For ease of sourcing, may I request a tracklist? There are a few pieces I want to listen to out-of-game, and I having difficulty finding them.
v6 LOTD dropped does this need updating Xtude?
Hey Xtude will this be compatible with Hall of Wonders (CC display room) I had another music replacer for LoTD (no longer have it) and it reqired a patch for it ; w ;
This is a mod I didn't even know I NEEDED until I added it. It is so pleasant to have fresh music play in the museum, this will always be in my load order!! Thank you.
Endorsed. -
will this conflict with the mod Personalized Music? I use that to add all of eso's music into skyrim where I felt it was needed, so i think because this is just for the museum it would work just fine. I just remember the mod author of personalized music saying any other music mod causes conflicts and tracks will not play, so I want to be sure.
If I already have another music replacer mod for LoTD, will your non-replacer version work alongside it?
This is a great mod, I really enjoy hearing new music in Skyrim.
LOVE this!
Thank you so much! I was hoping for something just like this for a long time, namely a standalone addition to add more tracks. Ziegler's music is some of my favourite to listen to in general, seeing him on more lists is always a joy for me. Excited to hear the others, too! Perfect addition to this wonderful mod. :D
any chance of a non replacer version? i love the existing music for LotD, but i'd love more variety too