Not sure if it's a me issue but the gauntlets are missing for the HIMBO version, if it is a me issue, please tell me where I may have gone wrong.
I think you're right. The HIMBO gauntlets are assigned in the .NIF to the slot 34 forearms partition. This does not match the plugin records in the Xtudio 1FlutedArmor.esl. The original and the Xtudio plugin only calls for slot 33 on the gauntlets.
having the same issue
yeah the gauntlet is invisible
Possible for you to add HDT-SMP using this? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106791?tab=posts
can we get cbbe?
esp makes my lil khajiit pheet disappear :(
dang, I tried using just the main mod and xtudo's fixes and it was fine, but as soon as I installed the esp from this they're invisible. made sure to check before installing the esp before the 3BA patch
yeah, the first time I ran them then launched the game and noticed it, which is when I deleted both the 3BA and this esp to check if it was the fix from xtudo or the base mod, but the invisible feet only occurred after installing the esp
Just tried the main mod by it's lonesome as well, no invisible pheets from just the main mod alone either -
I'm using just the esp file, not the bhunp one though, since I use 3BA I can try running it again but I'm not sure what's going on with my end lol
unless i'm just an idiot and understood it wrong, still needing to install both the esp AND bhunp files...
tbh now i'm even more confused because the boots/feet are invisible for every race, I just tried the armour on a human race and it's invisible too. the way my load order with the mod is
fluted armor
xtudo fixes
3ba file
esp for weights
I've got no idea what's causing it now that I see it's all races. But it is likely something on my end I just don't know what -
Tried this on a Breton. Feet missing for me too, in the 3BA version. I have all the same mods as Renabeans. When I run the outfit through bodyslide, I can see the boots. They just won't show up in the game. Guess I'll have to throw some Northern Boots on in the meantime.
I think this is my bad sorry guys. 4thunknown forgot to change the boots from M to F on the armoraddon for his original esp so as a result my conversion which uses BootsF_1.nif won't show up ingame. I'm looking at fixing it now so I'll either provide an esp that just does the same thing with the change for the 3ba conversion or I can redo the boots with the correct mesh.
Thanks for the fixing the esp file. Can see the boots in the game now.
Does this require the body mods if I just want the armor to be weighted with vanilla body?
Thanks for all these conversions :)
fantastic can you make one for yaldabaoth if you have the time
The load order is
Fluted Armor
Fluted Armor xTudo's patch
This patch
right? -
Compatible with Nolvus?