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Hug LeFuer

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Assassins clothes less remarquable for roleplay

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Thieves don't wear uniform 

Roleplaying an assassin with an fancy uniform is not a easy task. Guards, childrens and chickens know who you are....
Now you can be invisible in the crowd with more common Dark Brotherhood outfits and armors.
In game, DB armors can't be disenchant (and I want to keep this........assassins are not enchanters)

Use your armor part  at the tanning rack to create  a instruction.
With this instruction, you can build new  clothes and armor, and the original armor too.
Works for basic outfit, shrouded armor and ancient shrouded armor.

4 clothes : wench, farm, monk and fine ; craft at tanning rack, except wench circlet
3 armors : hide, legion and stormcloak ; craft at forge
1 ancient armor : hide ; craft at forge

No armor or clothes added, it's using vanilla outfit/your outfit

And 3 custom outfit if you want to use armors and clothes from other mods, or if you need a special armor for roleplay.
1 for cloth, 1 for shrouded armor, and one for ancient shrouded armor.
You have "just" to change the armor in :
Skyrim Special Edition / Data / Meshes/ CasualDB / Robe(for cloth) or Armor or ArmorSP (for ancient armor) / F or M (for female or male, obviously)
The armor use the "classical Skyrim part" (32 for body....), it can be tricky/impossible  to use this with some exotic armor. Work well with Immersive Armors.

And if you don't understand what I say, it's totally optional, you can play as you want with vanilla outfit, it won't break your game.