exceptions being translations).
Feel free to mod Midwood Isle, but be perfectly clear that I am the author.

I also want to give a special thank you to WiZkid, the author of Lanterns of Skyrim II and WIZKID Signs, for his huge work on update 2.40 and other later versions of the mod - including new improved textures and meshes, LOD, bobbing boats, floating tree/plants fixes and more! Also a big thank you to him for creating the headings used in this description!
Voice Acting Team
I would also like to thank my fantastic voice acting team, for their extremely hard and skilled work in voicing the mod:
- Aryassa – Taylor Pritchard
- Elysia – Emilie Crow
- Erissa – Olivia Raven
- Julianne – Nelnardis/Sharon Jane
- Liethl – Caitlyn Montgomery
- Nasmara – Caitlin Buckley
- Nesianna – Charlie Rowan
- Orisys – Caitlin Buckley
- Algal – Josh Niccum
- Amring – John Badgley
- Ancare – TGVoice
- Arniyn – Jacob Andrianos
- Assassin – Eric Jackson
- Bandit – Alex Martin Kay
- Camas – Eammon Leighton
- Captain Haknil – Johannes Envall
- Cirsar – Ryan Booth
- Clengo – Ryan Ivy
- Daelar – Ryan Booth
- Dangoth – Deveraux Polvorosa
- Daylas – Jacob Andrianos
- Dirdin – Nicholas Boisvert
- Drakus – Nicholas Boisvert
- Erkaloth – Heckle
- Falas – John Badgley
- Faldir – Ryan Booth
- Falith – Stephano Reijnders
- Gerradra – Rick Gjemso
- Godras – Dillon Christmas
- Gunmir – Heckle
- Isidro – SeriousVA
- Istlaf – Pedro Silva
- Lokan – David Young
- Lukas – Kyle Krespan
- Nedhel – Alex Martin Kay
- Niron – Ryen DeMark
- Raendir – John Badgley
- Renly – Dillon Christmas
- Rhaegar – Heckle
- Rithin – Brendan Knowles
- Rokav – Brendan Knowles
- Sythin – Josh Jaramillo
- Tamron – Stephano Reijnders
- Tavian – Rafael Del Valle Jr
- Thaneim – Voice of Voicers/Drethun Goettel
- The Tradesman - CBVoiceovers
- Thorond – Eric Jackson
- Tyrek – Ryan Ivy
- Untath – Scott Hawkins
- Velkir – David Young
- Vorir – Joseph Dilger
- Worshipper – Eric Jackson
- Zahkris – Voice of Voices/Drethun Goettel
Modders Resources
This mod uses a lot of modders resources. I would like to take the time to properly thank each one, and provide a link for the mod I have used.
- Markus Liberty for the Cyrodiil ship and boat resource
- Stroti and Tamira for the Treebench, Market stands and Old Cabin
- Saerileth for the Jewellery resources
- Oaristys for the Modders Resource Pack and The Witcher Pack
- Angilla for the Elder Statue
- Malo (Kalten1979) for the Malo Statues
- 747823 for the Weapons of the Third Era
- Hanaisse for the Blank roadsigns and Oblivion Gates
- Jokerine for the Misc Resources
- Phitt and Tamira the Morrowind style Lanterns and Daedric and Velothi tileset
- Minermanb for posting the Daedric and Velothi tileset by Phitt
- Kanra for the Rabbit
- Gendundrup for the Creature Resource
- Tamira for the Assorted Resources
- Faelrin for the Brown Guard Armor
- Imperial Society for the Ayleid Ruins kit
- Jebbalon for the Hanged Man script
- Billyro for the Sarta - Leather strapped sword, Velothi Warscythe and Belsky swords
- Caliente for the BodySlide and Outfit Studio used to create the custom armor
- PhilSchmidheiny for the Ornate Steel Plate Armor texture
- Mihail for the Deer Expansion - Elements of Skyrim, Scamps and Banekins and Bone colossus
- Bellyache for the Animals and Creature pack
- Vicn for the Creature pack
- Sclerocephalus for the Farmhouse resource
- Lati100 for the Lava textures
- InsanitySorrow for the Glass bow and Celtic Katana
- WasBunny for the Ritual Armor of Boethiah
- WiZkid for the retextures of some of the resources I used
Finally, I would like to provide proper credits for the two music tracks I used for the mod:
Oblivion Exploration Music by The Fiechters.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPMgysxtBS8
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DerekBrandonFiechter
Lastendell Exploration Music by Whitesand - Legend of the King.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntGWv8F_ccM
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe96JG5gdgSRtmqStx0isXA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/martynlaur
Twitter: https://goo.gl/otEqJC
Instagram: https://goo.gl/JN3LUb (@martynas_lau)
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/martynaslau
Website: http://martynlaur.com/
I do not charge or expect to be paid or receive donations for my mods. However, I am putting my paypal on here anyway in case anyone wishes to send a donation to thank me for my work. It would also encourage me greatly to improve the mod and add new content.
About me
Hi, thought I'd stick this as the end, partly to vent about how annoying making this mod was, and what it started off as.
So, I made my first mod, Playable Sun Elves, way back in 2013, when I was 14 years old (yeah, I know). I immediately loved the creation kit, and set my eyes on creating a New lands mod for them to live, Midwood Isle. I was actually somewhat frustrated with current new lands mods, and arrogant me thought I could do a better job (I definitely couldn't), or at least a mod that I wouldn't have any major problems with. I wanted a mod that felt like it belonged in Skyrim, with quests that weren't too different to the style I had grown to love. I wanted everything to be tied up nicely, and not players block players from certain areas or doing certain things.
I was obviously a huge beginner to the creation kit, and my patience wasn't my strong suit, so I worked on it for a few months and then sort of abandoned it in the documents folder for a long time.
I kept coming back to it for a short time, then after a while getting bored and leaving it again, often for months at a time (with the breaks being significantly longer than the actual work period).
I had to basically restart the mod multiple times, when I realised how bad my previous work was, and kept having to redo bits, or deciding to further add content or change things up.
Basically, it took a very long while, and in all honestly I didn't think I'd ever get it finished.
At the age of 20 (whilst studying medicine at university), I didn't have a lot of time on my hands. However, I always wanted to finish this mod, and so over 2019 decided to knuckle down and finally finish it. It actually didn't take very long at all, but I was working on it most of the hours in the day (as I've got nothing better to do), and all I really had to finish was a bit of landscaping and the main quests.
That said, I still ran into a lot of trouble and it took longer than anticipated, especially towards the end where I had to try and fix bugs.
I was extremely proud that I managed to complete the mod, and shelved this as a completed project.
Fast forward to now, a couple years later, I'm 22 years old, I was brought back because there was always a few things bugging me about the 2.70 version. It took a long few months, but I came up with a big update (3.0) which I can now say I am so proud of. This was always something of a life goal for me and so it feels incredible to say I have done it.
In all honesty, I don't think I'll complete any more work on this mod. I do not plan on adding any new content, partly because there's quite a lot already, and so all I have planned is bug fixes. The mod is considered complete by me, so all that's left to do is play it!
I know this mod is not the best out there, but I like to think that I've done a good job. I have no prior experience in coding or anything like this, and worked on it all by myself, having to teach myself as I went using video tutorials and the creation kit wiki.
But anyway, If you've read this far, thanks, and I hope you enjoy the mod! If at least one person on here enjoys it then I'll be pleased, as my time wouldn't have been a total waste. Please keep it cool in the co.mments, if you have any problems just let me know and I can do what I can to try and sort them.