About this mod
Now Magic can sprint attack and even more can do like the art of sword drawing.
- Requirements
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Open Animation Replacer
Dynamic Key Action Framework NG
Payload Interpreter
Behavior Data Injector
Expansion of Staff Behavior-New Staff School Act 2- Duet
Dont forget tick up the "Mag Sprint Equip Attack" Option and Run Nemesis
(If you face any problems installing nemesis
Please try to delete the old output of nemesis and re-install Nemesis
In order to ensure that the old output of nemesis has been deleted cleanly
If using MO
Go to the execution in the upper right corner of the MO interface
and look for Explore virtual folder to execute.
Check to see if your entire virtual data tree still contains old data including nemesis.)
New Magic Behavior:(Attack with precision will have damage)
Magic Sprint Equip Attack:
Now when you have Spell equipped in your right hand, sprint and press the draw button R or the attack button, can attack and then take out and draw the spell
Magic Sprint Attack:
Now the same as melee Sprint Attack ,Magic can use Sprint Attack too
Staff Sprint Equip Attack:
Now when you have Staff equipped in your right hand, sprint and press the draw button R or the attack button, can attack and then take out and draw the Staff.
Staff Sprint Attack:
Now the same as melee Sprint Attack, Staff can use Sprint attack too
Attack with payload magic Introduction:
All magic effect can be editable, you can go to SKSE\PayloadInterpreter\Config\MagSprintEquipAtk.inito replace what you wan
Mag Equip Attack:
Magic Sprint Equip Attack 's Magic Effect will weaken the enemy for 20 seconds and stagger the enemy.
Mag Sprint Attack:
The magic Sprint attack will release Magic Bullet.
Staff Equip Attack:
Magic Sprint Equip Attack 's Magic Effect will weaken the enemy for 20 seconds and have a chance to bounce the enemy.
Staff Sprint Attack:
Will with electric and cause the enemy to produce a special paralysis stagger animation.

If you think my mod give you a little fun,
or you are interested to know the progress of my work.
Welcome to visit my Patreon
Of course, if you are willing to support my interest, I will be very grateful.
My other Mod: