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  1. stingray1995
    • member
    • 13 kudos

    I see this a lot.

    So how's it really supposed to be spelled for Skyrim to register it? 'Freckle' or 'Frekle'?
    1. nicostein
      • premium
      • 124 kudos
      "Frekle" is just how it is in Skyrim's file system, for whatever reason.
    2. stingray1995
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      "for whatever reason."

      that must be another prime example of bethesda's reasoning - something I will never fully comprehend, even after years of installing mods to their games.
    3. AndersWasRight
      • supporter
      • 30 kudos
      What do you expect from people who called mana "magicka"
  2. Kulharin
    • premium
    • 688 kudos
    So this would pair ok with Xenius or HMB?
    1. nicostein
      • premium
      • 124 kudos
      Yes, as long as you let it overwrite Xenius or HMB.
  3. ljty7
    • premium
    • 391 kudos
    i use photoshop to check your compressed version
    the compressed version don't have alpha channel,but your uncompressed version have alpha channel
    i guess maybe that is the reason why your compressed version would cause the neckseam
    1. nicostein
      • premium
      • 124 kudos
      I didn't add alpha to any of them (not even the source files, or any of the SE versions) as far as I know. I just checked them all again in Photoshop and don't see any alpha channels.

      To be thorough, I just tried adding blank alpha channels and then compressing them with those alphas, but that doesn't fix the neck seam either. It looks the same as without the alpha channel. I think it's just an issue with the lossy compression format.

      But now I'm curious, what method did you use to identify alpha channels?
    2. ljty7
      • premium
      • 391 kudos
      sorry for my bad english

      i guess you can't see the alpha channels because you have your "Intel Texture Works plugin" turnning on
      i only use this intel plugin when i need to edit the bc7 format file.
      one day i use the photoshop to open the facetint file,all of them i can't see the alpha channel,that is really weired. finally i know that is the intel plugin.

      in the uncompressed version , maleheaddetail_rough01maleheadheaddetail_rough02 don't have alpha channel
      the maleheaddetail40maleheaddetail40rough maleheaddetail50 have alpha channel

      in the compressed version ,all of them dont have alpha channel
    3. nicostein
      • premium
      • 124 kudos
      This is what I see:
      Are you saying that when you open them, there's an extra channel on the right side?
    4. ljty7
      • premium
      • 391 kudos
      yes,there are 5 channel
    5. ljty7
      • premium
      • 391 kudos
      you can try openning the facetint file, i guess you can't see the alpha channel neither
    6. nicostein
      • premium
      • 124 kudos
      I don't see alpha on facetints. But I can do see alpha on eyes and some normalmaps and other files.

      But just to try it, adding alpha to all of them did not fix anything. I think I'll just make the uncompressed version the main file and hide the compressed version with the neck seams (unless I find a way to fix it later).
  4. swiggitywashere
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    Hey, so I have a potentially dumb question. I previewed the contents of the file for female characters and saw 5 options, but in game there can only be four by default + none. What was the extra .dds for if you don't mind me asking?
    1. nicostein
      • premium
      • 124 kudos
      It's a good question. I honestly don't know if it's used anywhere either. It's not there by default, but I decided to remake it anyway just in case some random NPCs use it or maybe some other mods unlock it. Basically, just being thorough. :/
  5. lefttounge
    • supporter
    • 229 kudos
    what was updated?
    Were you able to add in slightly more noticable wrinkled so they dont blend in as much?

    Also sorry for the huge delay, I finally managed to get those pics--
    here you'll see that the wrinkles are there, but its just not very impactful, and was wondering if you could either adjust the wrinkles to slightly be noticeable, or make a more noticeable version?


    Also I am using leyando skin
  6. ljty7
    • premium
    • 391 kudos
    thank you for your great work.
    it make the face looks more realistic.
  7. RedFurryDemon
    • supporter
    • 69 kudos
    Thank you so much for this mod! Anything to make Skyrim characters look more realistic...
  8. cuyima
    • premium
    • 419 kudos
    I'd recommend uploading an uncompressed version for LE. Unfortunately, compressing complexions in anything other than BC7 will cause a slight shift in color that leads to neck seams. BC1 and BC3 are also causing really bad compression artifacts, which kinda ruin these otherwise great textures.
    1. nicostein
      • premium
      • 124 kudos
      Done, and thanks. I really should have done that from the beginning. :)
    2. cuyima
      • premium
      • 419 kudos
      Awesome, thanks a ton :)
  9. PicnikSky
    • supporter
    • 58 kudos
    They look so subtle and natural, especially the wrinkles, nice work :) could you port your hair colors mod as well?
    1. lefttounge
      • supporter
      • 229 kudos
      Thank goodness somebody finally did this mod :)
    2. nicostein
      • premium
      • 124 kudos
      I don't have LE installed, so I can't do anything that involves editing records. Someone else would have to do it, and the permissions allow it.
    3. lefttounge
      • supporter
      • 229 kudos
      My only suggestions is that the subtle changes are nice, but they kinda seem a tad bit too subtle, in whre is kinda hard to tell what's changed.
      I do see the less intense wrinkles, but would it possible to make them a little bit more noticable?
      Also does this make my elfs faces ridged? My dark elf has some noticable lines
    4. PicnikSky
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      Oh, i understand, i don't have experience with records either so i hope someone can port it.
      Lefttounge, this mod doesn't modify head normal maps so it can't give ridges to your elves, you have to see what mod you have installed that modifies the texture "femalehead_msn" which is in "textures/actors/character/darkelffemale. If you use Ethereal Elven Overhaul, that could be a mod that gives ridges to your elf.
    5. nicostein
      • premium
      • 124 kudos
      lefttounge, mind sending me a few screenshots of the complexions (and one of the blank/clean complexion)?
      Also, PicnickSky is correct about those ridges.
    6. lefttounge
      • supporter
      • 229 kudos
      Sure I can do that after I get off work
      Yeah my face is getting the wrinkles, but its like too subtle

      Also I will try and install a smoother elven face from mod
    7. lefttounge
      • supporter
      • 229 kudos
      Edit: i've just been really busy and havent been able to take any pics, if somebody else could od it, that would be fine too
    8. nicostein
      • premium
      • 124 kudos
      It's cool, no rush.
  10. Skybroom
    • supporter
    • 81 kudos
    You guys would have done an even more great job if you were not only making replacers for those mere 5 overlays, but extended facegen possibilities by adding more complexion sets available for race menu character customization.
    And would you please, add a version of freckles with no roughness?