It's an AMAZING mod i would like to point out first, but when combined with Northern Roads there are minor issues with floor height that cause the player to stuck on the added stone\brick paths on the road. I'm too dumb to make a patch for the issue but let me know when one shows up.
Yes, look at all that English Ivy! Now you need some Privet and Honeysuckle. I'm going with invasive plant species destroying the ecosystem as the reason for Skyrim's apocalypse. Damn faithless Imperials and their exotic imports!
I don't think so, as the buildings are destroyed and I wasn't aware of this mod at the time. If you are able to disable Riverwood vendors it will work fine.
Should be quite easy to do. iirc I did test it with Northern Roads and it worked well. I have placed paved stones on the vanilla road area, so they may appear to slightly float. Other than that i worked well.
If you do make a patch, feel free to send it / DM me here, and I'll add it as an optional file :)
This is great, I hope to see more like this. Riverwood and so many of the other ruins in Shattered are so... empty. No broken furniture, no beds, no sign that anybody ever lived there. It's good to have at least something that looks like people used to live there.
Also, the spiders and the cellar are a really nice touch.
@Reper343 No, Shattered doesn't require the CC stuff. It works fine on versions that don't have it. All it needs is the Unofficial Patch, including the one for the old 1.5.97 version of SSE.
If you do make a patch, feel free to send it / DM me here, and I'll add it as an optional file :)
Also, the spiders and the cellar are a really nice touch.