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Nightfallstorm and Alandtse

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  1. Nightfallstorm
    • premium
    • 562 kudos
    FAQ: https://github.com/Nightfallstorm/SkyrimVRESL/wiki/FAQ

    Various tools have or are being updated for ESL support. Check them here: https://github.com/Nightfallstorm/SkyrimVRESL/wiki/Modding-Tools-status
  2. Pickysaurus
    • Community Manager
    • 736 kudos
    Hey Nightfall,

    This is an awesome mod.

    Vortex has been updated to both show light plugins in the load order table and prompt the user to install this mod (if they don't have it already). 

  3. Locked
    2  files conflicting with SKSEVR and  skyrim vr esl
    game.pex and game psc, any suggestion what  to load first, could not find a thing to it.
    1. alandtse
      • premium
      • 342 kudos
      Overwrite SKSE. Our files are newer.
  4. zorbon1
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
  5. tfkillzone
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    I'm getting CTD's on fresh save loads and I'm pretty sure it's this mod. I just started a new save, made a basic character in the Realm of Lorkhan, then turned around and saved the game. On an attempted load, either immediately after saving or from the main menu, I get a CTD. Crashlogger isn't any help either, I'm not seeing any logs from that. I do have a papyrus log: https://pastebin.com/ic84K0Mt

    I'm not even over the plugin limit without this, I just wanted to have it included just in case I needed it at some point.

    EDIT: actually, I think I have to go through my load order to see whether some recently-added mods require this because the game is not loading once I get my full load order activated unless I've also got this active. Argh.

    Would playing in VR on linux with this have anything to do with the CTD's?
    1. MAVRI123123
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Hi, did you figure it out? What is your load order? If you have sos it does that ( for me anyways) don`t know why! 
      And what Mod Manager are you using i recommend Mod Organizer. And try to use Crash logger for vr it might help much more than papyrus log.
    2. tfkillzone
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      .... which SOS? I do not have that SOS, no. I'm using Mod Organizer. Also, I've stopped trying to use the VR ESL support for now, but I do have Crash Logger and if I recall correctly Crash Logger wasn't even creating logs for these CTDs. So, no, I have not figured it out haha.

      My load order is: https://pastebin.com/V335X76z
  6. drago1uk2000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Synthebd tries to use old racemenu but this mod somehow changes that, resulting in a ctd.

    Also unrelated to synthebd since i removed it from my game, I got this https://pastebin.com/2X2qwf5y it keeps happening, its multiple times now where it gives me a failing module of skyrimvresl.dll in event viewer which causes my headset to disconnect
  7. kekzoomTRZ
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Hello there, I just wanted to check something real fast. Most of the people in this thread are having issues mostly concerning either ctd crashes or save and load errors.
    However in my case I have a different problem and I wanted to check if anyone else has come across it.

    I'm using the newest vortex beta, skse 2.012, set up the vr engine fixes, and address library like the description said.

    When I save a game I can load it no problem as long as I'm using mods compatible with esl vr support. But here's the weird part. It only saves the vanilla assets of the game. My mods are still loaded but anything I did with them gets reset when I load game even though anything vanilla works as intended.

    Like I can grab a few mod followers and weapons then travel to Whiterun. When I load game I'm in Whiterun but my followers are back to being not recruited yet and back at their original locations and my weapon is now gone and I have to get it again. Oh and here's the funny one. If I'm in a mod location then load. I load at sleeping giant inn kinda like what it does when you go over your esp limit, but that couldn't be the case because I can access all my mods in game still. They just don't save for some reason.
    1. theendlessone
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I had the same problem when I added ESL support, all my mods started getting added on the top left and some stuff missing from inventory, all my followers were gone and not where I left them. If you find a solution to this problem or anyone else please reply here so I know also
  8. Vidraino
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Tried adding a mod to MO2 and got this error when attempting to launch. Any ideas?
    SKSE/Trampoline.h(244): Displacement is out of range. 
    The failed plugins are: • papyrusutil plugin version 2 (PapyrusUtil.dll, SexLabFrameworkSE_v) reported as incompatible during query.
    1. luchery06
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      got the same error, have you found a solution?
  9. SanityFlippers
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Didn't have this installed then when i did a loot sort, about 60 mods (figuratively speaking) said i needed this lol.... i have around 100 or so mods installed lol!

    probably explains why game was doodo at times.
  10. dagox
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It works but I have a problem with followers. When I go between locations the followers gets a crazy ragdol (like a breakdance but without joints) then CTD occurs. Without VR ESL Support this doesn't happen, does anyone know what can be done about it?
  11. TurboPaladin
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I have question: do i need papyrusutil patch if my game dont have crashes related to it? I dont want to start new save only for this...
  12. quietlychamil
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Been having some issues with ESL mods and I think I may have narrowed it down to improperly compacted ESL mods as my best guess.

    Some mods, such as Dragons Use Thumm have formids that start below 800 such as "DragonFlameWaveShout "Flame Wave" [SHOU:FE08B001]".  In my game, the form id for Dragons Use Thumm is FE08B which means the starting form id should be FE08B800, I think, and that's what xedit wants to do.  If I try to copy this shout to another esp to make a patch it will glitch out and give me the formid of 00000001, which is a door object.  In all of my 1000 plugins, only a very tiny fraction use formids below 800 and the vast majority start at 800.

    I have no idea if I'm right about any of this but I think VR ESL is perfectly fine but ESL/ESPFE mods themselves can be problematic.
  13. ErockSmiles
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Holy S4!7!!!! I thought I'd never see the day! Daaaaanngggg, Please do Fallout 4 VR next! Plleeeaassse!!
    1. ntblood
      • member
      • 41 kudos
      2nd this request for FO4VR ESL support : )