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About this mod

Equip and cast ANY spell as a shout.

Permissions and credits
This is a simple SKSE mod allowing you to turn any hand-equipped spell into a shout, including custom spells from other mods.

The goal of this mod is to provide a way to cast spells while leaving your hands free.

This mod is extremely similar to Cast Spells As Lesser Powers in terms of features. The main notable difference is that that mod was implemented in Papyrus, whereas this mod ships as a SKSE DLL. If you're already using Cast Spells As Lesser Powers and are happy with it, there's probably no need to switch.


  • Spell power, magicka cost, and XP work as you'd expect.
  • Animations and sounds.
  • Easy to use.
  • Safe to install/uninstall mid-playthrough.

Getting Started

To convert a spell to a shout: Equip the spell to your right hand, then press Shift + =.

To delete a spell shout: Equip the shout, then press Shift + -.

(Key bindings can be changed in EquipSpellsAsShouts.json. Gamepad is supported.)

Additional usage details:

  • You can have up to 30 spell shouts.
  • Bound weapon spells: Cast the level 1 shout to equip to your right hand, and cast either the level 2 or 3 shout to equip to your left.
  • By default, ritual spells cannot be converted to shouts (the lack of startup delay makes them kind of OP), but you can enable this feature in EquipSpellsAsShouts.json.

Video demo (make sure to enable captions):

Other Notes

  • When you're in thirdperson and sheathed, aimed shouts may be off from your crosshair. Unsheathing or switching to firstperson should fix this.
  • Spell shouts are subject to cooldowns from other shouts (since spell shouts are bona fide shouts).
  • Custom per-spell-shout animations are possible with Open Animation Replacer. The Miscellaneous files section of this mod contains an example you can reference. It doesn't include actual animations though, you'll need to get those separately.


  • Does not support simulating dual casting.
  • Partially incompatible with Path of Sorcery: Using that mod will cause concentration spell shouts to auto-cancel after half a second.


If things don't work as expected, check logs for anything suspicious.

  • In EquipSpellsAsShouts.json, set "log_level" to "trace".
  • Launch Skyrim, replicate your issue.
  • Inspect the contents of Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition/SKSE/EquipSpellsAsShouts.log

