The sword and the design looks good, but I think the grip is way too long for a Greatsword, would be nice with a little shorter grip, the grip is so long that it almost look like a spear, glaive or like those swordspears from DS3.
Sword looks cool, though it also looks like a claymore being swung whitout being drawn from the scabbard. It's crazy detailed but also crazy thick (not wide, thick), so it looks like it is actually a blade inside a scabbard being swung around.
This sword looks cool. I hate to be the one to mention it, and I don't know if you can/want to change it, but "Indifference" has 2 "f"s, not 1 :p (I assume that is what the sword is supposed to say)
Is there anyway to get a less shiny/glossy/reflective version?
I've learned a lot since these first weapons so I might revisit them in the future and reign them in from my earlier attempts. (No promises though)