Free weapons commission; only fantasy weapons, Dwemer included, that I will upload on the Nexus. But you must subscribe to my YouTube channel, follow me on Twitter and Twitch, and share the contest with three of your friends. Once the giveaway ends, I will livestream the brainstorming session with the winner, showcasing the live conversation and providing proof that you have completed all the required actions. I will do a giveaway each month from now on. More info on my Discord ( is in the announcement section!
Absolutely love the book cover reworks you're doing, man. But word to the wise, the new covers aren't visible on the bookshelves in the Legacy of the Dragonborn library. Might want to patch that at some point.
Nice book mods! Could it be, that one of the .nifs in this one has a slight texture displacement or something? The one in clutter->books (non animated). At least it looks off in the Preview. The one in book02->character assets looks fine.
And check out my previous mod:
Could it be, that one of the .nifs in this one has a slight texture displacement or something? The one in clutter->books (non animated). At least it looks off in the Preview. The one in book02->character assets looks fine.